オリーを更生させたいキアラ | 英語勉強の軌跡とかなんとか





You know when Ollie debuted and like was very kind to me and Calli in the beginning and to everyone basically and gave her benefit of the doubt that she was going to steal Calli and I thought that maybe she could be like you know our daughter, but she has flirted with Calli in a way that no daughter would. 

It would be kind of weird if a daughter would flirt with her papa like that so I have been quite possibly bamboozled. It is unacceptable. I told her she's something ice but then she just flirted back at me. What fucking am I supposed to do? I told her I warned her all she does is flirting flirting. She might have a flirting addiction. Maybe we have to do, you know, some kind of intervention or something. Let's oh my God let's do an intervention stream and then I call Ollie on Discord. 
娘がパパとあんな風にイチャイチャしていたら、なんだか変な感じがするので、私はかなりどうやら騙されていたようだ。許せない。私は彼女に、彼女は氷のようなものだと言ったのですが、彼女は私に隠れて、いちゃつくばかりで、どうしたらいいのでしょう。私は彼女に警告したのですが、彼女はイチャイチャしているだけなのです。彼女はイチャイチャ依存症かもしれない。何か介入しないといけないかもね 介入の配信を作って、オリーをディスコードに呼びかけるんだ。


  • bamboozle, 言葉巧みに欺く,だます. to trick or deceive someone, often by confusing them :
    • She was bamboozled into telling them her credit card number. 彼女は騙されて彼らにクレジットカードナンバーを言った。


John: I can't believe Ben made us wait for an hour earlier today. I wonder if he was telling the truth about his car breaking down. 今日、Benが私たちを1時間も待たせたことに腹が立つ。 車が故障した話は本当なのか。

Rina: Let's give him the benefit of the doubt. He was sincerely apologetic about it.大目に見てあげましょう。彼はこの件について深く謝罪したんだから。


Lily: Did you hear what Philip said? He said he'll finish all five reports before the weekend! That's impossible! I can't even finish one in a day! Philipの言ったこと聞こえた?週末までに5つのレポートを終わらせると言ってるけど、 そんなことは不可能!私は1日に1つも終わらないのに。
Steven: Let's give him the benefit of the doubt. Who knows, he'll deliver. 彼のことを信じてみよう。本当に提出してくるかもしれないでしょ?