ラジオ英会話~ハートでつかめ!英語の極意~(43) 6月7日(水) | amnn1のブログ





Ready for today’s lesson? Let’s go.- Let’s see what sprouts up today.



I propose that you stay here with us in our lab.


Thank you for meeting us Zeitox. This is our first time an alien has visited us.

That's probably true. 

We heard that you have already met some humans.

A few. I went to a vegan ramen shop in Japan and met some people.

We have to ask you to stop meeting with human. *ask + you + to ....


Humanity isn't ready for alien visitors. I propose that you stay here with us in our lab.

Maybe. Do you serve ramen?


probably [ˈprɑbəbli]

Hey, guys. How do you pronounce “probably” ?

Well, in a casual setting, I would say, probably[ˈprɑbli]

How about you, David?

If I’m speaking at a natural speed, I’d say probably[prάli].


Grammar and Vocabulary

This is the first time an alien has visited us.

Humanity isn’t ready for alien visitors.

Do you serve ramen?


Typical Expressions

I propose that you stay here with us in our lab.



Okay, everyone. We’d better practice these typical expressions.
I propose we do so now.

I see no alternative but to do so.


All right. Let’s get to it. Here’s our first couple.


We must stop him right away. *must <= should 

We have to stop him right away. *have to <= need to 

Here’s one more.

We will have to stop him right away. *will have to 

Good work.

Excellent. Let’s continue. Here we’ll practice “we’d better.” Ready?


*had better
We’d better call our lawyer.
We’d better get a move on.
We’d better consider their offer.


And here’s a few more.


*see no alternative but to

I see no alternative but to hire more staff.


The only way is to hire more staff.






That was excellent work, guys. The only way to get better is to keep on practicing.-I’m impressed.


Typical Expressions in Action

We have to increase sales. We’re far behind our target.
*far behind


The only way to get a table at that restaurant is for us to make a reservation.
* get a table

* is + for ... to....


Hey, sensei. David and I are planning a party at a French restaurant. Wanna come?

Ooh, great! But do they serve ramen?

Uhh. Maybe they have duck ramen.




Sensei. Do you believe in Cryptids?  -Yeah! Those.
Let get started.Let’s have a good time today!



An animal whose existence or survival is disputed or unsubstantiated.
We should have it at Loch Ness.


Aki, you keep looking at your ring.

It is such a lovery engaging ring. Thank you for choosing it.

I'm so happy you like it.

I love it. Brandon, I've been thinking where should we hold our wedding?
Yes, that's been on my mind too. I was thinking about Scotland. 
That's your birth place. Oh, I have an idea. We should have it at Loch Ness.

Loch Ness? Why there?

I think we should take a wedding photo with Nessy. Maybe it will make an appearance.
Let's keep our fingers crossed.

make an appearance
engagement ring 歯車のイメージ
So, “engagement” has this image of two gears, right? The teeth of the gears are combining, joining together. So when two sides come together and interlock. That’s the sense of engagement.

*interlock 連結する, 結合する

Grammar and Vocabulary
I’m so happy you like it.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed.

*keep one's fingers crossed 幸運を祈る
Typical Expressions
We should have it at Loch Ness.

Okay, everyone. I think we should do some PRACTICE now. Hey, Roza. Don’t you think we should do that?
Well, I think we need to do some PRACTICE actually.
Oh, wow! All right. Well, let’s get to it.

We should hire a photographer.
One more. 

We need to get dressed up.

Okay, let’s continue with suggestions using “should.”
I think we should get separate rooms.
I think we should follow the manual.

Don’t you think we should do that?

Let’s continue with “suggest.”
I suggest ...
I suggest a guided tour.
I suggest meeting in a hotel lobby.
I suggest we cut back on spending.

