ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(44) 6月20日(木) | amnn1のブログ



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(44)


Subject: A big thank you.

Hi all,

I'm delighted to inform you that projct M has been successfully completed. This project wouldn't have been a success without your hard work. So heartfelt thank you to everyone. You deserved some time to relax and unwind. However, don't get too comfortable as we have a couple of projects in the pipeline. Let's arrange a celebratory dinner. If anyone has any great ideas, please don't hesitate to share them.

Warmer regards,



wouldn't have been a success without ... ~がなければ成功しなかった

deserve ~して当然だ

in the pipeline 進行中で



  • Thank you for your encouragement.
  • I'm greatful for your uplifting words.
Hi Rew san,
Thank you for your encouragement. There were some nerve-wracking moments at one point. But we managed to bring the project to a successful counclusion. As for the dinner, how about a Mexican home style cuisine restaurant? I know a hidden gem run by a Mexican frined of mine.


 -destroy; devastate; shatter; tear down
 - Intensely distressing or irritating to the nerves.

*hidden gem  / gem <= 宝石 一品
-That which is of exceptional or underappreciated quality but is not         especially popular or widely known.



Subject: New shop opeining.Thank you. 

Hi all, 
I'd like to thank each and every one of you for your exceptional assistance in setting up the new shop for opening day. Your dedication and hard work over the past six months have truly made a siginificant impact. I'm confident that together we'll continue to reach new heights.



I'm confident that together we'll continue to reach new heights.


Can you use this sentence outside of email?

-Yes, you can use it in meetings or even speeches. It sounds very possitive. 

-Yes, it's very powerful, isn't it?


  • The last six months have been challenging, but rewarding.

Aalternative sentence : It's also a possible to say,

  • The last six months were a bit of a roller coaster, but totally worth it.
Roller coaster means there have been ups and downs like a roller coaster. 
-Yes, the phrase describes our volatile or turbulent situation.

roller-coaster ride
A series or period of drastic changes that occur without warning.


Hi Rew,

Thank you for your positive feedback. It truly resonated with me. The last six months have been challenging, but rewarding. I believe that by pulling our resources and expertise, we achieve remarkable results. We can team up and aim for the top spot in sales in India.



I think

I believe that
I'm convinced tha>>>> convince 確信させる


  • Well done on bringign the deal to a successful close.
  • I appreciate your dedication and sealing the deal.
  • Thank you for your valuable contributions to our team.




ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(43)

Finally, the three identify what religious considerations need to be taken into accout.


What needs to be insured in food offerings in Malaysia?

-They need to comply with Halal requirments.


Finally, we should be mindful of any religious considerataions and be respectful of local customs in our approach. 

-Agreed. We should consider scheduling our events at thimes that don't conflict with Buddhist festivals or rituals in Thailand and Vietnum. In Malaysia we need to be particularly sensitive to Muslim practices. This includes being mindful of prayer times avoiding events during Ramadan and ensureing that food offerings coply with Halal requirements

-That's right. Halal considerations are an especially sensitive area because people hold diverse perspectives on the matter. It's essential to incorporate these considerations into our plans to ensure that our activities are well received and respected. So let's put together these ideas and create a detailed plan for our business trip. 


be mindful of

conflict with

comply with



be mindful of ...

  • We should be mindful of any religious considerataions.
  • Be mindful of the environment when you take a nature walk.
  • We should be mindful of local customs when traveling.
take ... into account
It's important to take into account any religious factors.
be considerate of ...
We need to be considerate of religious aspects.


Iris ...


Let's make sure we list all the ingredients on the packaging and highlight any non-halal ones. This way, we can be transparent and build trust with consumers who might be worried about whether the product follows Islamic dietary law.


We should be careful about the packaging design and images we use. We need to steer clear of any graphics or symbols that could be offensive or go against Islamic principles.


steer clear of (someone or something)
…を避ける, に関係しない
To avoid someone or something.


Recently, halal food has become available gradually in supermarkets and restaurants in Japan. But what about in the US?

-It depends on the area, but with diverse populations all over the country, there seems to be something for everyone. Not only halal, there are usually options for kosher, vegan, gluten-free... and more as well as accomodations for food allergies and health conditions. There are more halal frinedly options in bigger cities and areas with Muslim populations. In supermarket, certified halal items have small symbols on the packaging.

-Very interesting.



Kosher (food)

Kosher foods are foods that conform to the Jewish dietary regulations of kashrut (dietary law). 






ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(42)

Hiroshi, Amanda and Iris are looling at how to effectively research local consumer trends.


What did Jasmine at the Kuala Lumpur office suggested to Iris?

-She suggested they invest in creating a captivating brand image.


Now, how do we plan to effeciently coordinate these high-end serveys

-I've already spoken to Amporn at our Bangkok office and Num at our Ho Chi Min office. It seems they have good connections with local event organizers. The companies can assist us in securing exclusive venues, attracting customers and managing logistics. 

-Jasmine at our Kuala Lumpur office suggested we invest in creating a captivating brand image. Our booths and tasting events should evoke luxury from elegant packaging to knowledgeable staff who can engage with high-end consumers.

-Excellent. Additionally, let's leverage our connections and collaborate with influencers or local personalities. Their endorsements could add credibility to our brand.

-Wonderful. Their influence can impact the perception of our chocolates in the high-end market. 


captivating 魅力的な =>a captivating smile


endorsement 推薦



leverage 活用・利用する <- てこの作用

  • let's leverage our connections and collaborate with influencers or local personalities.
  • The company seeks to leverage partnerships to expand its global reach.
  • We leverage social media platforms to increase our brand presence.
    *brand presence ブランドの存在感


make the mots of ...を最大限に利用する

We should make the most of our network by collabrating with influencers or notable figures in the area.



