英会話タイムトライアル「3月DAY5」 3月8日(金) | amnn1のブログ




I'm so happy to meet all of you again. I'm from India and I'll joining you in the Philippines this month.

So, welcome back to Eikaiwa time trial Nilina. Thanks, Steve.

When you think of the Philippines, what do you think of?

When I think of the Philippines, a lot of natural beauty comes to mind

Oceans, mountains and a lot of greenery.

And there are so many beautiful islands in the Philipppines.

Nature => Natural beauty.

And are there many Filipinos in India?

I've never met a Filipino person in India. The first time I met a Filipino person I was in Japan.


Share memories in the Philippines.


Imagine this...

In the Philippines, you'll meet someone who is waiting for a special kind of taxi. It's called a Jeepney.
That's the person who wa your English teacher, me!

Let's imagine I taught you English.


Let's talk about Japan and your travels to the Philippines.

So, try to have a nine-turn conversation as we reunite in the Philippines.


Hi, do you dpeak English?

- Yes. Just a little.

Are you waiting for the Jeepney too?

- Yeah, I hope it comes soon.

Oh, here it is. After you.


You look a little familiar. Actually I teach English to people in Japan. I had lessons with you online, right?

- Oh, my gosh. Yes, you were my instructor.

Yeah, your face rang a bell. Your name was ... What was your name again?

-It's shiraishi Taro.

So we had our lessons online two or three years ago? How long has it been?

-Well, it's been a while. It's been about two years.

What are you doing  in the Philippines?

- I'm visiting my sister. She lives in Makati and while I'm in the Philippines, I'll enjoy the beautiful beaches.

So what do you do in Japan now?

- I work at a Radio station called SPR. I'm in charge of an educational show.

Oh, this is my sub. Maybe I'll see you around the Philippines.

-Yeah, maybe I'll see you around the Philippines or online again. Someday soon!









It's been a while.

How have you been?

When is his birthday party again?

Was it Saturday or Sunday?

Thanks for reminding me.

Doese her face ring a bell?

We used to to to the same hair salon.



Do you still...?

Do you still play golf?


I still...

I still go jogging every morning.


What was ... again?

What was  your sister's name again?



Do you speak English?

-Yeah, just a little. 


Imagine this... You're in the Philippines.

Are you waiting the jeepey?

-Yeah, I hope it comes soon.

-I hope it comes soon.


What are you doing in the Philippines?

-In the Philippins I'm practicing speaking English and enjoying the beautifil ocean and beaches. How about you? What are you doing in the Philippines?






Have we met before?


Have we worked together before?


I think we've met before, but I'm...


I think we met at soccer game.


used to ... 



We used to go to the same hair salon.

We used to go to the same swimming school.



ring a bell


Your name rings a bell.

His name doen's relly ring a bell.


Does his face ring a bell?


When I saw him, I thought his face rings a bell.





What was your name again?




Sorry, what was ...?


Sorry, what was your daughter's name again?


Sorry, what was your dad's drink order again?
Was it iced tea?


When was his birthday party again?

Was it on Saturday or Sunday.


Thanks for reminding me.

Thanks for telling me. 教えてくれたとき


Where was your hometown?

Was it Sebu island?


What time was the flight to Manila again?

What was tomorrow's weather forcast again?



You know communication isn't always perfect. -That's true.

These are really useful phrases when you need to confirm something. -Good point, Jenny.

For example ike something you didn't remember or hear correctly. I use these phrases all the time.




The Philippine.

Share memories in the Philippines.


Hi everyone. It's Nilina here. On Friday, we meet up by chance in the Philippines. Do you remember me? I remember you. Let's meet and talk on a Friday.


It's been a while.

Long time no see.


How long has it been?

- It's been about 10 years.



It's been too long.


How have you been?

<> How are you?


Do you still live in Manila?



Radio station


Do you still work at that Radio station?

Yes, I still work at that Radio station.



keep in touch with...

get in touch with


Did you get in touch with...?


contact with 


Do you still keep in touch with Taylor?


Yes, I still keep in touch with Taylor. She lives in Hawai now.




have experience 

-You don't use an or the when you're speaking of a broad/general subject of experience. Like, "He has experience with teaching."  "With" will always come after when you use it in this context.


Today, let's finish up our virtual journey to India. Here we go!

Today, you've become the president of the compnay.

That's fantastic.


Imagine this...

Congratulations! You are at the top of the corporate ladder. You are the new president. Now our tea company only sells tea in India. And we are considering sales of our tea outside of India. 

Which region is best to start with. Asia, Africa, Europe or somewhere else. And which cities? Try to explain your vision.



Everybody, the new president is here. Stand up Stand up. Good morning.

-Have a seat everyone, and good morning to all of you.

Excuse me, could we talk in your office?

-Sure. Have a seat in my office.

Thank you for your time. Actually I have a concern. Now we only sell our products in India. Should'nt we start selling our tea outside of India?
-I am quite concerned about that, too. So, yes. Let's start selling outside of India. 
Okay, which region is best to start with. Asia, Africa, Europe or somewhere else?
-Let's start with Asia. 

I see. So why do you suggest that region?

