英会話タイムトライアル「6月DAY14」 6月20日(木) | amnn1のブログ




want to -> wanna


We want to leave by eight. So, let's get ready now.

If you 're hungry, just have an apple.

Play nicely.

Who's it? 鬼は誰かな?

Let's do rock paper scissors. *scissors
You're it. あなたが鬼ね



You want to .. ? (wanna)


You want to see this movie?
You want to watch TV?

Do you want to see this movie.


*see movie



Do you know how  to play ... ?

Do you know how to play soccer?

Do you know how to play Tic-tac-toe? まるばつ



Did you ... ?

Did you lock the door?

Did you put your clothes in the laundry basket?



Do you want to play together in the park?

-Sure. What do you want to play?

-Sure. But just waite a few minutes.


Do you know how to play hide and seek?

-Of course. But whe's going to hide? (gonna)


I want to play tag. I'm it, ready?

-Well, we don't want to disturb other people. So let's not play tag here. How about a different game? Like Red light green light?


we don't want to (wanna)


So get ready for a fun time at a park in Fiji.





Did you wash your hands?

Did you brush your teeth?



put away ...


Did you put away your toys?

= Did you put your toys away?


Did you do your homework?


Say sorry.

<> You need to apologize. 堅い感じ


Say sorry to your brother.






Say it nicely.






Play nicely. 

Play politely.



Put away your phone.


*for 携帯電話,
you don't need to say mobile phone or smart phone. You can just say phone.


If you are hungry, just have an apple.


Just wait until dinner.

Just wait until your birtrhday.






You want to...?

You wanna ...?


You wanna go to the park?
-> want to go to 



You wanna go home now?

You wanna watch TV?

What do you wanna watch?
*what when where how + do + subject + verb +?


Do you want me to ... ?

You want me to ...?


Do you want me to turn on the light?

You want me to turn on the light?


We wanna ...

We want to ..


We wanna leave by eight.



get ready <- prepare


So let's get ready now.


We wanna leave by eight. So let's get ready now.



Disturb other people

We don't want to disturb other people.



We don't want to ..
+ disturb other people


So we shouldn't play tag here.

So it's better not to play tag here.


We don't wanna get lost.

So let's be quiet while I'm driving.


while I'm driving.

during the drive





Hi everyone. I'm your conversation partner, Catherine Leland.

We have one more conversation in Fiji, at a park.

What kind of games can you play with children in a park?

This week, practice phrases for children's games and have a conversation with me on Friday. Bye for now!


Children's games.


Do you know how to say,




in English?






... のやり方がわかりますか?

Do you know how to ... ?


Do you know how to play tag?



Who's it?

-> be it




You're it.



Next, I'm it.




hide and seek


Do you know how to play hide and seek?


Who's going to hide?

I'm going to hide.

You count.



red light, green light


Let's play red light, green light.



Rock, paper, scissors


Let's do rock, paper, scissors.



Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!





And do you remember this month's theme? Communicate with kids in Fiji!

So let's check out today's scene.

Imagine this...

Today, you go to a cultural village in Fine by bus. But inside the bus, there are children and you are helping them to get to the cultural village. One child needs your help. She got car sick

Did you imagine the situation? So try to have an eight-turn conversation as you help a child on a bus.


Excuse me. When will we arrive? 

-We will arrive in a few moments.

-Oh... okay.

-Are you going to be okay?

-I got a little car sick. I might throw up.

-Okay, just take a deep breath and relax. And just use this bag if you throw up. You are going to be okay.

-Thanks. I think I'm going to be okay. You're not car sick?

-I'm fine. But I need to take a bio break after we arrive.

-Oh.. I can't find my phone. What time is it now?

-It's ten o'clock.

-Does your phone work here in Fiji?

-Yes, of course.

-Oh look! The cutural village. Thanks goodness. And thanks for being a chaperone for our trip.

-My pleasure. I hope you feel better.



* 引率/ 引率する人-> chaperone

A guide or companion whose purpose is to ensure propriety or restrict activity:


Have you ever been a chaperone?

I don't think so. What about you?

Actually, when I came to Japan, I worked in a small school in Gifu prefecture. And I was not an official chaparone, but I went on a school trip once. It's so fun to work and communicate with kids.

Unless they get car sick.


We talked about getting car sick.

Do you get car sick easily, Catherine?

Well, I get car sick and I get sea sick and I get air sick, too.


Yeah, I just have bad motionsickness.
Is there any time when you don't have motionsickness?

Maybe walking is the only way I don't get sick.

Walking... I see.

Do you get car sick easily?


It's get easier, the more you practice.





Did you get lost?
We got split up.

Let's go home before it gets dark.

Are you gonna be okay?

I'm gonna be okay.

Let's take a bio break.

We'll arrive soon.

*つく arrive



It's getting ...

It's getting dark.

It's getting chilly.

It's getting crazy.


I got a little...

I got a little sea sick.

I got a liitle light-headed.

I got a little mad.


Is ... going to be okay?

Is he going to be okay?

Is your grandma gonna be okay?

