ラジオ英会話~ハートでつかめ!英語の極意~(145) 11月10日(金) | amnn1のブログ





I'm sorry but chances are I'll be a bit late for meeting becase of a train delay.

* chances are  / chances are that  多分…である 


I think it's best to take the train. 

You may find it difficult to use it first, but once you get used it, you'll like it a lot

There's no doubt about it. 






How does Cynthia feel about the new album?
It will sell well.
She doesn’t like it.
It is similar to the previous album.

What will Zaytox do right after this conversation?
Play shogi.
Learn the rules of shogi.
Go to the vegan ramen place.

think about me joining 
sounds like a plan
right after ...

Which of the following is closest to Dr. Stein’s view?
The show’s host should be an android.
The number of androids will increase.
People must welcome androids.


create androids

it's likely that we will.

Which of the following is true?
The man has visited a palm reader before.
The man is a salesperson.
The two people will meet the next day,

the same question

everyone seys that too


it really isn't

may well meet them


---Say it in English
Hi, good morning. What's up?
-Hi Dave. I'm sorry but chances are I'll be a bit late for meeting becase of a train delay. I'll take a taxi from the station, so I should arrive by 10:45. So please start the meeting without me.


How can I travel around Tokyo?

- I think it's best to take the train. You may find it difficult to use it first, but once you get used it, you'll like it a lot. It's the most convenient way. There's no doubt about it. 


Hey, David. Did it take long to get used to Tokyo’s train system?
I’ve lived her for 18 years. But I’m still not used to Tokyo’s train system.
How about you, Rosa?
Of course, Tokyo’s train system is very convenient. But don’t underestimate bus system either.








may vary well / may well -> 十分な可能性
You may very well meet them. 

You may well meet them.

not (entirely) unlikely 可能性はなくはない
It’s not entirely unlikely you’ll see her there. 

It’s not unlikely you’ll see her there.


She may or may not be late.



Do you feel the difference in nuance between those two?

These phrases talk about “likelihood” and “probabilityyet again.

choosing to lengthen or shorten certain words.


Be sure to tune in next time.



Email isn’t always the best.

It really isn't.




Specialty 専門 得意とすること  (US)
=> speciality (UK)


loyalty ( loyality は間違え)



Okay, everyone. Let’s get started.

Do you think it’s possible that I’ll meet my sales goals?


Hello. Are you a palm reader?

Ah, everyone askes me the same question. Yes, that's what the sign says.

Ah, this is my first tim to visit one.

Everyone says that too.

Please sit down.

Can you tell me about my career?

Of course. Work-related reading are my specialty.

You are salese person, right?

Yes. That's amazing.

It really isn't.

Do you think it’s possible that I’ll meet my sales goals?

You may well meet them.



--- Grammar and Vocabulary

  • Everyone asks me the same question.
  • Work-related readings are my specialty.

Music-related 音楽に関連した
Contract-related 契約に関連した
Sports-related スポーツに関連した

---Typical Expressions

Do you think it’s possible that I’ll meet my sales goals?

--- PRACTICE        
All right. Let’s jump into today’s practice.
These phrases talk about “likelihood” and “probabilityyet again. So, let’s get to it.
We can really add extra nuance to our phrases by choosing to lengthen or shorten certain words. So pay attention to that and let’s try together.
All right. Here we go.

may 50%?
She may be late. 

She may or may not be late.

Okay. Next example.

She might be late. 30%程度の可能性

Let’s try that one more time with the shorten “might.” She might be late.
Do you feel the difference in nuance between those two?
All right. Let’s continue.

may vary well / may well -> 十分な可能性
You may very well meet them. 

You may well meet them.

not (entirely) unlikely 可能性はなくはない
It’s not entirely unlikely you’ll see her there. 

It’s not unlikely you’ll see her there.

may well 

wellの十分に・大いに-> たぶん~ということになる/ ~の可能性は十分ある 

mayよりも可能性が上 -. veryを加えると さらに可能性は上昇
may well - probablyほど高くはない


Great job, everyone.
Fantastic work, guys.


