ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(3-5) 3月8日(金) | amnn1のブログ



ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(3-5)3月8日(金)

ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(3-5)9月8日(金)SuvendriniKakuchi


communicate ... to
transmit information / To convey information about; make known; impart->communicated his views to our office.
<> 〔+with〕〔…と〕通じ合う,理解し合う; 話し合う,通信する,


As fake news becomes more sophisticated in its delivery, the mainstream media plyas a ever-increasing role in providing facts. 


*sophisticated 巧妙に・洗練された

- Very complex or complicated

*play an ever-increasing role 役割が増している・ますます大きくなる

- ever-increasing かつてないほど多い、高まる、増え続ける


How does Miss Kakuch think the role of journalists will change in the future?

-She thinks the future of journalists will likely be a partnership between social media and mainstream journalism.

Who are the citizen journalists that Ms. Kakuchi's company works with?

-They are the people working in the field


Societies and individuals who have been dependent on print media, television or radio can now easily gather information from the internet. I this context, how do you think the role of journalists in society will change in the future? 
-Yeah, there's always talk about journalists going back to the museum. That is like the print media. Nobody 's reading the newspaper. So journalism has changed. You know, with the rise of the internet, social media and you know, when I talk to youg people, they say they get their news only from Facebook or Twiter, so journalism has changed now. I think the future of journalists will be probably a partnership with the mainstream jounalism which is very important because it's factural. There's a lot of fact chaking. I have like tow editors. When I send a story, one editor checks, and then we have another editor to check. So that kind of things is not available on social media. So I think a combination, so I know my company for example, we have kind of partnership with citizen journalists like people who are on the field. So when there is a big disaster, we get reports sent from that disaster and then we use their comments, their Youtube videos, their reports into the mainstream media. So this kind of partnership, collaboration, I think it going to be a main aspect of journalism.

-A partnership to provide the whole picture.



(be)dependent on

In this case, to be dependent on or to depend on something or someone means reliance or  receiving support. Ms. Kaguchi mentioned that people have been dependent on print media meaning that they have relied on pring media, trusting that it's accurate and beneficial for them.


Go back to the museum

This particular wording is not a common phrase as Mrs Kaguchi used museum as a base word and created a playful combination. When one refers to belonging in a museum, or museum piece, it means jokingly to hang it up or retire. If someathing belongs in a museuma, It considered aged, old-fashioned or outdated, and unfortunately not useful. For example, you're still using that old computer? It belongs in a museum. The person is jokingly comparing the computer to an ancient relic or artifact. Context is key and if someone is not joking, something that belongs in a museum is an item that's valuable and needs to be preserved, like artwork.



Based on facts and truth. Based on verifiable information or what actually happened. For example, the police interviewed several people about the crimebut all had different stories. Maybe the security cameras will give us some factual information as to how this happened. 


citizen journalist

A citizen journalist is a person withoug special training who is doing journalistic work and amateur journalist. This includes people who take pectures and videos of an event while it's happening and then submit it to professional journalists like Miss Kaguchi or other media outlets. A common example includes people who record extreme weather and either post it to social media or sendi it to journalists or media outlets.


As fake news becomes more sophisticated in its delivery, the mainstream media plyas an ever-increasing role in providing facts. 

*sophisticated 巧妙に・洗練された

*play an ever-increasing role 役割が増している・ますます大きくなる


What is the most effective way in communicating your article to a wider audience?





ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(84)3月7日(木)

ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(84)9月7日(木)

fan base ファン層

=> fanbase (ˈfænˌbeɪs) ?
the body of admirers of a particular pop singer, football team, etc


start on a new path = start down a new path

like) a breath of fresh air -Refreshingly new, different, and pleasing.

acidity [əˈsɪdəti]
build up a fanbase

Subject: Customer feedback on Kiwi wines

Hi Lisa. Hope you're doing well. Here's an update on the Kiwi wines.

a:Chateau Hamilton
I served the red wines to our regular customers as a paring with our signature dish. Most of them found the aroma natural and loved the story about the winemakers' enthusiasm for natural wines. 

b:Golden Blenham

I tried the white wines with a new menu. In terms of taste, I got mixed reactions. Some customers found it refreshing, but others thought it had too much acidity. Having said that everyone was impressed with stories about the Maui winemaker. Now I feel I'm one step closer to the restaurant I'm aiming for. Thak you for porviding me with a breath of fresh air.