Great work, everyone. Absolutely magnificent.
Typical Expressions in Action
We don’t share any hobbies. I think we should take dance lessons together.
I suggest we get matching T-shirts.
Both of us have full-time jobs. I suggest hiring a housekeeper.
Hey, David. I think we should get separate rooms.
Ohh! Good idea. Why’s that? - ’Cause I snore a lot. -Ahhh




Hey, David. Why don’t we go to Mt. Takao? I’d like to write haiku there.
Uhhh. I’m a huge fan of haiku. So, let’s go do that soon. 

June if one of my favorite months because I love to see the hydrangeas.


How about going hiking?


Oh, it's stop raining.

Yeah, it's rare to see blue sky these days.

Since the rainy season has started.
That's right. But it'll be sunyy tomorronw too. How about going hiking?

That's a great idea. I was thinking the same thing. Why don't we go to Mt. Takao? 
I haven't been there in years. I'd like to write haiku there.

Oh, Let's write haiku and hike at the same time!

Nice one! Cindy!


in years 


in years
For a very long (but often uncertain) length of time.


= for years


Grammar and Vocabulary
Oh, it’s stopped raining.
In America, most people just use the regular past tense. So, it stopped raining.

I haven’t been there in years.


Typical Expressions
How about going hiking?

Okay, guys. Let’s practice giving suggestions. It’s good if you can use a high tone when you say these sentences out loud.
Okay, these first three use “how about.” So you have two options here.
One is a quick, how about a picnic?
Your second option is to use “how about” to buy time, to think of your suggestion. So, let’s try this slow one first. Okay?

How about a picnic? 

Okay. Now let’s speed it up. How about a picnic?
Good. Let’s try a few more.
How about taking the Shinkansen?
How about we go to the zoo?
Nice work.

Excellent. Let’s continue. Here we’ll use “why don’t we” and “maybe we can.” So keep that in mind. Let’s go.
Why don’t we split the bill
Why don’t we ask your mother?
Why don’t we meet at the station?
Maybe we can meet at the station.

All right. Let’s practice with “let’s.”
Let’s dance.
Let’s not fight.
Let’s not argue.

Wonderful. And one last example. I’m sure you all have heard.
Shall we dance? 

Let’s try that one more time and focus on smoothness. Shall we dance?
Hey, David. Shall we tell our listeners how great they did it?
I think that’s a great idea. Let’s do that. Great work, everyone.
Typical Expressions in Action
It’s getting late. How about we finish the rest tomorrow?
I’m free this afternoon. Why don’t we go to a café?
Let’s get out of here. I want to beat the traffic.
Hey, guys. Let’s get out of here. I’m hungry.
You’re always hungry, aren’t you, Onishi sensei.




Welcome back and thanks for joining us.
Let’s get started with this week’s review.
Why hasn't Franky seen Genie in a long time?

Becasue she was busy.

Because he didn't watnt to see her.

Becaseu she wanted to be aline.




need some time + to be...

to be by myself

If I understand you correctly, 


can't live without you

for being distant


What is the problem with the new songs?

The fans don't like them.

There are lack the sole of Desperate Rats.

They have too many fresh ideas.


be bored by ...

heart and soul of...

you are both...

if ... , we wouldn't be...

Don't get me wrong ... what I meant is that ...

a few hit songs left in me

What dose Zeitox think about humans?

They should learn more about universe.

Their technology is advanced enough.

They are very special beings in the universe.


Thank you for having me.

Let me my self clear. 

In short = In a nut shell
something that we need

so advanced technologically

special beings 



Why does the man need help with the machine.

He can't figure out how to turn it on.

He wants to change the setting.

He doesn't know how to stop it.


I'm sorry to keep bothering you, but

I want make it harder...

Why don't you...

go one step higher on the setting

on easy climb

you have been a great help


Say it in English

English useful... but you know, I'm busy.
-Are you saying that you don't want to stuy English because it's timeconsuming?

Try Rajio-Eikaiwa. You can enjoy it on the train going to work. That means no extra time is required, right?



What do you mean by not now?
- Don't get me wrong. Let me myself clear. It's not that I don't want to see your parents. It's just that I want to get a job first and meet them with the plan for our future.

