Castle tour ー古城巡りー | Eating Cheese with Chopsticks

Eating Cheese with Chopsticks

Chewing Away at Cultural Differences since 2009



When I looked at Japanese travel agency catalogues for England or Scotland, one of the main attractions was visiting old castles. Yes. There are incredibly many castles in England and Scotland. Some are still in use and some are just ruins. I really like visiting old castles and we thought they would also be attractive for small children. We decided to include at least a couple in our trip as well. 




In the end, the number of castles we visited was 8. In a 10 day trip. We could actually have visited far more, even though we visited only very northern part of England and the very southern part of Scotland. Imagine how many castles there are! Today I would like to introduce some of those we visited.


最初に行ったのはフェリーで到着したNewcastleから少し北上したところにあるCregsideと呼ばれるところ。実はここ「お城」、ではなくて、ものすごい大きなお家とお庭なのです。このお家は19世紀に建てられ、William Armstrongさんというイギリスの有名なエンジニアであり、発明家のものでした。彼はエンジニアだったので、このお家の中は数々のハイテク(当時の)たちが採用されているのです。結構見応えがありますよ。今はこのお家は自然公園の中にあって、もし時間があれば、一日ゆっくり遊べたかなぁといった感じの所でした。


The first one is called Cragside, located a little north of Newcastle, where we had arrived by ferry. It is not actually a castle, but rather a large house with a large garden. The original owner of the house was William Armstrong, a British engineer and inventor from the 19th century. Since he was an engineer, there are a lot of advanced technologies (for their time) on display in his house. Those are quite interesting to see. This house is surrounded by a huge natural park. We could have enjoyed ourselves the whole day if we had had enough time.




The house. It looks la bit ike a castle, right? The garden is also quite impressive.




The next day, we moved on to Scotland, to the famous Edinbrugh castle. The main attraction of this castle is probably the terrific city view, but that is not something that appeals to young children. Fortunately, there are a lot of canons placed placed everywhere on its walls. The Boys were very unthusiastic about these canons. However, of course Edinbrugh castle is very famous. There were so many tourists! There was a huge queue to get inside some buildings inside the castle... In the end, we skipped a couple. I believe the value, in this expensive place, was really in the city view... 




Then we moved to the Glasgow area and there was again a nice castle, Bothwell. It originates from the 13 century. Currently there is a risk of collapse and one (main) part was closed when we visited. What was nice about this castle, and many others, was that the children could climb quite freely upon the ruin. And also, it is quite fun to imagine how this castle used to look....




After that, we spent 5 days at one location in Southwest Scotland and explored the area. 




Cardoness castle (15 century). This castle has particularly large storage places (food etc.). When I read the history of the castle, it turned out it was owned by a rather nasty (and greedy) person, so maybe tht explains it. Moreover, the entrance fee was a bit higher than other castles... haha.





Carsluith castle. You can go in for free. It was a relatively small one at the seaside.




The best one in the south west Scotland for us was this one. Caerlaverock Castle. It is a triangle-shaped castle surrounded by moat. It was originally built in the 13 century, and the inner part was re-built in the 14th or 15th century. The traces of the rebuilding effort were clearly recognizable! Unfortunately, it rained quite heavily when we visited. But the castle still was very nice to visit.





And again we were back in England. Carlisle castle. This one is really active, since a big part of it is in use by the British army. It looked somewhat macho. Still, a very nice castle to visit!




Those are all castles we visited. A lot, right? Each one was different and had its own character, but the story behind them is always the same: there have been a lot of wars between England and Scotland that I didn't know so much about. I hope this war does not start again with Brexit, because the Scottish want to remain, but the English want to leave the EU....









Newcastle castle. Great name! We didn't visit it though.