【Ame in The A.M.】 Happy Sunday! | 英語勉強の軌跡とかなんとか



HololiveのWatson Ameliaの配信から使える英語表現をピックアップします。


[7:48-] All right well first starting off we have some breaking news. 
it seems there's been a display of public affection also known as PDA caught live on Miko's senpai stream in 4k. As you know Miko senpai has she kind of has a thing for blonds I've heard and especially Haachama. 


  • public display of affection 〔カップルが〕人前[公共の場所]でイチャイチャ[べたべた]すること◆【略】PDA 

※ AmeliaがPDAを言い間違えているため語順が逆になっています.

  • have a thing for, 〈話〉~が大好きだ、~が好きでたまらない、~に目がない、~が気に入っている、~のことが頭から離れない、(人)に特別な感情を持っている
    • I still have a thing for her. : 僕は彼女のことがまだ好きなんだ。
    •  I have a thing for cookies. : 私はクッキーが大好きで
    • He's got a thing for you. : 彼は君に気があるんだよ。

Experts say it's only a matter of time before this event occurred. I wonder which blonde might be next. Huh it seems we have an anonymous member here to give some input. Who's that? who's that?  Look at that be. Miko senpai, I'm blonde too, please, please just one small peck of the cheek will be good, please. Okay that's weird all right. We're cutting them off. I don't know who that is but they're weird, they're weird hentai. Miko senpai you could hit me up in the DMs anytime. All right. Enough of that. 
専門家によると、この出来事が起こるのは時間の問題だそうです。次はどの金髪がなるのだろう。さて、ここには匿名のメンバーがいて、意見を述べてくれるようです。誰、誰だろう? 見てください、あの人。みこ先輩、私も金髪です、お願いします、お願いします、ほっぺたをちょっとだけつついてください、お願いします。わかったよ......変なのはわかった。切りましょう。誰だか知らないけど、変だよ、変なヘンタイだよ。みこ先輩いつでもDMで連絡してくださいね。以上です。

  • it is a matter of time before   ~するのは時間の問題である
    • It was just a matter of time before he found me. : 彼が私を見つけるのは時間の問題です。
    • It's just a matter of time before I catch up with you. : 私があなたに追い付くのは時間の問題です。
    • It's just a matter of time before it explodes. : それが爆発するのは時間の問題です。
    • It's only a matter of time before he realizes how much I love him. : 私がどんなに彼を愛しているのかを彼が気付いてくれるのは時間の問題です。
    • It's only a matter of time before they catch you. : 彼らがあなたを捕まえるのは時間の問題です。
  • hit someone up  人に電話する、連絡する、人の家に行く

[9:07] Next up. It seems as if Noel senpai. From hololive third generation recently announced her anniversary merch. I don't know if anybody caught that, wait, wait, wait, where's the BGM, BGM come back, there it is. Oh, recently Noel senpai had her announcement her anniversary merch announced. I was watching the stream. I went to go click on the stream because I really love Noel senpai. She's really cool ASMR and she's so pretty and she I think she has a really nice voice. Huh and I really want that dakimakura, but because it was late at night, you know, for me a lot of the Japanese streams are really really late and usually my eyes are tired because I've been sitting at my computer for 15 hours already and I haven't slept and I forgot to wear my glasses so when I went to click on her stream, this is what I saw. 

  • merch = merchandize  宣伝する, 売買する, 商品
  • click on  クリックする 

 ※click withで仲良くなる、気が合うという意味がある、Click with someone means to immediately like someone; to get along very well and very quickly with someone. 


Daughter: Mom, I think you’d like Chad if you just gave him a chance. ママ、Chadにチャンスを与えれば、Chadを好きになると思うよ。 

Mother: I strongly disagree. I've already met him, and I thought he was rude and condescending to both you and me. そうは思わない。私はすでに彼に会ったことがあるけど、彼はあなたにも私にも無礼で見下した態度をとっていると思った。

Daughter: He's not rude at all once you get to know him. He just has poor social skills. He’s really very sweet and kind. 彼を知れば決して失礼な人じゃないよ。社会的スキルが低いだけで、本当はとても優しくて親切な人だよ。

Mother: I just don't know what you see in him. あなたが彼のどこを見ているのかわからないね。

Daughter: I just click with him so well! He really understands me, and I understand him. 私はただ彼ととても気が合ってるだけだよ。彼は私を理解してくれるし、私も彼を理解しているわ。

Mother: Well, you seem like two very different people, in my opinion. そうね。私に言わせれば、2人は全く違う人間に見えるわね。


Now. Noel senpai has a wonderful backdrop. It's so cool. I don't know the artist but it's amazing and uh my eyes were just blurry. I don't know what happened but this is maybe it's too many doses of Watson concoction. But, (...chuckles) my eyes instinctually turned her into blob before before I actually recognized that I was staring at the wonderful voluptuous Noel senpai.