* plan for our future


Hey, David.
Hmm hm?
Did you get nervous when you first met your partner’s parents?
Yes. To be honest, I tried not to show it. But I was sweating bullets.
Sweating bullets! That’s an interesting phrase, isn’t it?


sweat bullets
To suffer intense distress, anxiety, worry, or fear.



So recently I’ve been going to the gym.
Oh, yeah. How’s that workingout for you, David?
Huh. Well, the machines are always crowded. So it’s really been an exercise in frustration.


Got it. You’ve been a great help.

Oh, hi there. Nice to see you again.

Um... I'm sorry to keep bothering you, but can you help me with machine again?

Sure. What's the problem?

This setting is too easy. I want to make it harder.
OK. Why don't you try going one step harder on the setting?
Is that this one?
That's right. You are on easy climb. Try the normal setting.

Oh, that's feels better. Got it. You've been a great help!


Grammar and Vocabulary
Why don’t you try going one step higher on the setting?
That feels better.
Typical Expressions
Got it. You’ve been a great help.
Okay, guys. Let’s practice expressions of understanding. -Here we go.

I understand.
Roger. [ˈʤər]
Roger that.
I see.

Copy that.

Let’s continue. These few expressions are a little bit longer.
But let’s do your best. Okay?
Call me only in an emergency. Do you understand?
Let’s try that one more time. And I want you to link “only-in-an-emergency.” You got that? Let’s try again. 

Call me only in an emergency. Do you understand?
I expect business attire in the office. Understood? [əˈtər]

Take turns playing with your toys. Got it?

These next four. Let’s focus on our emotion.

Are you serious?

Are you frustrated?
Are you confused?

Let’s focus on that each time.

I don't understand. 

Right. That's confused, isn't it?

Here’s our next.
I don’t have a clue. 

Again. Channel the emotion you want here.
What are you taking about? What are you getting at?
Be careful not to sound angry. 


And here’s one more.
You lost me.

Just a few more. This time it’s a conversation. So, let’s continue.
Just plug it in.  -  Gotcha. >> I got you.
Don’t go in there. Is that clear?

Crystal clear.


All right. How was it, everyone? You guys did great. Is that clear?
Typical Expressions in Action
Got it. Much appreciated.

Don’t answer any questions without me there.
- Understood?

Much appreciated.
Yeah. That’s right. We use it as a cooler, fancier version of “thank you.”
So, when I want to sound sophisticated or elegant I can use this phrase. Try it.
Much appreciated.
Much appreciated.




But don't make right of him, OK?


Let me myself clear.


Zeitox, thak you for attending this secret meeting.

Thank you for having me. I know you have many questions. 
Yes. The main question is why are you here? 

Let me myself clear. I short, we want to learn more about you.

Why are you so interested in humans? 

You have something that we need.

Really? You are so advanced technologically. What we have?

In a nut shell, humans are very special beings in the universe.


beings 存在


Grammar and Vocabulary

Thank you for having me.

Why are you so interested in humans? < interest -> interested 


Let me make myself clear.



It's time to practice. I want you to remember that in English we emphasize the word that's important. So keep that in mind. When you are practicing.


My point is that...

The point I was trying to make is that...


What I really wanted to say is that...
Do you hear how I emphasized really? So keep that in mind.


What I'm saying is...


In short, we want to learn more about you.

In a nut shell, we want to learn more about you.




More or less, =>  Mostly or basically.


Great work, everyone.

Basically, what we’re saying is you did a wonderful job.



Let me make myself clear. I'm on your side.

The point I was trying to make is that there is no need to rush.

>What I was trying to say is that you don't need to rush.

> there is no... + need to .... + rush


In short, we think you are perfect for the job.

> In a nut shell,


So in short, I'm not losing any weight.
Basically what you are trying to say is that your workouts have been pointless.

Your weight has stayed more or less the same.

But my point is that it's time to say bood bye.





Practice is the heart and soul in learning. So, let’s get started!


Don’t get me wrong.


Bill, please listen to me. The fans are bored by the new songs.