Is the problem gonna be okay?



When will we arrive?

-We'll arrive in a few more minutes.

-We'll arrive in five hours.
-We'll arrive before it gets dark.


You're not car sick?

-I'm fine. But I need to take a quick bio break.

-No. I'm fine.

-I feel car sick. I need a medicine.


I got a little car sick. I might throw up.

-Okay, just take a deep breath and relax and just use this bag if you throw up. You're gonna be okay.


Did you reply better the second time around?







bio break

bathroom break



rest stop


Would you like to take a bio break at this rest stop?


Let's take a quick bio break here.

-> Let's take a quick break.



take a quick ...

I'll take a quick shower.
I'll have a quick lunch.



When will we arrive?

We'll arrive soon.


-> potty


Do you need to go potty?



Can you hold it?

hold -> wait


I can't hold it. It's an emergency.

I can hold it. I'm fine.






be going to = gonna 



Are you going to be okay?


=> Are you okay? <> Are you going to be okay?

If you saw your friend fell down or looked sick and said "Are you okay?", it wouldn't be appropriate because it is obvious she or she is not okay. It would be suitable to say " Are you going to be okay?"



I'm going to be okay.

I'm fine.



sea sick


I got a little sea sick.



through up



I might through up.



(a) deep breath


Just take a deep breath and relax.


Just use this bag.

You're going to be okay.


car sick


Did your friend get car sick?

Is your freind going to be okay?



She gat a little car sick, but she's going to be okay.





Hi everyone. Catherine here. On Friday you have an important job. Help a kid traveling on a bus. She feels a little car sick. Practice phrases this week and then challenge yourslef on Friday with a conversation with me. 


*car sick

Did you hear the word, car sick?


  • get 

Let's practice using the verb get.




get lost


I got lost.


Did you get lost?

Just don't get lost.



get split up


We got split up.

Just don't get split up.



If we get split up, let's meet up here at four.


meet up



get dark


About what time does it get dark in Fiji?




About what time ... ?



It's getting dark now.

Let's go home before it gets dark.

It's getting late. Good night.





So, we're going to Fiji. You're New Zealander?

I am.

When you hear Fiji, what do you think?

When I hear Fiji, I think of a beautiful holiday destination
Lot's of New Zealanders visit Fiji. I think Americans often go to Hawaii, but for New Zealanders, Fiji, Samoa, thoese places are a bit closer. 


Communicate with kids in Fiji.

Let's check out today's sene.


Imagine this...

You are on board the cruise ship. You're on your way to Fiji. You're walking to the theater in the cruise ship. Today, you will see a special dance performance. But someone needs your help. A girl's lost. Talk to her in English to help her out. 

Did you imagine the situation?
Do you have a child's voice? -Maybe...



Oh no.. Where is it?

-Do you need some help?

-Yes, I'm looking for the Nicky dance performance.

-It's this way. I'm going there, too.

-Ah.. how far is it from here?

-It's only one or two minutes from here.

-Okay. And here, do we turn right or left?

-We turn right here.
-Oh, I hear the music. There's my mom.

-There you are. Oh, hi, I'm Catherine.
-Hi Catherine. I'm Steve.

-Thanks for helping my daughter find the theater. Are you going to the dance performance too?
-Yes. I'm going there, too.

-So we're ready to see traditional Fijian dance. Where is the entrance to the theater?
-It's over there. It's next to the popcorn machine. Can you see the popcorn machine and the red sign?

-Okay, let's go together. ... Wow, where shoul we sit?

-Let's sit towards the back. Here, for now.



Okay you did much better the second time. Good on you.

Next week we arrive in Fiji. I'm looking forward to it. 





So try to repeat each phrase after me and copy my intonation.
Okay, here we go!


Do you need some help?

The beach is that way

I'm going there, too.

I'll show you.

There it is. -> There you are.

Can you see that blue sign?


I'm looking for ...

I'm looking for this bakery.


*this -> like when you're showing your phone screen


It's that way. It's on the other side of ...

It's that way. It's on the other side of that big post office.



What floor is ... on?

What floor is my room on?



Is the dance performance this way?

-Yes. It's this way. I'm going there, too. 


It's this way.

It's that way.


*dance performance


Is it far from here?

-No. It's about five or six minutes from here.


Where is the entrance to the theater?

-It's over there. It's next to the popcorn machine. Can you see the popcorn machine and the red sign?






How far is ... from here?


How far is the cafeteria from here?

- It's not far at all.







blue sign


Can you see that blue sign?


How far is the festival from here?

-It's two or three minutes from here. (on foot / by train )







Can you see that intersection?

Just turn right at that intersction.





The crosswark is over there.




I'm looking for a waterfall called Orchid Falls.


-It's that way. It's at the end of this trail.

It's about twenty or thirty minutes from here.




How far is the movie theater from the port?










Excuse me. Where is the elevator?



It's over there.

It's that way. (すこし遠い場合)


It’s over there

It's in front of the cafeteria.





Excuse me. What floor is the pool on?

-It's on the fifth floor.


