beggar belief | 英語勉強の軌跡とかなんとか




 beggar beliefの意味


  • 信じがたい
    • to be unbelievable or not deserving to be believed to defy belief
    • I can't believe it, That's unbelievableなどの意味
    • It beggars belief just how nonchalant and carefree you have been. あなたがどれほど平然としていて無頓着なのかは信じがたい
beggarの意味は「乞食」で動詞だと、「〜に物乞いする」となる。beggar beliefで「~を信じることを乞う」から「信じることを非常に困難にする」にする。




  1. "It beggars belief that the company continued to ignore the environmental regulations." (その会社が環境規制を無視し続けたことは信じがたい。)

  2. "The amount of waste produced by this process simply beggars belief." (このプロセスで生産される廃棄物の量は単に信じがたい。)

  3. "It beggars belief how he managed to complete the project in such a short time." (彼がどうやってそんなに短い時間でプロジェクトを完成させたのかは信じがたい。)

  4. "The corruption in the organization beggars belief." (その組織の腐敗は信じがたい。)

  5. "It beggars belief that she never received any recognition for her work." (彼女が自分の仕事に対して何の認識も受けなかったことは信じがたい。)

これらの例文では、「It beggars belief」は、非常に驚くべき、信じがたい、または理解し難い状況を強調するために使われています。







From "Calamitous Tread", which is the fourth part in the Teyvat storyline Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act IV - Cataclysm's Quickening."





  • unbecoming: 似合わない(becomingの反対)
    • unbecoming clothes: 似合わない服装
  • a force to be reckoned with無視できない存在
    • someone who is strong and cannot be ignored, 無視できないほどの強い影響力を持つ存在ということ
    • When he won his first three matches, the other players realized that he was a force to be reckoned with.
  • on the mark: (予想などが)的中して、的を射る
    • <-> off the mark: 的外れ
  • here's to ...: ...に乾杯
    • Here's to hoping that he's an excellent swimer: 
    • 直訳:彼が素晴らしいスイマーであることを願って乾杯だ
  • bad blood: 悪感情、不和
    • There's been bad blood between the two families for years.
    • 対義語:good terms, good rapport, cordial relationsなど
  • aptitude: 天賦の才能、能力
    • She has an enviable aptitude for making friends. : 彼女には友達をつくるうらやましい才能がある。
  • on the back foot: 防御的、または劣勢な立場にいること
    • After the new policy was introduced, the opposition party found themselves on the back foot, struggling to adapt." 新しい政策が導入された後、野党は自分たちが不利な立場に立たされ、適応するのに苦労していた。
  • wise-open: 何かが攻撃や批判に対して非常に弱い状態にあること
    • 元々の意味は、ドアや窓が全開になっている状態:The door is wide open.
    • Her statement just left us wide open. 彼女の発言によって、私たちは非常に脆弱な状態に置かれた
    • Their defense strategy left them wide open to counterattacks. 彼らの防御戦略は反撃に対して非常に脆弱だった。
  • playing house: お飯事、茶番
    • cf. charade
  • prance: 意気揚々と歩く
    • 元々の意味は、元々は馬が軽やかに跳ねるような歩き方をすることを指す言葉
    • 「He pranced around the room after winning the award」(賞を受賞した後、彼は部屋を軽快に歩き回った)
    • "Unless he pranced right out of the main gate, he must have had to swim for it.":「彼がメインゲートからまっすぐ出て行ったのでなければ、泳いで行かなければならなかったはずだ」
  • harbor: (悪意・考えなどを)心に抱く
    • I cannot help but harbor such doubts. : そんな疑念を抱かずにはいられない。
    • All the children of Fontaine may be harboring the exact same thoughts right now. フォンテーヌの子供たち全員が、今まさに同じ思いを抱いているかもしれない。
  • hold one's head up high: 頭を上げる→自信、誇り、自尊心を表す
    • If you know that you did your best, you can hold your head high. 自分が最善を尽くしたことを知っていれば、誇りを持って上を向くことができる
    • Even if I still cannot see the true future right now, as long as I continue on as I am, I will be able to hold my head up high! たとえ今、本当の未来が見えなくても、私が今のまま続けていけば、誇りを持って生きていける!
  • put on a front: 見せかける、表面を飾る
    • Furina's not acting like her usual self. She's actually seriously refuting The Knave's accusations... She means what she says. She's not putting on a front. フリーナはいつもの自分のように振る舞ってない。実際、The Knaveの非難を真剣に否定している...彼女の言っていることは本気だ。見せかけをしていない。
    • put onが「着る・装う」で a frontが「外見、表面」なので、(良い)表面を装っていることから。
    • 他にもThe school put on a play. 学校は劇を上演した、のように「上演する」という意味もある。
  • what is it doing to help? 
  • Allow me to be so bold as to ask...: If I may be so bold, と同じような意味で、「大胆なことを尋ねますが」「恐縮ですが」とという意味 
    • As a god, the proof of your labor always lies beyond prying mortal eyes. Allow me to be so bold as to ask another way. Would it be possible for you to tell us the parts of your plan that are not confidential? 神として、あなたの努力の証拠は常に好奇心旺盛な人間の目からは隠されているものだ。大胆にも別の方法で尋ねさせてください。機密でない計画の部分を私たちに教えていただくことは可能ですか?
  • jog: 記憶を呼び起こす
    • This photo jogged my memory of our childhood. この写真が私たちの子供時代の記憶を呼び起こした