Come on, Cynthia , Derek and I are the heart and sould of the Desperate rats. 

I'm not denying that. You are both great song writers. 

If we use different song writers, we wouldn't be the sama band.

Don't get me wrong Bill. What I meant was that we maybe we need some fresh ideas.

Hey, Cynthia, don't worry. I still have a few hit songs left in me.




Grammar and Vocabulary
The fans are bored by the new songs.

> bore 退屈させる>> be bored 退屈する

If we used different songwriters, we wouldn’t be the same band.
Typical Expressions
Don’t get me wrong.
Misunderstanding is my No.1 fear. So, let’s master these phrases. OK. Here we go.

I think you’ve misunderstood my main point. 
That’s not what I meant.
We’re obviously not on the same wavelength here.
> on the same wavelength

Okay, let’s continue. And as David said, these phrases are very important for being clear in your communication. Okay? So, please memorize them well. Let’s go.

What I meant was that maybe we need some fresh ideas.
Emphasize the “meant” here. One more time. 


Let’s try one more variation with “said” instead of “meant.”
What I said was that maybe we need some fresh ideas.

All right. These next three are some of my favorite phrases to use. They’re direct from the Evans’ collection. Let’s practice together.
I’m not saying ...
What I’m saying is ....

I didn’t say ...
What I did say was ...

It’s not that...
It’s that…

I’m not saying you have to be perfect at English. What I’m saying is that you did absolutely great in your practice.
We’re obviously on the same wavelength there. That’s right.
Typical Expressions in Action
Don’t get me wrong.
What I meant was that
your old hairstyle was nice as well.

That’s not what I meant. Let me clarify my opinion again.




Let’s have fun today.
- And I’m feeling as strong and useful as ever.


If I understand you correctly, sometimes we need company, other times we need to be alone.


Genie, I have not seen you in a long  time. 
Yes. I needed sometime to be by myself.

I understand Genie. Dr. Frankenstein todled me that people need their space. 
Yes. I've learned a lot from this experience. We need a balance

If I understand you correctly, sometimes we need company, other times we need to be alone.

Exactlly, but I know I can't live without you Franky. I'm sorry for being distant.
Don't apologize, Genie. I need too.


apologize 謝罪する

Grammar and Vocabulary
I needed some time to be by myself.
*by 近接 近く by oneself ひとりで<(自分自身しか周りにいない感じから)

I’ve learned a lot from this experience.
Typical Expressions
If I understand you correctly, sometimes we need company, other times we need to be alone.

Today we have many phrases. Let’s remember these in blocks. Don’t focus on each individual word. Remember them as a unit together. Okay?
-Okay. Let’s go.

If I understand you correctly, you’re saying ~.
If I understand you correctly, you’re saying that ~.

Excellent. Let’s try a few more.
Are you saying that ~?
So you’re saying that ~, right?
Are you trying to say ~?
Are you trying to say that ~?

Good work so far. 

Our next one. Focus on “really.” Okay. Let’s try together.
So what you really think is that ~.

Okay. and let’s get through a last few.
Let me get this straight.  
Here you would rephrase after. Here’s another one.
Let me see if I’ve got this.  

Okay. Let’s try the last one. And this time, we rephrase before we say the practice sentence. Okay?
 Does that sound about right?
I’ve got this.

Great job, everyone. Excellent!
Typical Expressions in Action
If I understand you correctly, you’re saying that we need at least four people for this project.

So you’re saying that it can’t be done within the budget, right?

Hey, guys. I can’t live without you.
Really? I can.
Yeah. I can live without you.



ラジオ英会話~ハートでつかめ!英語の極意~(35) 5月26日(金)


Thanks for joining us for the review.
-Let’s enjoy the review together.


What is Sally’s reason for being happy?

A She won a competition.

B Her teacher praised her painting.

C She is proud of her painting.


I don't think I've ever seen you are so happy...

have a huge smile on your face

turn out


What is the present Masaru received?

A A picture postcard.

B A model.

