ラジオ英会話~ハートでつかめ!英語の極意~(32) 5月23日(火) | amnn1のブログ




Um. Maybe he, uh, he didn’t consider you’re a friend.


How come they built it?


Masaru. I have a present for you. My grandparents sent it to me from the UK.

It's nice.
Don't you know what this is?

A bunch of old stones in a grassy field?

It's a small model of Stonehenge. We learned about it in history class.

Oh, yeah. Now I remember.

What's the purpose of Stonehenge anyway? How came they built it?

Well, I asked Dr. Peacock the same question. He said nobody really knows.

It's a mystery?



Grammar and Vocabulary
Don’t you know what this is?
I asked Professor Peacock the same question.


Typical Expressions

How come they built it?


... Are you ready? Here’s the first.

What’s the reason?
What’s the reason for his success?

Great. Let’s continue.
What made you so angry?
What made you so sad?

Here’s another. 

What brought you here?

Here’s the last two. And here. Let’s put the emphasis on “that.” Okay?

To what end did you do that? 

How did that come to pass?


All right, everyone. Great job!-Excellent work!


Typical Expressions in Action

How come you never buy me flowers anymore?

What’s the reason? Were you not happy living in LA?

What made you decide to quit your job and take up making soba?


Hey, guys. What do you wanna do when you retire?

I’m hoping to spend every day on uninhabited islands.

Ah, good.

I’m hoping to spend every day on an island inhabited only by horses.





David, you have a huge smile on your face. Why is that?
I’m just so happy to be here. -Oh!
-And I’m David Evans. Let’s have fun today, okay? Here we go.


You have a huge smile on your face. Why is that?


Sally, I don't think I've ever seen you so happy. You have a huge smile on your face. Why is that? 

I really like how my painting turnd out.

It's excellent. I'd say it's your best so far.

Do you really think so?

Yes, all the colors are perfectly balanced and you've mastered several techinics

Well I've been here student for a while now. I guess I've learned a lot.

That's the nicest thing you can say to a teacher, Sally. Thank you.


Grammar and Vocabulary
I don’t think I’ve ever seen so happy.
That’s the nicest thing you can say to a teacher.


Typical Expressions
You have a huge smile on your face. Why is that?

So let’s get ready. Today, we want to pay special attention to tone. Okay, guys?
All right. Let’s practice. Here’s the first.

I wonder why. 

One more time now. I wonder why.

Next example.
I don’t want to marry you.
- Why not?

Do you hear my tone there? 

Let’s try that one more time. Why not?

Okay, here’s our next set.
What did you do that for?
-For what?
Again. Be careful with tone here. If you say, “What did you do that for?”, it sounds very angry. So, relax if you’re not.
-Good point, David. Okay, let’s move on.

You’re more well-dressed than usual. What’s up with that?
Here too, make sure you stay light. Otherwise, it will sound very harsh.
Let’s try one more variation.
You’re more well-dressed than usual. What’s going on there?
> What’s that about? どういうこと?
Great work, guys. - Great job, everyone.


You've been avoiding me all morning. Why is that?

I wonder why he takes so long to reply to my text?

What on earth did you do that for?


Hey, Rosa. What on earth are you so well-dressed today?

What do you mean today? I'm always well-dressed. 

Oh that's an easy trap fall into, isn't it? Sensei.




Let’s enjoy today’s review, okay? Here we go.


What happened to Renji?
He bought a new car.
He got a home tutor.
He hit a home run.

home tutor

math test scores are higher than mine


What was Arnold Sylvester doing in the cafeteria?
Having lunch.
Searching for actors.
Filming his next movie.

What's the movie about?

Has he finished ...ing?

Where did Masami meet the alien?
On another planet.
At a vegan ramen restaurant.
At school.



what you say

where did this happen

What did he look like?



What did Cynthia suggest to Bill?
To change the band’s name.
To get a new drummer.
To ask someone to write songs for the band.



I know it's going to be

what used to be

what are you getting at

What do you suggest?

Say it in English

- Hi Ken. I know you are busy, but I'd like to hear your opinion about something. I've been offered to transfer to the London office, but I don't want to leave this team right now. 


get along with...
put an end to

I think it's time to put an end to our relationship.

-What do you mean by that? We've been getting along quite well with eath other. What mede you think that way? Is it because I spent too much time with my friends?
Hey, David. Do you spend a lot of time with your friends?
I do. I like to have home parties like … parties and … parties.
How about you, sensei?
No, I don’t, ’cause I don’t have any friends.
Don’t worry. We’re your friends, sensei!
Hm hmm.






 All right, guys. So set seriously and get going!


Stop beating around the bush and make your point


Bill. That new song sounds good. I love it. > ... sound(s) = good
Thanks, Sinthia. I know it's going to be a hit.

I'm not so sure. The band isn't what it used to be.

What do you mean?

It's lacking something.

Stop beating around the bush and make your point. What are you getting at?

We need to move in a new direction. > The sun sets in the west.

What do you suggest?

I'm thinking of using other song writers.

No way!


How do you pronounce this direction
[dəˈrɛkʃən] I usually say, direction.
[daɪˈrɛkʃɪn] I usually say, direction.

Grammar and Vocabulary
The band isn’t what it used to be.
What do you suggest?

Typical Expressions
Stop beating around the bush and make your point.

The important point for today’s lesson is tone. It’s very easy to sound angry or frustrated using these sentences. Let’s try this first one with the soft one. Okay? Here we go.

What are you getting at?
One more time. What are you getting at?

