CNN10 20240508 | amnn1のブログ






stellar submissions 

have hit a snag 暗礁に乗り上げる

pause the war for an indefinite period

yield no ceasefire 

reiterate my appeal for ...

spare no effort to secure ...

flee <> free

in dire circumstances with few options on where to go

giant hail hurricane force winds and devastating tornadoes tore through parts of the state Monday night 

killing at least one person and injuring multiple others

tornadoes and inclement weather 

-> inclement 不良な, 荒れ模様の


are all too familiar with this kind of destruction

the second in a little over a month ...

show the damage up close


flatterning this structure

pickup truck

ripping through

it's not yes out of the woods 困難を乗り越えて

be vulnerable to damaging


oxygen relief valve on the second stage of 

release some pressure from the oxygen

liquid oxygen is one of the propellants that fuels ...

how to troubleshoot 

payload (ミサイル・ロケットの弾頭の)爆発力

at an abundance of caution to hold off


be underway 

a multi-story building collapse 

left dozens of people trapped under debris

offer his condolenses to 

families who los their loved ones

investigation into..

the cause of the collapse 

help prevent something like this from happening in the future



India ... edged out China ~に僅差で勝つ

be eligible to to vote

indelible ink

indelible <> delible = able to be deleted

 Impossible to remove, erase, or wash away; permanent:


prevent fraud and duplicate votes

painted onto the left index finger

chemical compound silver nitrate is a key ingredient


exclusive right

it's largest order to date

come in contact with the sunlight


peel good story


two young bulls in a pasture next door 

find the fruit appealing

utterly shocked when 

incorrigible bulls busted through the fnece and showed up at her house

before milking the situation for a few selfies 


milk the situation

>> milk : verb 
To obtain the greatest possible advantage from (a situation).



矯正できない, 救いがたい, 根強い, 手に負えない, わがままな

incapable of being corrected, amended or reformed 

<> corrigible 
Capable of being corrected, reformed, or improved.






be swamped with 

scouring the streets looking ... for people in distress 

populous conty

don't get the runoff 決勝戦, 決選投票, 雨水

they catch people off guard


pro Palestinian protests

have endowments 

divest those endowments 


is currentlyu sanctioned by

its allies

willing to defy the US

defy us-led sanctions

beat the sanctions

showcasing everything from heavy machinery to food products

tall task 


a parliamentarian 

has been ravaged by what the US called macimum pressure

designed to the US claims to compel it to stop its support for extremism

continues to devalue 

working with other adversaries of the West like

the contexts between our scientists 

can take fruther steps 


floe 氷原, 浮氷

iceberg 氷山

glacier 氷河

ice dam


floe, ice floe forms from ocean water and iceberg froms land, then breaks off from a glacier into the ocean




Can anything be done?

submersible pumps


a decade earlier than previous projections

70 cm of thickness

all sorts of precipitations from the sky

coral reef


inverting the wing and causing the boat to capsize


dethroned France 


traditional baguette, a long think crusty loaf of bread in case you didn't know







its impact on 

a series brutal weather events

have rattle the states


stranding livestock

is flooding roads

hitting levels that haven't been seen since hurricane Harvey in 2017

to put this amounts of ater into perspective on Tursday

* put into perspective ..を大局的に見る

put (something) in(to) perspective
To clarify, appraise, or assess the true value, importance, or significance of something.


two months worth of rain

made the ground super saturated 

flash floods 

disapster declarations are now in effect for ..

on short notice

some of the water is receding because you can tell 

We're not leaving nobody behind 


houses have been submerged up to their rooftops

be assuring that 

make a complete orbit around Earth in 27 Earth days and rotates or at that same rate or in that same amount of time.


Ever wonder why we always see the same side of the moon?

on their axes=axis


A straight line about which a body or geometric object rotates or may be conceived to rotate.

a probe 

won't have any astronauts on board

is set to land on the far side of the moon to

getting in on the game

bring back the first sample ever clooected from the moon's far side

It's for national prestigious 

it's for to show thw world their techonological prowess

明白な, 明瞭な, 触知できる


cosmic competition to make a mark on Earth and beyound


lunar lander

be scheduled for its first launch with astronauts on board

if all goes according to plan,

there have been a lot of setbacks leading up to this moment

it has taken Boing up until now to reach this milestone

for quite some time to 

quite some time
A relatively long amount or period of time.

zebra finally found safe and sound 

some sort of prank

cougars are a consern 

was set to be transported to ...








as many as 60 million americ  Americans

run out of funding

But it's now set to run out of money by the end of this month

other advocates for the bill

is vital to ...


put America further into debt

have actually been largely peaceful

especially when

even take the dean hostage


the primary difference between then and now 

while skirmished have broken out at ...

violence broke out routinely

in two horrific episodes, 

turned deadly

racial injustice protests at..

possibly a closer comparison to what's going on now

against apartheid

devest themselves from companies


single celled microscopic organisms

microscopic 顕微鏡の, ごく小さい, 超小型の



low impact textiles using bacteria

raw materials

strong, lightweight, versatile



add additional functionalities

aesthetic properties like...

