ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(6) 10月8日(火) | amnn1のブログ



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson6


ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(6)

Harish's lecture to Yuna continues. Harish is testing Yuna's understanding of business model screening. 


What aspects should be considered in assessing the team?

-The team's ability to execute the business plan.


So, moving on to the next unit, screening. What do you think is important when evaluating business models of startups?

-When it comes to the business models, they're far from generic. So, careful analysis into their viability and growth potential is essential. 

-Exactly. They're not run of the mill ideas. What aspects do you think we should consider when assessing the team?

-Team assessment. Well, the team's ability to execute the business plan.

-A great response. Why do you think early traction is crucial?

-Early what?

-Early traction. Oh, by traction, I mean how a new product or service gains popularity and expands its customer base.

- I understand now. It's important because early traction sets the stage for business growth.


When it comes to

generic 一般的な

viability 実行可能性

run-of-the-mill ありふれた ・大量生産の連続稼働




set the stage for 


  • Early traction sets the stage for business growth.
  • The government's new economic policies aim to set the stage for job creation.
  • Effective communication within a team sets the stage for productive work environment.


set the stage for

  • Initial momentum paves the way for business expansion.
  • Early progress shapes the development of business.


What aspects do you think we should consider when assessing the team?


Assessing the team. Well, it's important for the team to share the vision and strategy. 


Aspects to consider. Well, I believe it's important to have at least one person who is knowledgeable in finance. 


That's an important question. Well, I think the key is whether they have an extensive network within the country's business community.



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(5)


ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(5)


Harish agreed to give a lecture to Yuna on startup investment. As Yuna shares her thoughts on the reading materials, Harish proceed to ask her questions about the first topic.


How did Yuna find the reading material?

-She found it eye-opener.


I was just looking into the program of the pitch event. There are so may sessions to choose from

-This is a common occurrence here in Silicon Valley. So, let's get to the topic. The startup investment process. 

-I skimmed through the reading material you gave me. It was certainly an eye-opener. -Well, that's just the start. So, hang in there. So, let's dive in and look at the first unit. Pitch events. Any questions or thoughts?

-I learned that pitch events are not only about securing funding, but also about making connections. They appear to be very interactive and lively

-You've captured the essence of it. Networking encourages open communication and the exchange of ideas. You'll experience it firsthand at the event on Wednesday.



occurrence 出来事

skim through ざっと目を通す


hang in there

dive in








  • Networking encourages open communication and the exchange of ideas.
  • The facilitator encouraged the audience to ask questions or make comments.
  • New policies aim to encourage a healthy work-life balance.


  • Networking fosters transparent communication and the sharing of insights.
  • Networking promotes honest dialog and the interchange of thoughts and ideas.


The material you prepared for me was quite useful. I'd like to know more about the current venture capital scene. Do you have more material that I can read?


I came across some new information and it was helpful. I'd like to more about company valuation. Do you have any other references that would be useful?




ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(1-1)

ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(1-1)
亀田製菓代表取締役会長CEO ジュネジャ・レカ・ラジュ氏
Lekh Raj Juneja


What did Dr. Juneja like most about the company?

-He liked the fact that the company is very focused on rice.


Dr. Juneja, welcome to our program. First of all, what inspired you to join the present firm and take on the role of CEO? Were there any unique challenges or opportunities that attracted you to the company?

- Why I joined this food company, kamedaseika was, you know I always liked food. Food when you write in Japanese is 人をよくする. human and good.

That's there's so much power in the food. And I used to like 柿の種 very much. You know, because this was one souvenir when I take back home or anywhere. People used to like it because it's very crunchy taste and it's not very expensive. And I was fun of the products of this company. Also, you know, I found that oh this is the company not only kakinotane, it has many tane, many seeds.

-Yes, that's right.

-There is so much potential in this company. They were trying to do new things not many food companies are expanding globally so much, but we have factories in US. We have factories in Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, India, China, everywhere. So base was there. I though wow, this is a huge potential of this company. And the best think I like was, you know, this is very focused company on the rice, you know. And rice has so much power a lot of people do not know. So, I thought my experience and my career and I worked on food power, you know, the nutrition part and making people good, you know. This company had, you know, kakinotane, happyturn, you eat anything, you know, so good, you know. So, the deliciousness that we had. I thought if I add more nutrition part, and more environmental part, this is one thing we can take global. But I joined this company is because this is a very very unique rice cracker company.



take on

To accept a challenge, task or responsibility. To begin something that will probably take a lot of work. For example, I can't take on any extra projects right now. There's just not enough time. Mr. Shibata asked what inspired Dr. Juneja to take on the role of CEO, or what inspired him to assume the responsibilities of that role.