Let's utilize our network by establishing partnerships with influencers or prominent local figures.



Using influencers or local celebrities could be expensive and the return on investment may not always be guaranteed. It may be worth exploring alternative marketing channels such as digital marketing or content creation. 



Building a brand that relies heavily on influencers might make us vulnerable to shift in influencer popularity. Direct engagement with high-end consumers through exclusive events might be more effective.

* vulnerable to に弱い
* shift in influencer popularity の変化に






ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(41)

On behalf of the Asian marketing team, Hiroshi, Amanda and Iris are planning a trip to Southeast Asia to explore consumer preferences.
* on behalf of をだいひょうして


What might be the company's key enatry points for Malaysia?

-Upscale malls and premium food festivals. (might be our key entry point.)


In discussions with the product development team, we aim to determine the extent of customization based on consumer preference data. So let's plan a business trio tp explore opportunities for our matcha and fruit flavored chocolates. Any suggestions on how to effectively conduct sonsumer surveys?

-Considering the high-end nature of our chocolates, we should focus on venues that resonate with a luxury and sophistication. In Thailand, upscale shoppint districts and exclusive culinary events could be ideal. What do you think?

-Absolutely, in Vietnam we could explore collaborations with high-end hotels and attend prestigious events. This aligns with the growing trend of luxury consumption in the region. For Malaysia, upscale malls and premium food festivals might be our key entry points.

-Great ideas, both of you. 



sophistication <- sophisticate


culinary => cooking

align with 


align with .. と合致する

  • This aligns with the growing trend of luxury consumption in the region.
  • Your innovative ideas align with our company's creative culture.
  • The color scheme of the room perfectly aligns with my taste.
    * the color schme of ... 配色
in line with ...
This in line with the increasing trend of luxury consumption in the area.
coincide with
It coincides with the rising pattern of luxury speding in the region.


For a personalized approach, we could consider organizing intimate tasting sessions in exclusive members only clubs. This would allow us to directly engage with affluent consumers and gather valuable feedback.


We might explore hosting private chocolate pairing dinners in partnership with renowned chefs. This could create an immersive experience for consumers upgrading our brand image.





ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(2-2)

Kailene Falls


What made Kayleen go freelance sooner than she had originally planned?

-She realized that she wanted to experience more of Japan.


So you're faced with language challenges at first. You must have encountered cultural differences as well. Could you tell us a bit about it?

-I think I came somewhat prepared. I came here knowing I was going to be working long hours, but I was not expecting to spend the night at the company. and work weekends at the company. And that was very tricky at first because I'd finally made it to Japana, I had finally made it to Tokyo. I was living my dream and yet I was in the company so much of the time and the weekends came and I was too tired, so I would spend an entire day sleeping and in the end, I only had a day maybe in which to do householdchores, in which to do anything else I wanted to do. That was probalby the biggest cultural issue and I knew, coming here, I would face it. But actually experiencing it was something different altogether, yeah.

-Right. So the work environment totally changed. 

-I had originally planned to go freelance at the end, maybe after 10 years of working in an agency. However I realized personally that I wanted to be able to experience more of Japan than I was currently experiencing. So I decided to take that leap a bit sooner than I originally anticipated. So after five years, I decided to research into becoming a freelancer working in Japan. And where I'm currently, I always say I'm very glad I spent five years working at traditional Japanese design agencies. I think it was a very important learning experience. I was able to gain the vocabulary, gain the trust. Even now clients when they hear that I worked at these bigger agencies, they realized I can understand the culture aspect of it and knowing what is expected, yeah knowing what is expected of a designer working in Japan. But I'm also very glad that I no longer work at a design agency here. I kind of I put in my hours, I put in the labor and the threads and then after five years, I went freelance, and now I feel like I have a very good balance in my current work life balance.



Tricky describes something that is difficult and may require special effort or consideration. An example would be, Driving in the rain is tricky. Requires more attention and skill than usual.


live one's dream

To live your dream means to have your dream job  or living exactly as you dream of. Kayleen said that she was living her dream. meaning that she was doing exactly what she had hoped to do. We aloso have the phrase, living the dream, which has the nuance that the dream or idea or happiness is shared. You many hear, Living the dream. from other happy travelers when you go on vacation.


householdchores = housework

go freelance


take a leap

To dare. To go for it. To take a risk. To start something that may seem scary or difficult. Kayleen mentioned that she took a leap from working in a company to going freelance. This indicates that she made a big change that was not easy. If you take a leap, like Kayleen did, courage is essential.


research into


put in

In this case, put in means to give your time and energy to something. Kayleen aid I put in my hours and I put in the labor meaning that she gave many hours and lots of labor to the company. Here's another example, You've been putting in a lot of hours at work. Get some rest



learn the ropes 基礎を学ぶ・コツを覚える

As an intern, I gained hands-on exprerience and learn the ropes of the industry.

To learn or understand the basic details of how to do or perform a job, task, or activity.


hone one's skills

As I honed my skills, I advanced to senior roles and I spearheaded big projects.


*spearhead 先に立つ


shape one's career

My early experiences in customer service helped shape my career in hospitality management.





  • Networking and building relationships opened doors to new opportunities.


  • And now I feel like I have a very good balance in my current work life balance.

be faced with

face with
Confront, as in When he was faced with the evidence, he admitted it.



ラジオビジネス英語 Interview

Kailene Falls