CNN10 20240514 &15 | amnn1のブログ







for this time of the year

help keep the ground damp 

fires from last year didn't completely go out

-> zonbie fires



for some there's still an appeal in trying to live off the grid

completely self-sufficient

can be tremendously rewarding

acient ways of doing things


people living on site of ages ranging between 2 and mid 60s started in...

take on a little look around ~を見物しに行く

popularized by hippies

electricity grid 電力供給網 , water sewage and waste disposal

be cut off from society

spring on the mountain

wood harbested from the land

electricity comes from solar panels


a wind turbine 


non hierarchical sommunity


by consensus

as opposed to putting all of our time into...

land skills

in a way where you're making being in harmony with the land,


start their life cycle

hate to soil your party ?

started in nature

protect tehmselves from pests and diseases 

clothing > clothes


unveil new medicines


multiple congenital defects of my skeletal system

required the amputation of my leg at the age of three

developed a hospital acquried infection 


Hospital-acquired infections, also known as healthcare-associated infections (HAI), are nosocomially acquired infections that are typically not present or might be incubating at the time of admission.


pathogenic bacteria


not responsive to... 

prevent that from happening



picture perfect

stay vigilant y'all


help us conquer tomorrow 





happy belated mother's day to all the mamas out there


crunching numbers at a computer

standardized the practice

preventing employee burnout has become such an important priority

be exploring shourter work weeks


is exos a performance wellness company

what goes hand in had with you do you Friday is ...

put a lot of load on them

stagger shifts 



-To arrange in alternating or overlapping time periods
: staggered the nurses' shifts.



tempered by 気質の, 鍛えた ?


there's coral bleached whilte





the most important fossil of all time 


the mass extinction

12 Archaeopteryx specimen(s 始祖鳥

and most are on display in Europe


hog piglet

native to the rainforest of Africa

red ruffed lemur 赤襟巻狐猿

lemur  キツネザル

native to Madagascare


considered critically endangered due to habitat loss
*habitat 生息場所, 生息地


endanger 危うくする -> endangered 







dosn't seem to be an end in sight

severe weather


farm animals

bright flash floods

powerful tonado just pummeled ...

one tree toppled after the next


torrential downpoures have already caused catastrophic flooding

airport tarmac タールマック, タールマック舗装エプロン

this comes after heavy rains hit the ...

the rains and consequent flooding 

caused a growing number of deaths

have been increasingly hit by  extreme weather events 


that is no longer the case

all the way to the crater area

perilously close to your house 

*peril 危険, 危難



having laid dormant for eght centuries


last tens or eve hundreds of the year

keen on that 

horse stable

keep horses in this pasture

the downside of it

more or less know each other

would go to the grocery store and have a talk


cooped up in

*coop up 閉じ込める






came to see it arrive

the torch was lit a month ago 

streak the colors ...

to mirror the nation's flag

the rapper juwel, a native of Marseilles took that 


orinpic cauldron 

with the paralympic to follow









get you more eyeballs than

a fraction of the price

guesstimate 推測による見積もり, 当て推量

run on regular gas

you're craving attention

a whole new level ->  something is really good






is a privilege and honor that ...


infringement on the first amendment speech rights

force ... to find a new American owner spin-off from its Chinese parent company


collect data on users

don't wave by 


the stakes here for Tik Tok are huge



Something, such as a crucial change or grave consequence, that may result from a situation


the divestiture 



The sale, liquidation, or spinoff of a corporate division or subsidiary.


certainly not on the 270-day timeline required by this act 

with its recommnedation algorithm

it's not possible for us to be divested from BiteDance therefore.

*devest 奪う
<< vest ベスト

weigh the U.S lawmakers National Security concerns when it comes to ...

litigation / legislature 


touting the operation as a play to bolster 
*tout 押し売りする

intend to torpedo the entry of our forces 

air and artillery striled

began pummeling 


打ちまくる, 打ち捲る, ぶっ叩く



a human catastrophe

forced to flee 

what was once the last refuge in Gaza for this coastal area

setting up makeshift shelters eith tarp sheets and thin planks of wook

the only hope of a way out 


constellation prize

running out of fuel and falling inward on its center


buckle up

cool with that

what it would be like to get drawn into a massive black hole

the immersive visualization was made on a supercomputer

slingshotting back out 


a Y-shaped stick with an elastic strip between the prongs for shooting small missiles.
forcefully accelerate through the effect of gravity.


milky way


a steering wheel made out of a garden cart


put up for auction 








stellar submissions 

have hit a snag 暗礁に乗り上げる

pause the war for an indefinite period

yield no ceasefire 

reiterate my appeal for ...

spare no effort to secure ...

flee <> free

in dire circumstances with few options on where to go

giant hail hurricane force winds and devastating tornadoes tore through parts of the state Monday night 

killing at least one person and injuring multiple others

tornadoes and inclement weather 

-> inclement 不良な, 荒れ模様の


are all too familiar with this kind of destruction

the second in a little over a month ...

show the damage up close


flatterning this structure

pickup truck

ripping through

it's not yes out of the woods 困難を乗り越えて

be vulnerable to damaging


oxygen relief valve on the second stage of 

release some pressure from the oxygen

liquid oxygen is one of the propellants that fuels ...

how to troubleshoot 

payload (ミサイル・ロケットの弾頭の)爆発力

at an abundance of caution to hold off


be underway 

a multi-story building collapse 

left dozens of people trapped under debris

offer his condolenses to 

families who los their loved ones

investigation into..

the cause of the collapse 

help prevent something like this from happening in the future



India ... edged out China ~に僅差で勝つ

be eligible to to vote

indelible ink

indelible <> delible = able to be deleted

 Impossible to remove, erase, or wash away; permanent:


prevent fraud and duplicate votes

painted onto the left index finger

chemical compound silver nitrate is a key ingredient


exclusive right

it's largest order to date

come in contact with the sunlight


peel good story


two young bulls in a pasture next door 

find the fruit appealing

utterly shocked when 

incorrigible bulls busted through the fnece and showed up at her house

before milking the situation for a few selfies 


milk the situation

>> milk : verb 
To obtain the greatest possible advantage from (a situation).



矯正できない, 救いがたい, 根強い, 手に負えない, わがままな

incapable of being corrected, amended or reformed 

<> corrigible 
Capable of being corrected, reformed, or improved.






be swamped with 

scouring the streets looking ... for people in distress 

populous conty

don't get the runoff 決勝戦, 決選投票, 雨水

they catch people off guard


pro Palestinian protests

have endowments 

divest those endowments 


is currentlyu sanctioned by

its allies

willing to defy the US

defy us-led sanctions

beat the sanctions

showcasing everything from heavy machinery to food products

tall task 


a parliamentarian 

has been ravaged by what the US called macimum pressure

designed to the US claims to compel it to stop its support for extremism

continues to devalue 

working with other adversaries of the West like

the contexts between our scientists 

can take fruther steps 


floe 氷原, 浮氷

iceberg 氷山

glacier 氷河

ice dam


floe, ice floe forms from ocean water and iceberg froms land, then breaks off from a glacier into the ocean




Can anything be done?

submersible pumps


a decade earlier than previous projections

70 cm of thickness

all sorts of precipitations from the sky

coral reef


inverting the wing and causing the boat to capsize


dethroned France 


traditional baguette, a long think crusty loaf of bread in case you didn't know