create products on a mass scale

that can sit at the same price 

mushroom mycelium algae 菌糸体, 菌糸
















serve up a whole bunch of it

conftontations broke out between

the skirmishes happened 


irritant(s at each other

stop the unrest

Disgusting, loathsome, or repellent.
Feeling repugnance or loathing.


abhorent => horrible repulsive or ofensive


came hours after

full tactical geer


bearcats 激しく戦う人?

flashbang 閃光弾




neuro virus 


E coli

a potential solution



even for good

heightened awarness on why ..


it's implementing food safety technology

food born illness

E coli


detect gut biomolecules 生体分子

get in the cracks in these little crevice here inside the palm and the nails 

rinsing properly


sound like micromanaging =>


To direct or control in a detailed, often meddlesome manner.


next story on and popping

have up cracking up



is pokey =>
狭苦しい, ちっぽけな, 元気のない, だらしない

Dawdling; slow
Frumpish; shabby
Small and cramped:

cactus サボテン








May the 1st

embrace it the good old days


have barricaded themselves inside and draped a banner 

which was further exacerbated by a nearby 

causing water to rush through the streets

the lates incident comes after floods have inundated 


Munich ミュンヘン

Eiffel Tower 

superfluous activities like...

many cities subsidize housing that means..

the view is second to none the location as central as they get 何ものにも劣らない

the most iconic spots for luxury shopping

not to mention its five-star hotel

was also obliged as part of its reconstruction



せざるをえなくて, ありがたく思って, 感謝して


to let at modest rates

inhabiting in the city

already it is one in nine Parisians that benefits 

now seeking to help those who keep its schools and hospitals running to be able to benefit from them too.



has exploded


gas powered cars


you can turn the lights in your home on and off 


standout eye-catching color

this is the much talked about ....

an aerodynamic design

the most distinct point is ...

geopolitics 地政学


face lots of restrictions in China out of security concerns 

government compounds and other sensitive あれあs

look to break into the American market


beat you to it 
You beat me to it!"(君に先を越された!)

equip with 


gregarious grin


余分の, 余計な, 不必要な, なくてもよい

beyond what is sufficient or necessary

- Being beyond what is required or sufficient.








growing and evolving over the past several week





face disciplinary action



big sums of money

divest or take money away


take out ...
? - To incapacitate or neutralize someone.


come to a close

unprovoked ans severe brutality extracted by 

commencement ceremony citing... new safety measures in place

have been subjected to a hostile environment

bring the situation under control

blast protesters 

join in hate-filled anti-semitic protest

should be expelled 

rhetoric is so loud

getting drowned out



emperor penguin

waddling warriors


waddling and gliding 

severely threatened by climate change


lay their eggs and raise their chickes 

it was reassuring that 

work still need to be done to ...


entomology is the study of what? 昆虫学

cicada apocalypse 黙示, 啓示

be fully immersed in 

unique enological



The study of wine and the making of wine.

have pestered the press



sewing skills 







racial segregation that ruled the contry for nearly 50 years

under apartheid

degrade / humiliate

fast forward today 早送りする/最新の情報に精通している、最先端をいっている

long-term consequences of ...

takes us to...

great force 大きな[強い]力、すごい勢い、大勢力

has it gotten worse over years of you 

I feel honored being in the school because

acutely aware if the challenges that line ahead



designated as 

tourists are flocking when the nation reopened to visitors after the pandemic

this picturesque spot in front of Mount Fuji 

capture the quirky contrast between the glowing neon lights and serene montain behind it

be fed up

is requiring ... to put new plicies in place 

could lose its prestigious status as a 


sacred Mount Fuji



it just sonother day on the job 全くいつもどおりの日

pilgrimage site for centries

be urged to donate 

altitude sickness  and hypothermia 












ramp up weapons production

wage its war aginst ...

has its own grievances

suppress the Asian superpowers growth


are kind of like frenemies



A portmanteau of "friend" and "enemy."

Someone who is ostensibly one's friend but who actually behaves in an antagonistic or treacherous manner.

run by an suthoritarian leader 




this comes at a tricky time for 


led to a series of flash floods 鉄砲水

it goes on and on and on




pilot whales ゴンドウクジラ


sodium in breakfasts


tentacle lizing twist


he was a sheep 

start acting weird



got emotional

getting a first look at the hatchlings 幼生, 幼体

cannibalize each other 

make for expensive pets


make for

-To have or produce something as an effect or result:


are destined for eduational institutions








been signed into law


bet buggy  and start to get glitchy 


endowment 寄贈, 寄付, 

large pools of money 

divest or take money away 

meet their demands

the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza

face a censor vote 不信任決議

violate tenants of academic freedom

encampment stands firm in solidarity with 



descendants of a royal dynasty

biggest foes,

any proprietary work was on a ...


-Of or relating to a proprietor or to ownership


be outsourced particular to...

where it could then be subcontracted to North Koreas 

who the person is at the other side of the keyboard is very difficult



did a flyby of 

high resolution photos