---Typical Expressions in Action

  • It’s possible that we won’t have time for Q&A. Thank you for your understanding.
  • You may find it’s more effective to call the client directly. Email isn’t always the best.

Be sure to tune in next time.
Keep doing your best and keep speaking all you can.







it's likely that we will.


I understand that you have created two androids.


He’s liable to do something stupid.


I bet traffic will be bad. 

-> wouldn’t mind betting 


The chances are that we’ll be the first to arrive.
Chances are that...
-> There’s a 60% chance of rain this weekend.





Ready for today’s lesson?
Let’s get ready to go.

It’s likely that we will.


And we are back. Our guest today is scientists Dr. Frankin Stein. Welcome to the show. Dr. Stein.

Thank you, Kelly. 

Dr. Stein, I understand that you have created two androids.

Yes, Genie was the first and then I made Frankie.

Oh, wonderful. And they're here in the studio?

Yes. You can meeet them later.

Wow, Great.So Dr. Stein, do you think we'll see more androids in the future?

Yes, it's likely that we will.

---- Grammar and Vocabulary

  • Genie was the first, and then I made Frankie.
  • Do you think we’ll see more androids in the future?

---Typical Expressions

It’s likely that we will.

All right. Let’s jump right into today’s practice. Today we’re talking about chance, likelihood and probability. So let’s master today’s phrases. Let’s jump right in.

She is likely to win. 

He’s liable to do something stupid.

Okay. Let’s continue.

I expect that we’ll finish soon.
I expect him to arrive shortly.

One more.
I bet traffic will be bad. 


wouldn’t mind betting 

All right. Let’s keep going.

The chances are that we’ll be the first to arrive.

= Chances are that we'll be the first to arrive.

There’s a 60% chance of rain this weekend.

Now let’s use “it raining.”
There’s a 60% chance of it raining this weekend.

Great job, everyone.
Fantastic work, guys.

---Typical Expressions in Action

  • It’s likely that you’ll work from home on Tuesdays. I’ll check and let you know.
  • I expect that you’ll be taller than your father someday.
  • Chances are that this wasn’t an accident. Let’s look for clues.




Hey, David. Are you taller than your father?
I’m the tallest in my entire extended family.
How tall are you?
I’m 6 foot 2, ah 187 cm.
All right. Just not that taller than a giraffe, right?









Why don't you practice playing with our members in the meantime.

* in the meantime とりあえず・さしあたり


What did Sota think about me joining the shogi club?
-> me joining the shogi club = my joining ...(固めな響き)


Without a shadow of a doubt they’ll win.
Beyond a shadow of a doubt they’ll win.

In all likelihood they’ll win. 十中八九 


*be bound to ...
He is bound to win.

I like how the explosive of “b” sound makes the impact of that word much stronger. 


I’m convinced that this house is haunted. Nothing stays where I put it.

be haunted [ˈhɔntəd]


Nothing stays where I put it. That happens, right?
More often than I’d like to admit. Yes.





I’d lose clothes only to find I’m wearing them.

I have no doubt that he’ll let you join.



Zaytox, thanks for waiting.

It's no problem. What did Shota think about me joining the shogi club?

He's not sure. But I have no doubt that he’ll let you join.

Excellent. I like playing shyogi. 
Why don't you practice playing with our members in the meantime.

Yes, that would be fun.

You just learned the rules, so you need to practice. 
Let's do it. I'm getting hungry though. How about going to the vegan ramen place first?

Sounds like a plan!

---Grammar and Vocabulary

  • What did Sota think about me joining the shogi club?
    -> me joining the shogi club = my joining ...(固めな響き)
  • That would be fun.

---Typical Expressions

I have no doubt that he’ll let you join.

Okay, everyone. It’s time to practice.
Now, today, we will be talking about “being sure.” So be sure to emphasize those parts when you practice.