  • Thanks to your advice, WCS has been able to start on a new path.
  • Your advice became the trigger for WCS to start down a new path.

    start down = start on a new path

Hi Pascal, thank you for sharing information on recent developments. We're very pleased to hear it. We've received feedback from other customers and it's generally positive. We knew the taste wasn't for everyone and the quantities in stock are limited. So we'll take our time to build up a fan base. Thanks to your advice. WCS has been able to start on a new path. I'm truly grateful for your help. 


fan base ファン層


Hi Lisa, I'm glad to hear that. I just realized that I forgot to send you the order sheet. The quantities are almost the same as the numbers I mentioned when we spoke on the phone the other day. I imagine you have limited supply in stock, so I'll try to lower my expectations. No worries, just give me what you can for now
Many thanks,



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(83)3月6日(水)
ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(83)9月6日(水)

break even point 採算点; 損益分岐点


hit the ground running すぐに全力で取り掛かる
-To begin something energetically and successfully.


feed off (of) を情報源として利用する

to exploit someone or something for one's benefit or advantage.

<Literally, to use someone or something as a source of sustenance.
The kittens still need to feed off their mother for a few more days.


inquiry [ɪnˈkwaɪri] [ɪnkwərri]
encouraging [ɪnˈkɜrəʤɪŋ]  [ɛrɪʤɪŋ] 



What is Pascal looking forward to?

-He's excited about the storries behind the wines.


What does Lisa thank Pascal for?

-  She'd like to say thank him for helping her get here.


The first wine you had is made by a New Zealand couple who want to promote the importance of protecting nature through wine. The next one is made by a Maori. 

-I'm excited about the storries behind them. I think these wines pair well with my signature dish and probably with new menu items I'm working on now. Do you have any indication how many bottles you could offer me?

- We're finalizing the quantities that the wineries can ship. If you could give me a figure, I would do my best to fulfill your request.

-Okay. I let you know by the end of this week.
- Great. Pascal, I'd like to say thank you for helping me get here. If you hadn't given me the push, I would have compromised with natural wines from Europe.
-Lisa, it's because you worked so hard. It's encouraging to see you building trus within the company. 



pair with

signature dish

indication わかるような示唆 :Do you have any indication how many bottles you could offer me?


figure / number


give the push 


  • It's encouraging to see you building trust within the company.
    *see + you + building  / encouraging [ɪnˈkɜrəʤɪŋ]  [ɛrɪʤɪŋ] 
  • It's encouraging to see the new business nearing its break-even point.
  • It's encouraging that the stock market has been recovering.

reassuring 手応えのある

The authorities gave us a reassuring answer to the inquiry. [ɪnˈkwaɪri] 



The economic forecast looks promising at least for the shourt term.



I know taking care of the new graduates is time consuming. Thanks to your hands-on training and mentoring. They hit the ground running. Your dedicated effort has meant a lot to the whole team.


hit the ground running
To begin something energetically and successfully.


You've really made a tremendous difference here. You've provided constructive solutions to problems. Our team members really feed off your positive energy. I'm glad that you joined our team.

feed off
By extension, to exploit someone or something for one's benefit or advantage.


ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(82)3月5日(火)

ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(82)9月5日(火)


World (世界) - /wɜrld/
Worse (悪い、より悪い) - /wɜrs/
Work (仕事、働く) - /wɜrk/
Worth (価値がある) - /wɜrθ/
Worship (崇拝する) - /wɜrʃɪp/ 


quintessential: /kwɪnˈsənʃəl/ 何かの典型的な例や本質的な特徴を強調
essential: /ɪˈsɛnʃəl/ 何かが不可欠で欠かせないもの


pan-fried <> deep fried


What does Lisa concerned about?

-She's worried if they'd be satisfactory for our customers. 

How does Lisa describe the feature of natural wine?

-The taste changes from year to year and even from bottle to bottle.

one of a kind


I'm curious to see what natural wines WCS is eyeing.

-Well, I'm worried if they'd be satisfactory for our customers. Could you taste them first and give me some feedback?
-I'd be happy to give my humble opinion if it helps. Let me get some glasses.

- Thank you. I have two different wines. Let's start with this one. What do you think? 

- Hmm. It taste a lot diferent from the conventional New Zealand wines I know, which is not surprising, light and gentle with a flavor that gradually seeps in. May I try the other one?

-Sure, how is it? Well, this one has even more distinct flavor. There is something sort of earthy to it. This is one of a kind.
-As you know, the taste changes from year to year and even from bottle to bottle. That's what makes natural wine so special.


eye 注目する


seep in



one of a kind 唯一無二の=>She's one of a kind.


I'm curious to see what natural wines WCS is eyeing.

  • I'm eyeing the new mobile phone that goes on sale next month.
  • Our company is eyeing the potential of South America.

pay attention to

We may have to pay more attention to the reaction of the local community.


take notice of

We should take notice of the growing middle class in this coutry.


