2023年6月7日(水) “マリー・キュリー賞”に市川早紀さん MARIE CURIE AWA | amnn1のブログ






When was the  “Marie Sklodowska Curie Award” founded?

- The Japan Science and Technology Agency, along with the Polish Embassy, founded the “Marie Sklodowska Curie Award” in 2021.


Ichikawa's research is been recognized for its potential in two areas. One is effective treatments for cancer. What's the other?

- She's being recognized for the potential of her research in effective treatments for cancer and the development of medicines with no side effects.


An award created to recognize up-and-coming Japanese female researchers was just granted to Harvard's Ichikawa Saki for her innovative work in the study of medicines.


award + be granted to ...


-Showing signs of advancement and ambitious development:


The Japan Science and Technology Agency, along with the Polish Embassy, founded the “Marie Sklodowska Curie Award” in 2021. It's a tribute to the first female Nobel laureate from Poland. Ichikawa took home the top prize at a ceremony in Tokyo on Tuesday.


It's a tribute to... > tribute 賛辞



(Ichikawa Saki / Harvard University Post-Doctoral Fellow in Chemistry and Chemical Biology)
“I went through a tough time when my experiments weren't going well, but I overcame that and worked hard. I'm happy to receive this award.”

She's being recognized for the potential of her research in effective treatments for cancer and the development of medicines with no side effects.
A 2020 survey by the Japanese government shows women account for just 17.5 percent of the country's researchers.


★正しい発音 woman women

A 2020 survey by the Japanese government shows women account for just 17.5 percent of the country's researchers.


woman「女性」> 複数形 women

単数形woman=> wo/man、最初の母音が「ウ」で、後があいまい母音「ア」です。複数形women=> wo/men、両方とも「イ」です。


woman [ˈwʊmən]

women [ˈwɪmən]



★Discussion Session


Tom: Today's news story was about a female scholar. What do you think about Ichikawa's win?

Asuka: Oh, it is great news! I was so glad to hear this story. However, it is still disappointing that the percentage of female researchers in Japan is only 17.5 percent. How about in the U.S.?

Tom: I'm not exactly sure, but a well-known study says that women made up about 40 percent of U.S. researchers in the years 2011 to 2015. While the percentage has generally been trending up, there's still a gender gap. Have you ever faced difficulties as a female scholar?

Asuka: Unfortunately, I have to say yes. In our department, for example, we have 28 professors in total, and only six of them are female. That is nearly 20 percent. I can say that our department epitomizes Japanese academia. You can easily imagine that female opinions are the minority in our department.

Tom: Right ― and I think most minorities tend not to be listened to or appreciated by the majority as fully as they should. That can lead to an inequality of voices and ideas. Do you think we can change the situation?

Asuka: I think we NEED to change the situation. The reason for and benefit of having more female researchers is to have greater diversity in the academic field.


epitomize [ɪˈpɪtəˌmaɪz]
epitome [ɪˈpɪtəmi]




To be a typical example of

- To make an epitome (…の)典型, 縮図 of; sum up.

Our department epitomizes Japanese academia.



This hotel is the epitome of luxury.





ゼレンスキー氏 “バフムトかつての広島に似る”


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy delivered a speech in Hiroshima after attending the G7 summit. He called for support that would make Russia the last nation to invade another country.

(Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Ukrainian President)
“Though the enemy is not using nuclear weapons, our cities that have been burned to the ground by Russian bombs and artillery look similar to what Hiroshima looked like in photos after the atomic bombing.”

Zelenskyy said all the buildings and roads in the eastern city of Bakhmut have been destroyed. But he said seeing Hiroshima convinced him that Bakhmut could be rebuilt. Zelenskyy was referring to photos at a museum in Hiroshima Peace Park.
Along with Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio, he commemorated the victims of the atomic bombing.
The two leaders then held one-on-one talks. Kishida promised additional aid for Ukraine, including around 100 trucks from the Japan Self-Defense Forces.









G7 各国首脳ら原爆資料館を訪問



Group of Seven(略称G7)主要7か国



What did Rish Sunak post on social media about his visit?

-Rishi Sunak posted on social media it was a deeply moving experience.


At the evening session, the G7 leaders discussed situation in the Indo-pacific nuclear disarmament and one more thing. What was it?

- non-proliferation or nuclear non-proliferation.


Leaders of the Group of Seven nations have wrapped up day one of their summit in Hiroshima. They're pushing new measures to weaken Russia's ability to wage war in Ukraine.


wrap up


The summit started with a visit to Peace Memorial Park. A museum there details the devastation of the city caused by the 1945 atomic bombing. It was the first time G7 leaders visited the museum together.


atomic bombing

[əˈtɑmɪk] [ˈbɑmɪŋ]


British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak posted on social media it was a deeply moving experience. He says it's important to learn from the past, including from its darkest moments.

The initial sessions focused on the global economy and the war in Ukraine. The leaders repeated their support for Ukraine will not waver.


waver 「(気持ちなどが)揺れる、逡巡する」

The group later attended an evening session on the island of Miyajima, near Hiroshima City. The leaders discussed the situation in the Indo-Pacific, including China. They also talked about nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.

non-proliferation => proliferation 拡散




produce 第2音節にアクセントが来ると、動詞で「生産する」

produce 第1音節にアクセントが来ると、名詞で「農産物、収穫物」


A museum there details the devastation of the city caused by the 1945 atomic bombing.




May the stories of this museum remind us all of our obligations to build a future of peace. Together – let us continue to make progress toward the day when we can finally and forever rid the world of nuclear weapons. Keep the faith!

* mayは「~しますように」という祈願や願望


Shakespeare tells us to “give sorrow words.” Yet, language fails in the light of the bomb's flash. No words can describe the horror and suffering of the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But what we can say, with all our hearts and all our souls, is no more. 繰り返さない