The Knave: Oh, so you two are the honored guests Miss Furina mentioned.

Furina: Of course, of course! How could they not attend a meeting such as this? I must always have two or more guests at my dessert table, otherwise the occasion would be too lonely and unbecoming of my station.

The Knave: It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance, (Traveler), I have heard much of your accomplishments. I am The Knave, one of the eleven Fatui Harbingers.

(Traveler): (So this is The Knave... the head of the House of the Hearth, and the Lyney siblings' "Father." She certainly does not seem easy to deal with.) Greetings.

Furina: I've already prepared seats for you. Come, sit beside me.

The Knave: Perhaps you two are unaware of how Miss Furina and I do things. You see, we actually recently agreed to get together for tea when we had the time. See this? This is a limited type of confectionery that Miss Furina simply adores. There are only sixteen slices sold every day. Here, why don't you and Paimon have a taste?

(Traveler): (She seems friendly enough, but that can't be all there is to her... The Knave is a force to be reckoned with. I should be very cautious around her.)

 Furina: (Traveler), what do you think of this cake?

(Traveler): It's pretty good. It's quite tasty, and I think Paimon agrees too.

 The Knave: That's good to hear. So what Childe said was on the mark after all... you do share a taste in desserts with Furina and I.

(Traveler): (Wait, Childe should have no reason to have said something like that.)

The Knave: I wonder how he's doing nowadays. You must have heard, right? He's suddenly gone missing. I'm really worried about his safety, you know. Here's to hoping that he's an excellent swimmer.

(Traveler): I have faith in his abilities.

Furina: Uh... Since we're talking about him, I feel like I should add something. His martial prowess really looked... certainly pretty impressive, yeah!

(Traveler): (Furina looks quite nervous... There must be some kind of bad blood between her and The Knave.)

 The Knave: Oh, so you're also familiar with his aptitude for fighting, Miss Furina? Ah, right, I almost forgot. Childe was subdued by Iudex Neuvillette right in front of you. Against ordinary people, my colleague would never be on the back foot, but alas, he just never imagined he'd run into such a person... Hmm... I must express my admiration for Monsieur Neuvillette.

(Traveler): I managed to find a few leads on his whereabouts.

 The Knave: Hmm. Coming from you, that's not surprising at all.

 Furina: Eh? But... I thought you would be happier to hear the news...?

 The Knave: Of course, but it's still a bit of a shame. You see, I would have been far happier had I received this news somewhat earlier. As you well know, a long time has passed since Childe disappeared.


Furina's expression betrays a sense of unease...


Furina: ...

Paimon: Uh... Well, in any case, there's no need to worry! We know for sure that Childe is still alive!

The Knave: Oh? And just how do you know that?

Paimon: Because... Because we found evidence that proved he left the Fortress of Meropide!

The Knave: And where did he go after leaving the Fortress?

