英会話タイムトライアル「11月DAY5」11月10日(金) | amnn1のブログ





shuttle bus



scoot over 席を詰める

-To move slightly to the side, especially while seated.


scoot かけ出す, 走り去る

To move or go suddenly and speedily; hurry.


I hope we can all fit. We're a party of three.



You know, meeting other families is a fun part of traveling.

So in Mexico, your family will meet a new family.


Imagine this...

You are visiting Mexico. You are on a family trip. You  just finished shightseeing and you're waiting for the shuttle bus. And then your family meets my family.

I'll introduce you to my mom and my cousin.


So let's talk about a family in a seven turn conversation.




Excuse me. Are you waiting for the shuttle bus?

-Yes. It's supposed to be here soon. 


I hope we can all fit. We're a party of three.

How many people are there in your family?

-We are also a party of three actually.


OK. That Mexican tepmple was amazing, wasn't it?

-Yeah. And I loved our guide. He was so entertaining.


Here's the bus! After you!

-Thanks. I'll scoot over. Have a seat.


Well, I'm Jenny. This is my mon, Linda and my cousin Karen.
-Hi everyone. I'm Steve. This is my dad, Jimmy and my mom, Kim.

So, how many people are there in your family?

-We are family of five. It's my mon and dad, me and my two yonger sisters. How many people are there in your family?


We are a family of four. My mom and dad, my borgher and me. I'm the youngest. Oh, here's our hotel. Which hotel is your family staying at?

- Our family is staying at this hotel too. Our families should get together sometime.



be supplse to be here soon

How many people are there in your family?


Which hotel is your familly staying at?

- We are staying at the Mecico branch of the time trial Hotel.

- Our family is staying at this hotel too.


Families should get together sometime.








We are a family of five. 



Do you have any brothers or sisters?

My younger sister works at a bank.

We are two years apart.

Everyone in our family lives in japan.

These are my parents, Ken and Erica.

How may people are there in your family?



This is my...

This is my cousin Amy.


My... lives with ...

My grandma lives with my paretns.


We are family of ...

We are a family of six.



You are visiting in Mexico for sightseeing.


That Mexican temple was amazing, wasn't it?

Yeah, it's a really special place. / amazing place / magical place



This is my mon, Linda.

Nice to meet you, Linda. I'm Jenny.
Hi Linda. I'm ...



How many people are there in your family?

- We are a family of five. 

It's my husband, me and our two daughters and my mom lives with up in Japan. How may people are there in your family?






How many people are there in your family?

-We are a family of five.


How many are there in your party?

-We are a party of ten.


How many people in your family live abroad?

-Everyone in our family lives in Japan.



fiftieth anniversary


fiftieth [ˈfɪftθ]








How many people are there in your family?


We are a family of five.

There are five people in my family.


It's my mom and dad, me and my two younger sisters.




How many are there in your party?


We are a party of ten.




fiftieth anniversary


We are celebrating my parents' fiftieth wedding anniversary.


How many people in your family live abroad?



everyone in our family


Everyone in our family lives in Japan.


How many people in your family speak Spanish?

- Everyone in our family speaks/can speak Spanish fuluently.








How many years apart are you?



We are two years apart.


Do you have any borothers or sisters?



I'm an only child.






I have two older sisters.


older sister

younger sister


big sister

little sister


elder? is rarely used 


My little/ younger sister works at/ for a bank.

-> My sister works at a bank.


My older brother lives with our parents.
My younger brother is a highschool teacher.


How many years apart are you?



-We are two years apart.


I'm two years older than my younger brother.


My sisters live in Higashi-machi.

-> My older sister and yonger sister live ...


My brothers like surfing.


Do you have any borothers or sisters?



I'm an only child.


-> I don't have any brothers and sisters.








on my mom side 


My uncle is runing late.










Have you ever been to Mexico?

The beaches are beautiful. The weather is great, and The food is so good.

This month's theme is... Family fun in Mexico!

We are learning about families this month.



Hi everyone. I'm Jenny. 


Has everyone met my parents already?


There are my parents, Ken and Erica.






This is my cousin, Joe.

This is / There are...


on my mom side 

on my mother's side


He's my cousin on my mom side.






Have you met my niece and nephew already?
Have you already met my niece and nephew?





Everyone, this is my aunt and my niace.


My uncle is runing late.








full-bodied こくのある

amber こはく, こはく色


Golden maple syrup comes from maple trees in what season?


Today we are visiting the Great White Nothe, Canada!

Let's have a great conversation today in the Great White North.

Let's check out the scene for your conversation.


Imagine this..

In Canada you'll come to my special factory. We make maple syrup. 
You'll taste some maple syrup at my factory. And I'll teach you something about it. You'll taste some different maple syrups, and I'll ask you how does it taste?


It's time to speak up. Just reply in your own words each time and complete the conversation.



Oh, are you here for the maple syrup tasting?

- Yes. That's right.

Well. welcome to our tiny maple syrup factory.

-Thanks. I'm excited for the maple syrup tasting today. 

So do you live around here, or are you visiting?

-I'm visiting from Japan.
How do you like Canada so far?

-It's nice. Canadians are really friendly.
Here's a question for our visitors. What color is maple syrup?

-Brown, or maybe it's dark brown. 

Oh sorry trick question. Maple syrups can be golde, amber, dark or very dark.
Let's taste this golden maple syrop first here. How does it taste?

-Um.. it's delicious. This might be the best maple syrup I've ever had. It's so somooth. It tastes a little sweet, but not too sweet. 