All right. Let’s jump right in. Here’s our first.

I’m sure he’ll understand.
I’m certain he’ll understand.
certain ->確信
I’m convinced he’ll understand. Completely certain -> 完全に確信している

Did you hear my accent with “convinced” ?
Really lean into that “vin” in the middle.
Okay, let’s continue.


*be sure to ...
He is sure to win.  
Emphasizing the word “sure” as well as saying the word slower also emphasizes itLet’s try another version.


*be bound to ...
He is bound to win.


-> This train is bound for Nagoya.


bind - bound - bound

I like how the explosive of “b” sound makes the impact of that word much stronger. - Good point, David. -All right. Let’s continue.

Without a shadow of a doubt they’ll win.
Beyond a shadow of a doubt they’ll win.

In all likelihood they’ll win. 十中八九 

Okay. Our last example.

I guarantee you she’ll say yes. 

Let’s try that one more time. I guarantee you she’ll say yes.

You were excellent.
Very nice job.


---Typical Expressions in Action

  • I have no doubt you’ll find a solution. You’re a brilliant scientist.
  • I’m convinced that this house is haunted. Nothing stays where I put it.

Nothing stays where I put it. That happens, right?
More often than I’d like to admit. Yes.
Ah, I can’t find my glasses.
Sensei, you’re wearing them.







The desperate rats are back on track.


I got a lot from a Japanese cartoonist named Ashizuka Osamu.


That lady has to be the one in charge.


You must have used salt instead of sugar in these cookies.


Do your hear how I emphasized “have to” ? Really lean into it.


At this pace, we will finish the project in no time.




How are you feeling about your English studies? Don’t worry. This lesson will be a success.
That’s right, folks. You’ll do great. Just keep at it. Here we go.


 This album will be a success.


Bill, I love your new songs. The desperate rats are back on track. This album will be a success.

Thanks, Cynthia. I had to work hard this time.

Where did you get your ideas?

I got a lot from a Japanese catoonist named Ashizuka Osamu.

I've never hear of that person.

Japanese people have. All of the new songs are inspired by him.

All of them?

Yes. I think I'll call the new album Firefly. 

Sounds cool.


---- Grammar and Vocabulary

  • I’ve never heard of that person.
  • I think I’ll call the new album Firefly.

----Typical Expressions

This album will be a success.

All right, everyone. It’s time for today’s practice.
Today’s phrases use expressions of confidence, must, should, has to. So use your accent to express your confidence in the truth of these statements. Okay?
These phrases are short. So try to work on connecting the words as you practice.
All right. Let’s jump right in. Here’s our first.
Excuse me, you must be David.

And another.
Lucy must have forgotten to lock the door.

Okay, let’s continue.
There should be no problem.

Next example.
Ben should win first prize.

And here’s one more using “has to.”

That lady has to be the one in charge.
Do your hear how I emphasized “have to” ? Really lean into it. Let’s try one more time. That lady has to be the one in charge.

Well, guys. You must have practiced a lot because you’re doing great.
You should get there in no time. Keep it up.

----Typical Expressions in Action

  • You must have used salt instead of sugar in these cookies.
  • At this pace, we will finish the project in no time.
  • Your luggage should already be in your hotel room.

So using salt instead of sugar. Have you ever actually done that, David?
Yes, yes. This is one of my own life experiences. Ah, I made a butch of cookies with ah, my girlfriend in high school only to discover that we used salt instead of sugar. It was a salty, salty experience.













Truth will out. 真実は露見する


- You always surprise me

As they say truth will out. 

You should have turned your camera off

But jokes aside, you should rally focus when working.


I saw Mary drinking at a bar with a guy

Is Ken okay with that?
-Haven't you heard that Mary broke up with Ken? 

As you know, he always spends hours talking on the phone. 

That what Mary couldn't stand. She needed a quieter life.



Welcome to Friday’s Review.
And I’m David Evans. Let’s enjoy today’s review lesson.


