ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(23) 5月15日(水) | amnn1のブログ



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(23)

The story of the missing inventory continues.

Kaoru gets Giorgio to help her uncover the facts.


Why did Giorgio wait to inform Kaoru until the situation became clear?

-Because he understood the gravity of the situation.


It would have been helpful if you had informed us sooner. 

-I understand. I recognize the gravity of the situation. That's exactly why I chose to wait until the stiation became clear. 

-Do you have any idea about the cause of this incident?

-I wish I did. You mentioned the case at another overseas location where seasonal employees stole some parts for resale. We can't rule out that kind of possibility. I'm hopeful it might just be a miscalculation.

-We hope so, too. Girogio, you've succesfully resolved many challenging issues in the past. And I have complete confidence in your abilities.

-That's very kind, Kaoru. I'll keep you updated on the developments.




seasonal employees

rule out



keep .. updated


rule out ...

  • We can't rule out that kind of possibility.
  • We should rule out biases when choosing candidates?
  • We ruled out the idea that this was a human error.
  • We can't dismiss that kind of senario.
    dismiss 考えなどを捨て去る
  • We can't exlude the possibility of this happneing
    exclude <> include
  • I have compleate confidence in your abilities.
  • This is indeed a sericous problem. Okay, first please submit your investigation report by the end of today. I'll then report it to Mr. Kaneko,  our chief financial officer, first thing tomorrow morning, Tokyo time.
  • Giorgio, this is a challenge that we'll need to address collaboratively working closely with your team. There's always a solution to every problem. Let's overcome this together.
There hasn't been a single world of apology from Giorgia. What are your thoughts on that?
-That's right. He used, I understand instead of saying he was sorry. Perhaps he thought an apology would make Kaoru doubt his abilities or even view it as an admission of guilt. Using, I understand shows that he's listening. 



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(22)

The financial statement from the subsidiary in Italy have been sent to the Tokyo headquarters. Kaoru discovers a potentially problematic fact and asks Giorgio about it. 


What was lost in warhouse 8?

-Several dozen batteris was lost.


Thank you for sending us your financials. You've provided us wiht the overall numbers, but we do need the details as well. Is there any reason you've omitted the detaileds surrounding current assets on the balance sheet?

-Well, if I'm honest, our inventory isn't adding up. The logistics team is reporting a loss of several dozen batteries in wearhouse 8. We're cheking for damage reports, but there aren't any.

-Didn't you check your stock at the end of the third quarter?

-Of course we did. At that time the stock was still there.

-This could develop into a problem. Our inventory must be disposed of by a certified entity under the correct procedurs. If we can't prove that it was, we may be at risk of losing our ISO certification.


financials 決算書


current assets 流動資産

balance sheet

add up 合計の数字が合う

dozen 12

thierd quater

dispose (be disposed of)


ISO = international starndardization


add up 合計の数字が合う
-> not add up 数字が合わない

  • Our inventory isn't adding up.
  • The numbers just don't add up. Could you please double check each item?
  • The budget and accual expences are not add up.
  • There's a discrepancy in our inventory figures.
  • There's a mismatch between our recorded inventory and the actual stock.
It's not my faul that the batteries are missing. I've been fulfilling my responsibilities. So, why blame me?
-Don't take it personally. I'm not blaming you. However this is something that happened within your company and impact could ripple throughout the entire group. 
There's nothing wrong with you personally. I just wanted you to be aware that there could be serious consequences for the group as a whole



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(21)

The deadline for subminting financial documents are approaching. Kaoru calls Giorgia the financial manager of the subsidiary in Italy. 


What was the purpose of Kaoru's phone call to Giorgio?

-The purpose was to remind Giorgio of the submission deadline.


Hello Giorgio. How are you? Is the family well too?

-Ciao. Kaoru. All good here. My daugter Maria had a sleepover this weekend. She invited three friends. So I was pretty busy with cooking. 

-You're a good farther. How old is Maria now?

-She turned eight last month. Time flies. Anyway, I'm sure you didn't call me just to inquire about my family. What's the matter?