Oh, this mabo doofu is authentic.The spiciness is spreading across my palate. Japanese restaurants adapt the flavor to people's tastes so they tone down the spiciness. 


This is the best schnitzel I've ever had. The batter contains plenty of eggs and because it's pan fried, it's slightly charred in places which makes it savory. I love this quintessential German and Austrian dish.


fry => pan fried > deep fried



Of, relating to, or having the nature of a quintessence; being the most typical:



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(81)3月4日(月)

ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(81)9月4日(月)

psychological warfare


How dese Lisa describe the situation iside of the car?

-The car was like a relaxed meeting room.

What was Lisa's biggest discovery?

-Natural wine was quietly starting to capture the hearts of consumers. 


Lisa, it's been a while. How was your trip to New Zealand?

-Very exciting. Every day there were some kind of new discovery. We traveled around the country by car, so we had plenty of time to chat on the way. The car was like a relaxed meeting room.
-Nice. I guess it's easier to share ideas and opinions with each other when the setting is casual. So what was your biggest diecovery?

- I don't know how to descrive it. But natural wine was quietly starting to capture the hearts of consumers. 

-Hmm. Just as I predicted, wasn't it? How confortrable is Emily with handling natural wines now?

-She reluctantly agreed it first, but surprisingly she's now at the forefront of marketing them. 

-Wow! What's a change.





forefront < She's now at the forefront of... marketing them.


Natural wine was quietly starting to capture the hearts of consumers. 

  • The upcoming TV commercials is likely to capture the hearts of the new customer segments.
  • Her latest novel has captured the hearts of readers across generations

win the hearts and minds of => win one's heart

The president is struggling to win the hearts and minds of the public.


strike a chord < *chord (楽器の)弦

The managers sincere message struck a chord with her team.


win (one's) heart
To gain the love, affection, or admiration of someone.

strike a chord - create an emotional response

The managets sincere messsage struck a chord with her team.



How was your visit to the potential sites for the new plant?

-Very fruitful. We'll probably go for the sites in the northern part ot the Czech Republic. The labor force is high quality and the location is convenient from our logistics point of view as it's close to Germany. 


How did the negotiations with the Indian partner go?
-Oh, they were really tough, but in the end we made a step forward. We discussed the terms and conditions over four days. For every comment we made they said five times as much back so we had to keep talking. It was kind of a mind game. 


say back?


psychological warfare




ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(85)9月11日(月)

centralizing < centralize

put ... in jeopardy => *jeopardy[ˈʤɛpərdi]

without foruther ado 面倒なことはなしにして、前置きはこのくらいにして

=> ado 面倒 

* GM foods = genetically modified food


the old guard
The established, longtime members of a country, organization, or ideological position, who are resistant to any change within that arena.



How was it received when WCS began importing Bordeaux wine to England in the 14th century?

-It was regarded as innovative.


What does WCS want to lead?

-WCS will lead the charge to promote sustainabale natural wines.



Hello everyone. My name is Ron, Ishikawa, marketing direcor of WCS, Tokyo. Thank you for joining our tasting session for our latest chices of Kiwi natural wine. Now some of you may be surprised to hear WCS has started trading Kiwi natural wines. We've been seen as the old guard for a long time. The truth is we've always been a pioneer in wine trading. When we started importing Bordeaux wine to England in the 14th centrry, it was regarded as innovative. Today, climate change is putting the future of many traditional wine region in jeopardy. WCS will lead the charge to promote sustainabale natural wines. Next to me is Ogawa Lisa, global marketing officer. Today, she will take you on a journey to New Zealand. Without further ado, I passed the baton to Lisa.



put .. in jeopordy

without foruther ado => ado 面倒 


---- put ... in jeopardy


  • Climate dange is putting the future of many traditional wine regions in jeopardy.
  • Speculative trading could put the financial system in jeopardy. 
  • The relocation of the production plant put many jobs in jeopardy.

put ... at risk

Sophisticated hacking tactics put personal data at risk.

=> put ... at risk = put ... in danger.


pose a threat to...

Some experts say genetically modified food pose a threat to human health.

* GM foods = genetically modified food



It is my great pleasure to introduce our guest speaker today, Murphy Akiko, an aword-winning consultant specializing in strategic accounting for global companies. She's going to talk about global accounting platforms. This is a topic which we are all interested. Because centralizing the accounting system is vital for a global firm. Although she's currently based in Dublin, she was born and raised in Yokohama. So please join me in welcoming home Murphy Akiko.