  • backdrop 
  1. 〔劇場の〕背景幕◆【同】[backcloth]
  2.  〔景色などの〕背景
  3. 〔出来事などの〕背景、状況
  • blurry 
  1.  〔物の輪郭・画像などが〕ぼやけた、不鮮明な
  2. 〔目が〕かすんだ、ぼやけたむ
    • The vision in my right eye is blurry. : 右目がぼやける。
    • Everything is getting blurry. : 全てがぼやけてきました。/目がかすんできました。
beforeを後ろで使うとき、日本語の訳が非常に難しいです。基本的に「~の前に」という意味ですが、訳をするとき語順を入れ替えたら、英語に直せなくなります。 A before I recognized that B という場合、AしてからBと認識した。というような日本語訳でも良い気がします。
  • I had not waited long before he came, 待つほどもなく彼がやってきた(彼が来る前、長く待たなかった)
  • Take a deep breath before you start your presentation、深呼吸してからプレゼンを初めてね(深呼吸しなさい。プレゼンを始める前に)。



But you guys should go check out Noelle's merch she has a dakimakura and look at that. Oh don't you just want to wake up next to that every single morning? And lucky for you. She also has some ASMR. You guys can check out. 

What do you guys think of this image? How does this make you feel? How doe this make you feel? Is this perhaps this one is definitely a turn-on. (Amelia changes the image) But this one, I mean, this is cuddly. This is like a big teddy bear, a big teddy bear. It makes you confused. That's understandable. I can see why you'd say that. I was confused too. That's why I had to I had to demonstrate for you guys so, you know, so you guys could understand my pain. This is what happens when you forget to wear your contact lenses or put your glasses on. Maybe it was a glitch in the Matrix. Maybe YouTube glitched out maybe that's what it was. Ah, anyway yeah place to check out her merch cool. 

でも、みんなはノエルの商品を見に行くべきです。彼女は抱き枕を持っていて、あれを見て。毎朝、その横で目を覚ましたいと思いませんか?そしてラッキーなことに 彼女にはASMRがあります。皆さんもチェックしてみてくださいね。


※ 眼鏡をはずしていたので、大きな塊(blob)が前面に来ており、YouTubeがバグっているように見えていた。

Let's see if we have some exclusive footage of this. Let's see...,

All right, next up, recently Marine senpai, sorry I don't have a higher quality image of this. Marine senpai unleashed her sexy new outfit on her birthday celebration stream. And initially the jacket couldn't zip too much lower because YouTube does have some restrictions but, but, oh, damn! it seems like Marine senpai's new outfit was eventually able to squeeze by management.  

But with a little added feature, whoa, this is the added feature. this is what was necessary to trick the YouTube AI into believing that this is not ecchi and it's not. That's right. Now we know the trick now. I think everybody in hololive should get bikinis for bathing suits and we have this amazing new tool. We'll just saran wrap the titties, the cleavages wrap it up. In some tape some clear tape so that YouTube cannot recognize it as ecchi. We've cracked the code, everybody, and now I believe I believe everybody, I think you guys are with me on this, right. I believe everybody in hololive should have a bathing suit, yeah. 


これは、YouTubeのAIに「これはエッチじゃない」と思わせるために必要な機能です。その通りです。今、私たちはそのトリックを知っています。ホロライブのみんなは水着の代わりにビキニを用意した方がいいと思うんだけど、この素晴らしい新ツールがありますね。おっぱいや胸の谷間をサランラップで包んでおいて YouTubeがエッチだと認識できないように透明なテープを貼って。私たちはコードを解読しました、皆さん、私は信じています、皆さんは私と一緒に考えていますよね。私はホロライブのみんなが水着を持っていると信じています、ええ。
  •  tidbit 
    • 一口のおいしい食べ物
    • 〔ニュース・情報などの〕断片、触り
    • How come they missed this tidbit of news? : どうすればこの情報を見落とせるんだ?

Okay now for some real news. The hololive official YouTube account has uploaded the first of many installments of, I think it's first of many hololiveERROR. Shall we take a peek? That's right I'm controlling this in 360. You can move around you can even do it on your phone and like move your phone around and you can look wherever you want incredible lighting. Soft fuzzy ASMR sounds you guys should check it out. Its 'a shot clip but that is I believe the first of hopefully many that isn't on hu on the hololive official YouTube account you guys can check that out. I am really looking forward to what it is and what it's gonna be and I think there's some sort of storyline to go with it and yeah just you can open it on mobile. It's like the coolest things ever you could put it right up to your eyes you could I bet you could play it on VR. That's it. It's got Fubuki senpai Matsuri senpai and I'm sure a bunch of other senpai's too will also be participating and you could do some sweets 360s in it like I was you could just spin around. 

  • installment
    1. 複数の連続する構成要素の一つ分[1回分]
    2. 〔新聞・雑誌などの〕連載の1回分
      • This newspaper article is the first installment of a three-part series on global warming. : この新聞記事は、地球温暖化についての3回連続シリーズの第1回である。
    3. 分割払いの1回分
  • take a peek ちらっと見る、盗み見る

Well folks it looks like that's all the news for today uh, but I did get a tip from uh our um,..., our cartographer, that's right, cartographer. It seems like even though the hololive globe has just been introduced to you guys, it seems like there may be some new discovery of land perhaps that's what it seems like hmm. I've read it in the stars. The expert has read it in the stars so look forward to that but I have challenge for you guys I would love to see what your oh shies, country's flag, looks like. I'd want to know about her terrain the terrain of her land. That sounds like an innuendo. It's not. Okay show me your oh she's flag, show me, show me your oh she's culture. Okay I wanna hear more about it with uh what should the hashtag be, uh hallow hashtag hologlobe how about that? I''d love to see what you guys come up with uh so that's it for today's stream thank you guys. 

  •  cartographer 地図製作者

All right, well now that segment of news is done we're gonna head on over to small Ame with the weather small Ame. I'll keep you guys updated on twitter and I will see you soon.

  • keep someone updated 人に最新情報を伝える