What are Sally and Bob looking at?
A painting by Matisse.
A photo of Matisse.
A Matisse-like painting by Bob.


one of a kind

were you influenced by..

with my own eyes

What does Hiroki need to do?
Think for himself.
Learn fortune-telling.
Ask specific questions.


What (do you think) will happen to me?

It's beyound me.

I know not.

fortune teller

vague <> specific


Which of the following is true?
The club activity was cancelled.
The boy saw a space alien.
Linda is in a Halloween costume.

How are things at ... ?

go in there

I heard that 

someone strange

space alien

in costumes

all the rules


it's almost ..

What will the woman probably do?
Leave as soon as possible.
Check the weather forecast. [ˈfɔrˌkæst]
Purchase a jacket. [ˈpɜrʧəs]

the leaves are changing coloer already in 
take a trip there

sound similar to me

it can get very cold at night there

that works well out then

---Say it in English

The boss was really angry.

- You always surprise me. As they say truth will out. You should have turned your camera off. But jokes aside, you should rally focus when working.

Truth will out. 真実は露見する

I saw Mary drinking at a bar with a guy. Is Ken okay with that?
-Haven't you heard that Mary broke up with Ken? As you know, he always spends hours talking on the phone. That what Mary couldn't stand. She needed a quieter life.
Hey, guys. What do you think of guys who like to talk on the phone?
Well, this was me maybe 20 years ago. But now I prefer a quieter life.
Hm hmm. How about you, Rosa?
Well, I don’t mind it as long as I’m the one he’s talking to.




ラジオ英会話~ハートでつかめ!英語の極意~(139) 10月26日(木)


It can get very cold at night there.


work out well


Be careful going down the stairs.

They can get pretty slippery when it rains.


My boss can be stubborn at times. 
They can get pretty slippery when it rains.


Dogs make great pets.

Beavers build dams.

I jog


Problems will arise


My dad would often take us fishing.




Oh, you mean Wakkanai, Hokaido? Uhhh. I love it there. Let’s go.
It can get very cold at night there.


Mr.Emori, the leaves are changing color already in Hokkaido.

I heard. How about taking a trip there soon?

Where in Hokkaido?

Maybe in Wakkanai?

Wa ka n nai? You don't know?

Very funny. I said Wakkanai, not wakannai. 

Oh, I see. They sound similar to me. How's the weather in Wakkanai?

It's sunny, but it can get very cold at night there.

You should bring a warm jaket and a sweater.
Okay. I wanted to buy a new jaket for autumn anyway.

That works out well then.

---Grammar and Vocabulary

  • How about taking a trip there soon?
  • How about a trip there?
  • How about we take a trip there?


  • You should bring a warm jacket and a sweater? 
  • It shouldn’t be a problem. 

---Typical Expressions
It can get very cold at night there.

--- PRACTICE        
Okay, everyone. It’s time for today’s practice.
For today’s practice sentences, I want you guys to pay attention to which sentences are used for which scenarios. Okay?
All right. Our first sentences use “can” and “can’t” just like we did previously.
So listen to how I use them and practice the sounds together with me.

can be / can't be 
My boss can be stubborn at times.

All right? Now let’s try “can’t.”
That can’t be right.

Okay. Let’s continue.


Humans are social animals. 

Time is money. 

Beavers build dams

One plus two is three.
I jog every morning.

All right. And let’s try a few more here at the end.

will 見通す=>法則 

Accidents will happen. 

Problems will arise

My sister will talk for hours.
My dad would often take us fishing.

You guys did absopositively great.
Really nice work.

ーーーTypical Expressions in Action

  • Be careful going down the stairs. They can get pretty slippery when it rains.
  • Dogs make great pets.

Hey, Rosa. I wrote a haiku about today’s lesson. Do you wanna hear?
Yeah, sure.
Mr. Emori, do I need to bring a coat? wattukanai...
What do you think, sensei?