C A history book.



bunch of 

Now I remember

how come

nobody really knows


What did Ms. Stravinsky leave Europe?

A Because she didn’t like Europe anymore.

B Because she wanted to go to America.

C Because she got a job in America.


Whould you mind if I asked...

In short

experience life in ...

be especially attracted to...


Which question did the woman not ask Mr. Smith?

A What his middle name is.

B Why people continue to listen to classical music.

C What his opinion is on Desperate Rats music.


I've always wanted to..

your opinion on something

Could you expand on that?

Why do people ...?

never get(s) old

only time will tell

opinion on....



Say it in English


There have been many ups and downs in my life.

-Could you expand on that? The lisners are all curious about how you lived your life. Especially when you were in the first Rarmenator. That was a huge boxoffice hit all over the world, wasn't it?




ups and downs

Could you expand on that?

huge boxoffice hit

That was ...., wasn't it?


My project? I gave up.

- What made you decide to give it up? I know you really loved it. Tell me in detail. I may be able to come up with something. Let's go for a drink. 


What made you ...

decide to 

Tell me in detail.

come up with

may + be able to

go for a drink



Sensei, what’s your favorite movie?

Ah… I like many movies. But the favorite one is… How about you, David.

There are many movies I like. But my favorite is The Princess Bride. I think I know every line.

Okay. So what’s your favorite line from that movie?


That was a short line.




You know, my middle name is Danger. Onishi Danger Hiroto.

My middle name is “Let’s enjoy today’s lesson.”
That’s a long middle name.


Could you expand on that?


Mr. Smith I've always wanted to ask you something.

Let me guess. My middle name?

No. But you can tell me that later. I wanted your opinion on something.

Sure. Go ahead. Why do people continue to listen to classical music? 

Classical music is timeless
Could you expand on that?

I believe classical music expresses universal human emotions. So it never get old.

Interesting. How about the Desperate Rat's music?

Well only time will tell.


Grammar and Vocabulary
So it never gets old. > it =(get~になる) old
Only time will tell. 
You can tell me that later.
speak / say / talk /

tell >>授与型となるのはtellのみ「messageを伝える」

Typical Expressions
Could you expand on that?

Let’s practice phrases to use when you want to know more.
Here’s our first.
Could you elaborate on that? 
Care to elaborate?
Next one.
Could you be more specific? 
Nice work so far. Here are some more.
info( = information)
What other info can you provide?
What further info can you provide?
I need more than that

I need more info than that.

Excellent. And let’s continue to the law few. These are short.
As in ?
As in what?
Like how?  
How so?
That’s too much information.

Be careful with these last ones. Like Roza said, they’re very short. So it’s a very casual way to say these things.
Good point, David. That’s not too much information. -Nice!

Typical Expressions in Action
Could you expand on that a little more?
I’m curious what you mean by going digital

>*going digital デジタル化

Could you be more specific? What exactly did he say that offended you?

Hey, guys. You know what. I filleted a fish last night. First, I chopped off.
www Oh! TMI! TMI! TMI!
 That’s too much information. We don’t wanna hear any more details.


fillet a fish

TMI = too much information




There’s funny stories sprouting up all around this.


Could you say a little more about that?


Mr. Stravinsky, would you mind if asked you a personal question?

At my age there are no personal questions. But certainly you can.

Why did you leave Europe?

Oh. that is a good question. In short, I wanted to experience life in America.

Could you say a little more about that?
You see, everything was new in Amarica. I was especially attracted to the new trends and music. 

Like jazz and rock?

Yes. I like all kinds of music.


There is no ...questions


Grammar and Vocabulary
Would you mind if I asked you a personal question?

*Would you mind if .... (過去形=仮定法)
Everything was new in America.
=>Every~ が単数扱い
Typical Expressions
Could you say a little more about that?
I hope you’re looking forward to practicing in detail. All right. Here we go!

Tell me more about?
One more.
Let me know more about~.


about it / about that / about your family / about your proposal

Next example.
What exactly are you saying?
Let’s try that one more time. What exactly are you saying?