Paimon: Well...

(Traveler): (Oh no... Paimon's statement just left us wide open...)

The Knave: The Fortress of Meropide lies deep beneath the waves. Unless he pranced right out of the main gate, he must have had to swim for it. Do you have any proof that he surfaced safely?

(Traveler): ...We do not. But there was also no evidence that he's been injured or killed.

The Knave: Ah, that is good news at least. His sister Tonia sent a letter to Fontaine not too long ago. Since he was unfortunately unavailable, I picked it up on his behalf. Do you have any idea how he usually writes back to his family? "Dear Tonia, your letter made me feel like we were still enjoying our time in Snezhnaya together. I'm currently admiring the scenery on the streets in front of the opera house..." Is it something like that?

(Traveler): (She's turning up the pressure, I'm not sure if I'll be able to convince her... But I can at least try to distract her from Furina.) That sounds good to me, yes.

Furina: All letters tend to follow the same few formats anyway, right? As long as the contents are accurate, it doesn't matter so much how it's written, or how it's worded...


Furina disbelievingly stares at the ripples on the surface of the water the cup...


Furina: ...

Paimon: Hold on! The water in the teacup is shaking...?

The Knave: ... I suppose this is also a sign of things to come, Miss Furina.

Furina: Huh? Ah, I don't quite understand what you're trying to say...

The Knave: —Have we entered into the next stage of the prophecy?

Furina: ...


Elsewhere, the tea party with The Knave continues...


The Knave: *sigh* I must say, we've spent long enough playing house. Miss Furina. As the Hydro Archon, I am sure you understand the exact meaning of the phenomenon we just witnessed. Or should I say, that's what I originally thought, but looking at your expression... was I wrong, and you haven't a clue?


Furina: ...What are you trying to say?


The Knave: At this point, I don't think there's any more need to speak as diplomatic representatives. Allow me to speak to you now as just a Fontainian: You know the prophecy by heart, and also that every part of it is being proven true. Yet here you are relaxing, drinking tea and eating desserts as if it's all nothing more than a few stray bugs in your garden. Do you really think that's acceptable? The prophecy's hanging above our necks like a guillotine. Every faction is looking for a way to either avert the disaster, or save their own. Even the orphans of the House of the Hearth have devoted everything to saving their homeland. But you? It beggars belief just how nonchalant and carefree you have been. From the very beginning, you, the god Focalors... You have utterly failed to take action.


Furina: You're wrong... I've never ignored the prophecy, nor have I just been passing the time in self-indulgence. Retract your accusation, and stop doubting the wisdom of the gods with such absurd conjectures!


The Knave: I am not alone in my doubts, you know. All the children of Fontaine may be harboring the exact same thoughts right now. O great Hydro Archon, how are you going to save them? Save us? How are the people you've sworn to protect supposed to survive in a land that will soon disappear beneath the waves?


Furina: I have my ways, and I've been working on them for all this time... Even if you look down upon me, you have no right to judge me! Fontaine will be saved. Even... Even if I still cannot see the true future right now, as long as I continue on as I am, I will be able to hold my head up high!


(Traveler): (Furina's not acting like her usual self. She's actually seriously refuting The Knave's accusations... She means what she says. She's not putting on a front.)


The Knave: Then I ask you, Miss Furina, just what have you been working on? Where can we see it, and what is it doing to help?


Furina: ...I...


(Traveler): (...So was that all a lie? Or can she really not tell us? She was so full of conviction and confidence just now, but now she's deflated like a popped balloon.)


Furina: ...My machinations are just like the prophecy itself — they will only reveal themselves at the fated time. It is just that beings like yourselves are unable to perceive them as of yet.


The Knave: I see. As a god, the proof of your labor always lies beyond prying mortal eyes. Allow me to be so bold as to ask another way. Would it be possible for you to tell us the parts of your plan that are not confidential? Such as... your emergency response plan for the impending disaster.


Furina: Uh... An emergency response plan...?


The Knave: Ah, that look in your eyes... Have you not even prepared one of those?


Furina: The... The emergency response plan is also strictly confidential.


The Knave: Then allow me to jog your memory. Miss Furina, what is the purpose of your Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale?