reticent | 英語勉強の軌跡とかなんとか





  • 無口な、寡黙なという意味です。ゲームをしていると寡黙なキャラはよく出てくるため、この単語はよく見かけます。無口なクールキャラはreticentの単語を使うことができます。他にはreserved, taciturnなどです。
  • inclined to be silent or uncommunicative in speech RESERVED
  • restrained in expression, presentation, or appearance
    • Despite his achievements, he was reticent about his success, preferring to let his work speak for itself.
    • She remained reticent during the meeting, only offering her opinion when directly asked.




崩壊スターレイルのAnimated Shortを見てたら出てきましたので記事を書きました。



The remembrance is no different than the sea. Never gaze upon its surface on a starless night. 


Black Swan: Waiting for someone? 


Acheron: ... 


Black Swan: Then... how about a dance?


My gaze has lingered on her for quite a while, and tonight I initiate our first engagement. A "Galaxy Ranger". As mysterious as the rumors suggest. A blend of nobility and reticence. Yet, in this nocturnal hunt, the Ranger is not the only one who hunts. At this distance, you're more enchanting than you seem. Without a doubt, she seeks the Watchmaker's legacy. In this game, everyone lies, but memories do not. Hmm. Just keeps on getting better, doesn't it? Everyone has a past, and the past shapes the present. Some people hold onto memories, while others are haunted by them, unable to escape. That is why I took action. I want to know what she is. Many were drawn to this feast. The IPC, the Garden of Recollection, Fools, the Nameless, and ... the Annihilation Gang. They should have been present, but ... Duke Inferno is dead. He and his children won't be attending. What have you done, beautiful "Ranger"?


Acheron: Excuse me... Are you asking me? Who are ... the Annihilation Gang?


Black Swan: My gaze has lingered on her for quite a while, and tonight is our final engagement. A Galaxy Ranger? No. I've made a grave mistake. Everyone has a past. But, for some, their past is a silent abyss, filled with those who drowned in it.


Acheron: Annihilation Gang... Annihilation Gang... Oh. Those guys.