What floor is the gym on?

-It's on this floor. It's over there.

-I will show you.




fitness center

fitness room

workout room







the end of ...

dead end


It's the end of this hall.



There it is!


Jenny, what's something you always look for at home?

-Ooh.. probably the remote control
-The remote control.. and when you find it?

-There it is!



-> There they are!



There you are.









This month we are going to Fiji!

Hi everyone. I'm your conversation partner, Chtherine Leland.

On Friday you'll help a child. She's lost. So just practice 道案内 phrases this week. Challenge yourself. Bye for now!

-Thanks, Chatherine. You will help a child, she' lost. 


  • Communicate with kids in Fiji.


Do you need some help?


May I help you? いらっしゃいませ

Are you okay? 


I'm looking for the train station.

The train station is that way.


I'm going there, too.

The beach is that way.



the right
<- tight hand, right side


It's on the right.



parking lot


It's on the other side of this parking lot.


Fiji Culture Village is that way

It's on the left.





The entrance is next to the lighthouse.





Let's finish up our journey around New Zealand with this.

...around the Pacific.


Imagine this...

You're finishing a luxury train trip around New Zealand. And on the train, you run into me. We are going back to cruise ship. And I'll aske you how many more stops to Aucland. And I have questions about Japanese trains, too.

And then you can see ...

Are you ready to talk to me on the train?


Good afternoon. What a coincidence!

-Yeah, what a coincidence!

-So we're both going to the cruise ship at the last stop, Auckland.
-How many more stops is Auckland?

- It's for four or five stops from here.

-Okay. The trains is running on time, so we'll arrive at ... What time will we arrive?

- We will arrive around at 7 p.m. I think.

-Okay. Are there special trains like this in Japan?

-Well, most trains are commuter trains, but there are very special sightseeing traing too. I like the charming little steam power trains. Here's a picture. 

-Oh, I see. How did you like your trip around New Zealand?

- It was wonderful. I loved the views from the train. 


-Attention passengers. We are passing by Tongurero National Park with snow-capped mountains. Enjoy the views.


-Oh, what did that announcement say?

- It said we're passing by a National Park and enjoy the views, I think. 

- Oh look. That's a mountain Naruhoe covered in snow. What's the name of that famous mountain in Japan? Mount... Fuji?

-That's mount Fuji. That mountain really looks like mount Fuji actually.



What was the name of the National park?

- Tonganade National park.

What was the name of the mountain?

- Mount Naruhoe.









I'd like to go to New Market station.

How many stops is it from here?

Just take this train to the last stop.

Is this train running on time?

This train is running late.

The platform is crowded.


* crowded



... station is ... stops from here.

Grand Central station is three spops from here.


The trains start running at ... a.m.

The trains start running at 5 a.m.



Jenny, what did you see from the window of the train?


This train is passing by ....

This train is passing by my old highschool.


That's a good one!





What a coincidence!

-Yeah, what a coincidence!


How many more stops is Auckland?

-I think it's seven stops form here.


Are there special trains like this in Japan?

-Yes, there are some special sightseeing trains and there are a few charming little steam powered trains. There's one called TK24 in my hometown.







ホーム? ->> platform



express train

semi-express train

commuter express train



semi-express train


The semi-express train doesn't stop at SPR station.




commuter express train


The commuter express trains run from 7 a.m to 9 p.m.


track number ...




Track number 4


The express train leaves from track number 2.






The platform is crowded.


The platform isn't crowded today.


vending machine


There is a vending machine on the platform.




The announcement said the trains are running late.






電車の運行情報 etc.




Is this train runing on time?

Is this train on time?


For 定刻通り, you can say, be on time or running on time.

But running is useful when you talk about trains.


This train is running on time.

This train is running late.


土砂崩れ, How do you say that in English?




There was a landslide, so the trains are not runing now.

The trains aren't runing yet.



start running


The trains start runing at 6 a.m..



stop runing


The trains stop runing at 11 p.m.


-> desn't stop ... / pass by 


This train doesn't stop at the next station
* station ---> stop


-> = This rain passes by the next station.



pass by 


This train is passing by a beautiful park.

This train is passing by Mt. Fuji. It's on the right.


You're getting beter and better practicing each day. And we have a few more lessons to go this month. 

So everyone, get on board, and let's practice speaking together!






How many stops is it from here? -> corrected


We have a new week of Eikaiwa time trial for you.

I'm Catherine and I'll meet with you on the train. We can seee some beautiful views from the window. Join me on Friday. 


So let's get ready to go for a train ride through New Zealand.

  • stop


Just transfer at the next stop.  <- next station?


Ginza station isn't the next stop.


*How many stops is it from here?
  How many more stops is it from here?

How many stops are there from here?


Ginza station is four stops from here.


I'd like to go to New Market station.

New Market staion is five stops from here.


  • the last stop


Christ Church station is the last stop.

Just take this train to the lasat stop.
<- take がride よりも自然 
<- Just take .. が please take ...よりも自然


Just get off at the last stop, and transfer to the blue train line.