-Well, there's no problem as of now.

-I just wanted to remind you that the submission deadline is this Friday. Is everything on schedule?

-Yeah..Yeah.. No problem. 

-You sound a bit apprehensive. If there are any issues, please let me know. The earlier, the better.

-Don't worry. If anything comes up, I'll keep you posted.


sleep over

time flies



submission deadline

apprehensive-> worry / nervous 気づかって, 懸念して

keep .. posted



-Anxious or fearful about the future; uneasy: 


remind ( remind ... of ... / remind ... to ... / remind ... that ...)

  • I just wanted to remind you that the submission deadline is this Friday.
  • I'd like to remind you of the upcoming team meeting on Friday.
  • Could you remind me to call the dlient at 3 p.m?


  • Just let you know this Friday is the submission deadline.
  • I just want to bring your attention to the submission deadline, which is this Friday. 


  • There seems to be a heat wave in southern Italy. How about MIlan?
  • Has your mother discharged from the hospital yet?
  • I recently started watching an Italian language program on NHK.
  • Watching a special feature on the Uffizi.. Gallery on TV made me want to visit Florence.

ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(1-5)

亀田製菓代表取締役会長CEO ジュネジャ・レカ・ラジュ氏
Lekh Raj Juneja


How is the marketing strategy changing to attract the younger generation?

-It's shifting more towards social media. 


Regarding the domestic market, you mentioned that the rice cracker market remais stagnat while sales of cookies and chocolate have been growing and that your main customer domographic is in their 50s and 60s. What is your strategy for attracting the younger generation to rice crucker?

-That's a very good question, you know, I think, you know most of the copanies are struggling with like there'll be a lot less younger people, more people of the aging society, you know. So this is a critical issue for us, you know, that how to keep our shares in the market, how to grow our business, you know. So now we need to attract younger generaton, you know, so we are trying to shift our marketing strategies. We changed like..you know, commercial ambassador, CMs, you know, we're doing SNS. We're doing everything, and also developing the products which are good for younger generation that they like it. So marketing stratey of course we are changing, you know. It's more shifting, more on SNS and, you know, the young people can read, and all that, you know, but also making palate, you know, the food tasting which are good for younger generation. So this is our very very important part of our business, how we can attract younger people. And what we can serve them. What we can bring the market, and of course, you know, I mean whatever we do is the.. you know we cannot keep on growing forever, you know. That's the reason we are going absolutely to take this beautiful food to all of the world, you know. So go every country and spread how good Japanese are, how good Japanese technologies are, how good Japanese foods is. That sort of thing's going everywherewherever we're building factories, making all those alliances and partnerships, you know.



Unchanging, lacking growth or development. Dull and lacking activity. Stagnat is ofte used for wate. If water is not moving, it creates a bad smell, and become hazardrous to drink. Using the same image. 

Stagnat has a negative connotation. However, something that is steady or stable can be nutral or positive. 


demographic 人口動態・人口統計

The details or specifics about a group of people. 

A demographic is also a part of a population based on a shared characteristic. This could be something like age income nationality and so on. For example, young voters are a key demopraphic for his political campaign.

Generally speaking, a share is a portion of something that belongs to someone or an organization. Dr. Juneja mentioned keeping his company's shares in the market. Otherwise know as market shares. Market shares refer to the portion of sales of the company or pruduct has in a given market.

For example, if there are 100 products sold in a cretain industry, and 10 of those produts are from my company, then my company would have a 10 percent of the market.


palate 味覚

Your palate is the roof of your mouth. But we use palette to refer to our sense of taste and how we perceive flavor. An example would be,

The spicy food had to be adjusted for my child's sensitive palate.


target audience

Understanding your target audience is the first step for a successful marketing campaign.



Consistant branding helps to establish a strong brand identity.


engage with

Social media platforms provide an avenue for engaging with potential customers.


incentivize 奨励する

Offering exclusive promotions can incentivize customer loyalty.

<- incentive


provide an avenue + for...

a situation in which something serves as a means of access or opportunity for something else.