Nex question. Golden maple syrup comes from maple trees in what season?

-Well, I don't know much aout maple syrup but maybe spring?

Usually spring.

Next taste this dark maple syrup here. How does it taste?

-It tastes much more full-bodied but still sweet. I've never had this kind of maple syrup before.


We are going to somewhere special.
We are going Mexico!









We'll practice speaking English and replying to questions in English.

So let's get started.


Firest, we'll warm up with this.



Welcome to our little store.

It's a charming store.

How do you like Canada so far?

Canadians are really friendly. 

Taste this golden maple syrup.

It is / tastes sweet, but not too sweet.




I came all the way from ... to...


So imagine you arrived somewhere from a place far away. Just use thephrase, "I came all the way from." 


I came all the way form Japan to Toronto.

That's another great Canadian city, Toronto.


Welcome to our ... hose/ condo / store.

Put in an adjuective and create with this sentence, " Welcome to our..."


Welcome to our little coffee shop.


This maple syrup tastes ...

Just imagine you have tasted some maple syrup and create a sentence with this mayple syrup tastes....


This maple syrup tastes really sweet.





Welcome to our tiny maple syrup factory.  

Tiny => too little

How sould you reply?

- Thanks. I'm excited to be here.


How do you like Canada so far?

- It's nice. Canadians are really frinedly.


How does it taste?

- It's delicious. It's smooth. It tastes a little sweet, but not too sweet. It's the best maple syrup I've ever had.


Don't say, It's delicious. Try to give me some more information about the taste or your impression.


Tomorrow we finish our journey around Canada with Taiwa-Karaoke. You'll go to a nice maple syrup factory in Canada...






How does it taste?

Some people put dark maple syrup in craft beers.

tastes much stronger


It's good with spicy foods.

It's good in coffee.




For example, hou do you say?



Can you say that in Englihs?
Just practice together with us and you'll be able to talk about the taste of foods. 



How does it taste?


Did you say, What kind of taste/What kind of flavor? But the standard way to say that is How does it taste.


It tastes sweet. / It is sweet.


It tastes sweet, but not too sweet.


This dark maple syrup tastes much stronger. 


much stronger さらに濃厚


But it still tastes sweet.



味見する as a verb is taste. 


Would you like to taste this?


Taste this golden maple syrup.


It's good with...

It's good with spicy foods.




It's good in coffee.


Some people put dark maple syrup in craft beers.


I'll put a few drops in my coffee.



Jenny, tell me about some taste that you discovered in Japan.

Well, when I came to Japan, I had never tried Dashi before. 

For the suop. Is that right?

Yes. The suops things like nabe, those kinds of foods. I love the flavor of Dashi.

How about you, Steve?

Oh, I discovered so many tastes. Uni, unagi, something else with U... ume. 
What about ume, Jenny?

Ume... umeshiso.. - Or ume-potato chips. 

Yes. There are so many flavors to taste and discover in Japan. 







That's the Sunshine State for you. 






 A is typical of B.  AはBにありがちだ。


just like...


This screams America.

This is so American.


vintage => 「まさにそれ」

This is vintage America, isn't it?



Canada=>The Great White North

Switzerland => The Land of milk and honey

the Netherlands

Flolida => The Sunshine States

New York City = The Big Apple

the US = the land of free



For today's show, we have a quiz.

It's a quiz about nicknames of countries or certain places.

Fore exaple, here's a quiz for you. 

Do you know the nickname of the state of Hawai?

I feel like it's on the tip of my tounge... Oh... I got it.

It's the Aloha state.

Yes! So let's learn about nicknames for countries or states in America or other areas around the world.


What's the nickname for Canada?

The answer is the great white North. 


The great and then white for the snow, and North. 
It's in the northern part of the world.


I'm so happy I came to the Great White North.


Okay, here's another quiz about a nickname.

Swiss nickname is... it starts with the land of .. Do you know?



The land of milk and honey.

Why is Switzerland called the land of milk and honey?


" The land of" is often used for the nicknames of countries or regions.

For example, the nickname for the US is The land of the free


How do you say オランダ in English?

The answer is, the Netherlands.


Let's use the Netherlands to say this.

The official name of the Netherlands is the kingdom of the Netherlands.


Next, we have the nickname for Florida. Do you know?

The Sunshine States.


To use the Sunshine State to make thins sentence.

It's sunny again today in the Sunshine State


晴れる In English it's usually sunny.


That's the Sunshine State for you. 


We're talking about nicknames. The first one was Canada.

The Great White North.

Can you tell us some other nicknames of famous places?

How about New York, the Big Apple

That's the name for New York City. The Big Apple.





How do you like Canada so far?
- So far, so good.


And our theme for this month is super friendly chats in Canada.

Let's have some fun!



Welcome to ...


Welcome to our little store.


It's a charming store.


Not to say 味のある there are other ways. You could say,





But I thing charming is a good way to express the Japanese 味のある.


It's nice and cozy.

For こじんまりした, 

we have cozy but try it to conbile it with another adjective. 


We'll check the answers later. Now go on to the next phrase.


Welcome to our humble home.

"humbe" can be used for 質素


It's a lovely home.


=> come all the way from ... to...


You came all the way from Japan, right?
I came all the way from Japan to Canada.


Before coming here, I went to Florida.


so far


How do you like Canada so far?
So far, so good.


It's bigger than I expected.


Canadians are really frinedly.