If something is crunchy, it makes a sound when you bite into it or crush it like an apple or some almonds. Having a crushing noise. Crunchy is not only used for food. For example, you might hear a crunchy sound when you walk on a pile of autumn leaves. It can also be used as a verb as in the leaves were crunching underneath my feet. And a noun as in the crunch of the leaves. 



Nourishment. Nutrition is about consuming sufficient food and drink to keep the body healthy or help it grow. If something is nutritious, it's good for the body and provides some substances it needs to function properly. For example, having a salad with dinner is nutritious, but having a bowl of candy for dinner is probably not nutritious at all. 


rice cracker

Rice crakers are any kind of cracker made from rice flour. But the other ingredients and their preparation methods may differ. Senbei are the most commonly known type of rice crackers. They may also be known as Japanese rice crackers.



---Enhance your vocabulary



The salad has a crunchy texture of peanuts and almonds.


crisp / crispy

This fresh apple has a crips texture, a satisfying crunch with every bite.



This pastry is incredibly flaky and delicious. It's next level.



This homemade mustard has a grainy texture. It goes well with sandwiches.


*Every …. どの~も~だった

Every piece of tempra was crispy and tasty.

* delicious =tasty


I thought if I add more nutrition part, and more environmental part, this is one thing we can take global.




ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(4)


ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(4)



Subject: Request for an in-person meeting.

Dear Frank,

I'm Kaneda Chinatsu from ABC Corp. It was a pleasure getting to know you at the seminar yesterday. I was delighted to see your interest in our company's business. And I'd greatly appreciate it if you could spare some time for me to explain our services in detail. Would you be available on any of the following dates?
Monday, the 15th of April 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Wednesday, the 17th of April 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

If neither of the above works for you, please provide a couple of time slots that are convenient.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,



Unfortunately, I'm not available at the suggested times.

=> Unfortunately, the suggested time don't suit my schedule.
=> the suggested time don't suit me.


      I          + am not available + at the suggested times
the suggested time + don’t suit + my schedule
the suggested time + don’t suit + me



Dear Chinatsu,

It was a pleasure speaking with you yesterday. I'd be glad to meet with you to discuss the details. Unfortunately, I'm not available at the suggested times. How about Thursday, the 18th or Friday, the 19th? I can make it anytime after 11 a.m. both days. I hope this arrangement works for you.




Subject: Request for a meeting.

Hi Chinatsu,

It's been a long time. I trust you're doing well. I'm pleased to inform you that the shopping mall project for Ho Chi Minh City has been approved. We'd like to meet with you in the coming weeks to discuss it. How is your availability?

We'd be thrilled if you could join us for the next Venture.

Kind regards,



Jennifer, what do you think about greeting someone as Hi instead of Dear in an email?

-I think using Dear can sometimes feel too formal or distant.よそよそしい

-I see. I ask some of my colleagues before and then they gave me exactly the same answer. 


I'm available during the following slots.


What other expressions are there?

-Well, let me see... You can phrase it with the date and time as the subject.

Like the following times work for me. Or use suit to say the following time suit me.


It works for someone / It suit someone


Hi Brian,

Thank you for sharing the exciting news. I'm available during the following slots.
Tuesday, the 16th, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. 
Thursday, the 18th, 2 p.m. onwards.

Friday, the 19th, The whole day.

Looking forward to our fruitful discussion.



Jenny, how did you find this reply email?

- Chinatsu used adjectives effectively to express her feeling like "exciting news" or "fruitful discussion."

-That's right. Using the right adjectives is the key to conveying your feelings.




ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(3)


ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(3)

The conversation between Yuna and Harish transitions to Yuna's training in Silicon Valley. When Yuna talks about her goals, Harish makes a suggestion.


What does Harish think is the best way to learn about investing in startups?

-He thinks the best way is to attend pitch events.


Enough about Silicon Valley. Let's discuss your assignment. What aspects would you like to explore during your stay?

-I'd like to gain insight into the process of investing in startups. Additionally, I'd like to understand the criteria and focus areas that go into investing.
-Sounds great. Understanding these aspects will lead you to explore the ecosystem. I think the best way is to attend pitch events.

-Piche events. The events where startups pitch their ideas to potential investors?

-Yes. Startups present their service or product ideas to investors, and investors explore which companies to support. I'll be attending a pitch day in Palo Alto next Wednesday. So why don't you join me?

-Thank you. I'd love to.


aspect 点・側面

explore 探求・検討する

gain insight into を深く把握する・の理解を深める

criteria 基準

pitch 短いプレゼン



gain sight into ... / gain insights into 

  • I'd like to gain insight into the process of investing in startups.
  • You can gain insight into the local culture with this book. 
    with this book = by reading this book
  • I'd like to gain insight into the latest accounting regulations at this seminar.


I want to learn about the ins and outs of investing in startups.

*ins and outs 一部始終; 詳細


I want to delve into the process of investing in startups.