-We know that region best. I think we will have a little less risk in Asia. There will also be a little less competition if we chose the right locations

And which city or coutry should we start with?

-How about Thailand? It's a growing market. 
Oh, that's interesting. Do you have any experience living or working in that place? 

- No, but a few people on our team have experience living or working in Thailand. 

-Okay. I'll send you my suggestions for the global sales plan. Shall I send it to you today?

-Let's not rush. Just make a careful plan, then get the opinions of a few others. It's better to plan carfully.





It's anormal speed, semi-express.


Thank you for your valuable time.

You mentioned our branch in Malaysia.

What do you suggest?

We only our products domestically now.
Maybe we should sell in Europe, too.


There's one concern about ...

There's one concern about the logo design.


Let's ...

You talked about the logo design. What's your suggestion?

-Let's make it more colorful.


It's ...

It's easier to see it from a distance.



Sholdn't we start selling our tea outside of India?

- Yes, let's start selling outside of India.


Which region is best to start with? Asia, Africa, Europe, or somewhere else?

- Let's start with Asia.



Why do you suggest that region?

-Since we know Asia best, we'll have a little less risk. And there will be a little less competition, but we'll have competiton whenever we go.


Did you understand? To explain a reason, you often use comparisons.




Today, we practice phrases to communicate a problem.

These phrases are useful to build good relationships at the office.

That's right.



There is one concern.

There is one concern about remote work.


There is one concern. => You can also say, I have one concern.

But that sounds personal.




sales strategy


There is one concern about our sales strategy.


We only sell our products domestically now.


<> internationally / globally


Maybe we should sell in Europe, too.


There is one concern about the manual.

It's pretty long and complex.


*pretty =>
Do you understand the use of pretty? かなり?
It's pretty long. means "It's kind of long." or "It's a little long."
All those are okay.

It's a little long and complex.





Maybe we should talk to our lawyer about it.


Does anyone have any questions or concerns?


If you have any questions or concerns, just send me an email.



These useful phrases will help you with business English conversations.




Today we practice some good phrases when you suggest or ask something at the office. 


Shall we...?

Should we...?



Shall we go to the conference room?

You can also say, the meeting room.




the contract



talk about


Shall we talk about the contract now?




Thank you for your valuable time.



I know you must be busy, but may I ask you a question?


You mentioned our branch in Malaysia.


You mentioned our factory in Vietnam.
Shall we talk about it now?


Instead of making one long sentence and saying it suddenly, I suggest breaking it up and going step by step.




I understand the issue. 

So what should we do?


What do you suggest?

Did you hear the intonation? Jenny emphasized "you."
If someone is asking questions or has a problem with something, you can turn it around and ask them, well, what do you suggest?







team's concern


I understand the team's concern. So, what should we do?
What do you suggest?


What does the team suggest?

~しています=> does ... suggest?


Shall we say goodbye for now?

Let's do so. I think it's time to go.





Hi every one. It's Nelina here. I have some good news. On Friday, you are the new president of the company. Let's talk about global business on Frieday. See you then!


Let's ... で提案


Let's do everything at once.


It's more efficient.

Let's move forward step by step.


Now let's check a vocablary word.

How do you say Seirisuru in English?



It it easier to organize things.

= easier to organize everything


Let's not rush.


It's better to plan carfully.


Let's start selling our products in Asia first.


A little less risk


I think it'll be a little less risk.


Let's open a brnch in Kuala Lumpur.


less competition


There will be a little less competition.




It hasn't sunk in yet.  


peekaboo view  ちらっと見える景色


MNC? => multinational corporation


You're working in India virtually.

We'll have a chat about work.


Imagine this... Congratulations on your promotion! You became the branch manager of our branch in Chennail.

That town has more Japanese residents than any other Indian town. I will meet you at your new office. Let's design your new business card together.



Starting today, you're the new branch manager. Congratulations! How do you feel?

-Well, it hasn't sunk in yet but I'm excited to work in my new post.


So, how do you like your new office?

-It's great! I have plenty of sunshine anda little peekaboo view of the ocean.


About your new business card, here's a draft

Your information is on the front. For the back of your business card, should it be blank? 

-Well, let's put some info on the back. Maybe we can have something about our products there.


How about languages? Would you like some info in Hindi, Japanese or other languages?

-Good question. Let's keep it simple with English only for now.


Alright. And all branch managers get a golden card holder like this

This is my card holder. What do you thik?

-Interesting. It's nice.


We can put our motto, our proverb on the golden card holder. Do you have your favorite world, motto, or proverb for business?

-Well, my motto for life is keep on smiling. But for business, I like the phrase, lean by doing. That's how I learn languages and how I climbed the corporate ladder in India.


How was your first try?


Tell me about Chennai.

Chennai is a big metropolitan city in the south of India. I worked there at an MNC. 

MNC? => multinational corporation


So you got a job at an MNC. Is that prestigious?

It was a cause for celebration in my family.

Oh, you and your family celebrated getting into an MNC.

That's a big dream for many young Indians. 

I see. MNC.


Oh, how fast you are climbing the corporate ladder in India! Let's talk again next week!