Good work so far. Here are several more phrases.
I’d love a little more detail about your project.
Tell me in detail.
Could you go into more detail on that?
And one more.
Could you explain that in a little more detail?
Okay, everyone. How was that? Great work today. Excellent, guys.


in detail

go into more detail


detailed explanation 
spare no detail 詳細をとっておかない > 細部に渡って説明する
Typical Expressions in Action
Tell me more about your time in Canada.
What exactly are you saying? Aren’t you satisfied with your current job?
=> Aren't = Are you not
Could you say a little more about that? Not many people get to experience meeting a real-life prince.
I have a personal question for you.
At my age, there are no personal questions, but certainly you can ask. Go ahead!
I wonder what should I ask.
Okay, what color is your toothbrush?
That’s too personal.



Um. Maybe he, uh, he didn’t consider you’re a friend.


How come they built it?


Masaru. I have a present for you. My grandparents sent it to me from the UK.

It's nice.
Don't you know what this is?

A bunch of old stones in a grassy field?

It's a small model of Stonehenge. We learned about it in history class.

Oh, yeah. Now I remember.

What's the purpose of Stonehenge anyway? How came they built it?

Well, I asked Dr. Peacock the same question. He said nobody really knows.

It's a mystery?



Grammar and Vocabulary
Don’t you know what this is?
I asked Professor Peacock the same question.


Typical Expressions

How come they built it?


... Are you ready? Here’s the first.

What’s the reason?
What’s the reason for his success?

Great. Let’s continue.
What made you so angry?
What made you so sad?

Here’s another. 

What brought you here?

Here’s the last two. And here. Let’s put the emphasis on “that.” Okay?

To what end did you do that? 

How did that come to pass?


All right, everyone. Great job!-Excellent work!


Typical Expressions in Action

How come you never buy me flowers anymore?

What’s the reason? Were you not happy living in LA?

What made you decide to quit your job and take up making soba?


Hey, guys. What do you wanna do when you retire?

I’m hoping to spend every day on uninhabited islands.

Ah, good.

I’m hoping to spend every day on an island inhabited only by horses.





David, you have a huge smile on your face. Why is that?
I’m just so happy to be here. -Oh!
-And I’m David Evans. Let’s have fun today, okay? Here we go.


You have a huge smile on your face. Why is that?


Sally, I don't think I've ever seen you so happy. You have a huge smile on your face. Why is that? 

I really like how my painting turnd out.

It's excellent. I'd say it's your best so far.

Do you really think so?

Yes, all the colors are perfectly balanced and you've mastered several techinics

Well I've been here student for a while now. I guess I've learned a lot.

That's the nicest thing you can say to a teacher, Sally. Thank you.


Grammar and Vocabulary
I don’t think I’ve ever seen so happy.
That’s the nicest thing you can say to a teacher.


Typical Expressions
You have a huge smile on your face. Why is that?

So let’s get ready. Today, we want to pay special attention to tone. Okay, guys?
All right. Let’s practice. Here’s the first.

I wonder why. 

One more time now. I wonder why.

Next example.
I don’t want to marry you.
- Why not?

Do you hear my tone there? 

Let’s try that one more time. Why not?

Okay, here’s our next set.
What did you do that for?
-For what?
Again. Be careful with tone here. If you say, “What did you do that for?”, it sounds very angry. So, relax if you’re not.
-Good point, David. Okay, let’s move on.

You’re more well-dressed than usual. What’s up with that?
Here too, make sure you stay light. Otherwise, it will sound very harsh.
Let’s try one more variation.
You’re more well-dressed than usual. What’s going on there?
> What’s that about? どういうこと?
Great work, guys. - Great job, everyone.


You've been avoiding me all morning. Why is that?

I wonder why he takes so long to reply to my text?

What on earth did you do that for?


Hey, Rosa. What on earth are you so well-dressed today?

What do you mean today? I'm always well-dressed. 

Oh that's an easy trap fall into, isn't it? Sensei.