  • Word of mouth through social media is a powerful weapon in marketing.


commercial ambassador?
A brand ambassador is a person engaged by an organization or company to represent its brand 







ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(20)

Point to check 取引をしたいという強い気持ち


Subject: Revised quotation for ABC. 

Hi Pablo,
Following our discussion yesterday, we carefully reviewed how we can incorporate ABC's request to the best of our ability. Please have a look at the attached revised quotation. It would be great if we could engage in business with the client. If you have any questions or require clarification, please don't hesitate to leach out to me. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,



to the best of (one's) ability 
= as well as one can.
To the limit of one's skills, resources, or energy; as well as one is able to do.


  • Thank you for updating the quotation.
  • Thank you for providing the updated quotation.
Hi Rie, thatnk you for updating the quotation. We successfully renegotiated with ABC yesterday. I'm thrilled to inform you that we're ready to move forward. Fantastic News. They formally requested us to prceed with placing an order for 15 units under the revised conditions. For details, please refer to the attached order sheet. We appreciate your flexlibility and accommodating ABC's requests.
Best regards,
I'm trilled to 
I'm excited
*accomodate ... 受け入れる
Subject: Draft proposal for XYZ
Hi Rie, It was awesome catching up with you after such a long time. I've attached our draft proposal for XYZ. Check it out. Have any questions, feel free to contact me anytime. I'd apprecate your feed back. I'm all ears
Have a nice weekend.
What impressin do you get from the words and phrases used in the first two sentences?
- It was awesome chatching up .. The word, awesome give off a vibe like great or nice. It's a word commonly seen in internal chat tools. 
Check it out. is also a phrease you wouldn't find in a formal e-mails. It feels like Tom and Rie have established relationship from their previous interactions.
-The tone is considerably more informal this time.
Have any questions?
I'm all ears.
  • Excited about the prospect of doing business with XYZ.
    I'm excited about ..
Could you provide us with an alternative sentence?

- Using the classic phrase, look forward to, you can express it as,

  • Looking forward to the opportunity to engage in business with XYZ.
Yes, classice but appropriate.
Hi Tom, Hope you had a great weekend. Did you get to go surfing again? Big thanks for sending your draft proposal. We'll dive into it on our end and get back to you by the end of next week. Excited about the prospect of doing business with XYZ.
get to do something
-You are enabled or given the opportunity to do something.
-to have the opportunity to do something 
Jenny, in addition to this, other other parts where you can feel the closeness betwee the two?
- There are casual tone such as Big thanks for sending. also indicates the closeness between the two.
-Using Big thanks is something you typically do in exchanges with close colleagues. 
  • We appreciate your effort in closing the deal.
  • We've broken down all the costs and services.
  • I've attached the revised quote summarizing the terms and conditions we talked about.



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(19)

With the closing day is just a few days away, the time has come to send out the email to overseas offices. Edwin seems surprised to hear about Kaoru's approach.


In what ways is Edwin surpried by Kaoru's approach?

-He is surpried by Kaoru's intention to send individual emails.


I've just sent you the final draft of the email. I hope it's okay. 
-Thank you, Edwin. It should be fine. I'll be busy sending emails in the next few days. 

-What do you mean by busy?

-All you need to do is send a group email, right?

-No, not really. I'll be sending individual emails to the managers in charge. People often don't read group emails properly. I'll try to preempt potential issues by contacting them individually.

-That's sounds like an effective way. Well, tough issues may emerge down the road, but I'm fully prepared. 

-Great. I'm counding on you, Edwin.

-Thank you, Kaoru. It'll be a great opportunity for me to build relationships with colleagues globally.



preempt 人より先に手に入れる、先手を打って~を阻止する

down the road

be prepared

cont on


preempt 先手を打つ

  • I'll try to preempt potential issues by contacting them individually.
  • We chose to preempt potential questions during the presentation.
  • The government introduced regulations to preempt environmental issues.

I'll aim to prevent potential issues by reaching out individually.


proactively handle ...

I'll proactively handle any potential issues by making individual contacts.