*delve into  掘り下げる, 突っ込む, 深く知る


What aspects would you like to explore during your stay?


- I want to customize myself to design thinking so as to find solutions to problems and understand the creative mindset.


-I'm interested in hearing from active professionals about the differences between Silicon Valley's corporate culture and the conventional American corporate culture.


Jenny, you are from Silicon Valley, right? What is your impression of the area?

- Yeah, I'm from San Jose which is the largest city in Silicon Valley. It's a multicultural area with a mild climate, and San Jose has a suburban feel with a bustling downtown area. There's also easy access to gorgeous mountains and the ocean side, or even San Francisco. Innovation is highly regarded especially with tech and the arts.

-Mmm.. urban life and nature. You can enjoy the best of both worlds. 



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson2



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(2)4月2日(火)

The conversation between Yuna from Tokyo and Harish from Silicon Valley Branch continues. The discussion shifts to how people collaborate in Silicon Valley. 


How does the innovation ecosystem operate in Silicon Valley?

-It operates in a way where all the different parts of the technology and business world collaborate.


The people working here are innovative and take pride in collectively shaping the future of the earth. It's an unparalleled ecosystem. 

-Ecosystem. When I hear the word, a forest comes to mind. Are you saying Silicon Valley is similar to an ecosystem in a forest?

- Yes. In the case of a forest, it refers to a system where organisms and plants within the same natural area influence and depend on each other. In Silicon Valley, we call it an innovation ecosystem. All the different parts of the technology and business world collaborate. This includes tech companies, startups, venture capitalists. 

-And universities, research centers, lawyers, accountants.

-Exactly. These professional groups and infrastructures foster a spirit of collaboration and entrepreneurship and create a virtuous circle.




take pride in

collectively 集団で

unparalleled 他に類のない <> paralleled


venture capitalist 新規事業の投資か


entrepreneurship < entrepreneur

virtuous circle


--- Are you saying...?

  • Are you saying Silicon Valley is similar to an ecosystem in a forest?
  • Are you saying that you disagree with the proposal?
  • Are you saying there is a chance for negotiations with the client?

Are you suggesting that Silicon Valley is like an ecosystem in a forest?


You're indicating that Silicon Valley is akin to an ecosystem in a forest?


akin to 同種で, 類似して

Having similar properties, characteristics, or aspects to something; analogous to something.


These professional groups and infrastructures foster a spirit of collaboration and entrepreneurship and create a virtuous circle.

-You say that the Silicon Valley ecosystem consists of professional groups and infrastructure. What are the infrastructures you're referring to?


To create a thriving environment, there is a need for a mechanism that allows professionals to meet and exchange ideas. What kind of systems are in place in Silicon Valley?






ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson1


ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(1)4月1日(月)

Hi everyone. Welcome to the show. I'm Jenny Silver and I was born in New Jersey in the US. I've also lived in California, Illinois, Michigan and Florida. After graduating from university where I majored in English and Asian studies, I worked at a video game retail company in California. I'm looking forward to hosting the show with Mr. Shibata.

We want to aim for a program that is both enjoyable and helpful.


Yuna, a trainee from the Tokyo headquarters of a general trading company arrives at a Silicon Valley office to meet her local contact, Harish from the startup investment department. After brief self-introductions, they engage in a wide-ranging conversation about Silicon Valley.


What area does Silicon Valley refer to?

-It refers to an extensive region in the southern part of the SanFrancisco Bay Area.



So, Yuna. What are your first impressions of Silicon Valley?

-Well, my impression is that it's more of a suburban town than a futuristic city. It's a bit early to judge, but I was imagining a more urban atmosphere with high-rise buildings. There's a resort like ambience to the place with the abundant greenery and offices scattered around.

-A suburban feel, I see. You may already know this, but Silicon Valley doesn't refer to a specific city, but an extensive region in the southern part of the Sanfrancisco Bay Area. In total, It's about the same size as Shikoku.

-Really? But the population is around three million right? That's similar to Osaka city in Japan. No wonder it gives a spacious impression.


It refers to an extensive region in the southern part of the SanFrancisco Bay Area.




high rise building



scattered around => 点在して/散在して

refer to

no wonder 通りで~だ


---No wonder + ...

  • No wonder it gives a spacious impression.
    =It's no wonder that it gives a spacious impression.
  • No wonder the final presentation was excellent.
    >> Practice makes perfect.
  • No wonder she became fluent in Spanish in a short time.
    *became fluent in…


It comes as no surprise that it feels open and spacious.

=> It's not surprising...


It's understandable why it comes off as expansive.
* come off … のように見える



>> more of a suburban town than a futuristic city.


I was impressed by the breathtaking view with tall skyscrapers filling the skyline. I like an attractive of various architectural designs from different eras.