I'm counting on you.

-It'll be a great opportunity for me to build relationships with colleagues globally.


  • I want to acquire practical skills in consolidated financial statements.
  • I aim to handle issues smoothly and earn the trust of colleagues at overseas locations.
Kaoru said she would send individual emails. What do you think about this?
- I think it's a smart move and it sounds like Kaoru may be speaking from experience. It may be more efficient in the long run to send more emails now, rather than dealing with any miscommunications or misunderstandings that could arise later.
-It's great that Kaoru's thinking ahead about the potential issues.


ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(18)

Edwin, responsible for consolidated financial statements drafts a notification for overseas subsidiaries and asks for feedback from Kaoru.


Why is Kaoru advising Edwin to use the phrase group companies instead of subsidiaries?

-Because they want to be seen as teammates, not a higher authority.


Let me read out the first part of the email. As you know, we are approaching the end of the fiscal year. Here in Tokyo, we are compiling the financial statements of all subsidiaries across the globe in preparation for their submission to the relevant authorities and stakeholders

-Well crafted. Consider using gruop companies instead of subsidiaries. We want to be seen as teammates, not a higher authority. What's the next part?

-Please make sure to send us all statements by April 15th, adjusted to the updated internal currency exchange rates

-Right. Can we add a word of thanks at the end?  Yes. It's their job, but we need their cooperation. 

-Okay. It makes sense to be polite where possible.







internal currency exchange rate 社内為替レート


make sense to  ...するのはもっともだ

That makes sense.

It makes sense to ...

  • It makes sense to be polite where possible.
  • Given the traffic conditions, it makes sense to leave earlier than usual.
  • It make sense to master an Asian language. なかなかいいアイデアだ
a logical choice

Being polite is a logical choice whenever feasible.


It's sensible to * sensible 道理にかなった、分別のある, 思慮のある

It's sensible to be polite whenever possible.



  • To ensure the deadline is met, I think it might be appropriate to ask them in a somewhat assertive tone.
  • We're in charge of the whole process. So it seems reasonable to show a certain levels of autholity.
    * It seems + / It might be => 断定を避ける 
    It's appropliate to ask them  / It's reasonable to show きつい感じ



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(17)


Kaoru, the accounting manager at an electronics manufacturer is about to start working on the year-end accounts. Kaoru and her subordinates are checking the arrangements. 


By how long after the closing date should the whole process be finished?

-Within six weeks.


So it's that time of the year again, end of fiscal year. From here on until the sharholders meeting ends, it's full speed ahead

-Yes. We need to stay sharp, one step ahead and prepare for the worst. Can I go over the overall workflow? First thing first, we have to pressure everyone under our jurisdiction to complete inventory checks and compile their earnings earlier than usual. 

-Nobody is under us, Edwin. Our aim is to extract accurate figures as early as possible with minimal confrontation. We must be persuasive

-Understood. Once the giures are confirmed, we'll start preparing financial statements. We need to complete the process within six weeks from the closing date. 

-Exactly. So the key is to deal with issues promptly when they come up


fiscal year -> financial year

shareholders meeting



first thing first




earnings -> profit / income


figures / numbers <> amounts

closing date


full speed ahead
Moving or proceeding with the utmost speed, energy, or enthusiasm.
As quickly and efficiently as possible; with all possible energy and determination.


  • From here on until the sharholders meeting ends, it's full speed ahead
  • The research project is moving full speed ahead toward groundbreaking discoveries.
  • We are advancing full speed ahead to achieve ambitious task.
    * advancing / move / progress
fired up 
Starting today, let's get fired up for the sharholders meeting.
non-stop effort
From now until the shareholders meeting concludes, it's a non-stop effort.
  • First, send an email to the overseas offices under the manager's name
    * under the ...'s name / under the name of ...
  • Second, send a soft reminder in one weeks's time and check if there are any issues.
    * soft reminder -> reminder 催促・警告 も含まれる
  • Third, review the submitted financial statements and resolve any issues together.
    *solve -> resolve 解決するのに時間や労力がかかるnuance