Let’s continue.
Come to the point, will you?
Get to the point, will you?
Let’s try the last one more time. And this time, let’s make “will you” into “will ya”.
Get to the point, will ya? Excellent.

All right. For this next one, let’s be frustrated. Use your tone to sound angry.

What are you trying to say?
Let’s go one more time. What are you trying to say?

Well, in that case, let’s go to our last example.
Spit it out!
Here, let’s use the angry tone again. One more time. Spit it out!
Woh! When you say it like that, it’s super effective.
Right! Anyway, great work, guys. - That was excellent!

Typical Expressions in Action
What are you getting at? You lost me. > you lost me. / I'm lost.
What are you trying to say? That I stole your watch?
Stop beating around the bush and come to the point, will you?
We have no time to waste. > no time to waste
W… What are you trying to say?
I’m not trying to say anything. I’m just trying to stop yawning.
Sensei, stop beating around the bush and come to the point, will you?
I’m just stopping yawning.
Spit it out!





Let’s get started. - What fun awaits us today. Let’s get started.


What do you mean?


OK. Masami, now can you repeat what you said?

I met an alien from another planet.
What do you mean? Where did this happen?

I walked into a vegan ramen restaurant and saw him there.

What did he look like?
Well, he has surprisingly big eyes.

Did you take a photo?

Yeah, look, this is my selfie with Zatox. 

Zatox? That's his name. He's from planet Vega six.





Grammar and Vocabulary
Can you repeat what you said?
What did he look like?
Typical Expressions
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
What does and would you can be shortened to[wɑtdʌz] and [wʊdju]


What does
would you
So, let’s try those together. Okay. Here we go.
What does that mean?
Would you care to explain what you mean by that?

How do you mean?
*how 「手段・方法」
How do you mean? <What ...? より経緯・課程が感じられる

Next example.
How did you come up with that?
All right. These next three, “that” is the most important word. So stress “that” in these sentences. Okay? Here we go.
Why do you say that?
What makes you say that?

And one more.
Run that by me one more time, would you? 
~の近く=by で発言を走らせる

And our last few examples.
What caused you to think that way?
And let’s continue the emphases on that here too. Next example.
What brought you to that conclusion?
And one more.
What’s that supposed to mean?
Excellent work, guys.-What is that supposed to mean? -It means they did great!
Typical Expressions in Action
What do you mean by that? Are you saying we have to work weekends too?
How do you mean? I’m not following your logic.
Why do you say that? I have a hard time believing she lied to you.
Let’s go!




Hey, everyone. Guess what? Believe it or not, it’s time to begin.


Hey, Helen, guess what?

Believe it or not, I met Arnold Sylvester.
Arnold Sylvester? The actor? Where?

He was in a cafeteria. We ate lunch together.

No way! What is he doing here?

He's looking for the location to film his next movie.

What's the movie about?

I'm not sure, but it won't be another remenator film.

Has he finished searching for the locations?

No. After lunch he said I'll be back.

OK. Tell me the next time he's here.


Grammar and Vocabulary
He’s looking for locations to film his next movie. >説明は後ろ
Tell me the next time he’s here.


Typical Expressions
Hey, Helen, guess what?
These phrases are used to build anticipation and excitement. So put your feeling into it. Okay? -Let’s go.

Here’s the first. 

Hey, Ken. You’ll never guess what happened. 

You’ll never guess what I heard. 

You’ll never guess who I met.

Okay. Let’s continue. Remember to focus on tone here too. Okay?
I have some surprising news from my Aunt Aki. 
Aunt [ænt]
I’m so excited to tell you my good news.
Okay, so… I got some good news.

Nice work so fat. Here’s some more.
Can you believe it?
Believe it or not, ~.
You’ll never believe this, but ~.

Great. And finally.
Check this out. I passed the exam.
Get this. I passed the exam.
Hey, David. Get this. Our listeners did excellent! They sure did!

Typical Expressions in Action
Hey, Christine. Guess what? A new Thai restaurant opened up near my house.
Can you believe it? I won the lottery! You must promise to keep it to yourself, okay?
Hey, guys. Believe it or not. We have to say “Goodbye” now. -We will be back.





Let’s enjoy today’s lesson, okay? Here we go.


Hi, Rena. Did you hear about Renji?


Hi, Rena. Did you hear about Renji?
What happened to him?

He's got a home tutor. What do you think about that?

So what? Maybe he needs one.

Well. I told him he didn't need a tutor. 

I guess it was his mother's idea. 
Yeah, probably. Now his math test scores are higher than mine.

Really? I though you were the best in your class.

I don't want to be second to Renji.

Maybe you need a tutor too.


Grammar and Vocabulary
What happened to him?
His math test scores are higher than mine. > mine= my test scores


Typical Expressions
Hi, Rena. Did you hear about Renji?
=> have you heard about...?
Okay, everyone. Let’s practice today’s typical expressions. Are you ready? Here we go.

Hey, Lucy. I’d like to ask you something.
Hey, Lucy. I want to ask you something.
Hey, Lucy. I need to ask you something.

Great. Let’s continue.
Hey, Ken. There’s something I need to tell you. Do you have time?
Let’s try one more time.

Great work so far. Here’s our next.
Hey, Charlie. What do you think about our new branch in Singapore?
Okay. Let’s try to make this smooth together. 

And finally let’s do several versions of this last example. Okay?
Dan, sorry to bother you, but I’d like to hear your opinion about ~.
Dan, sorry to trouble you, but I’d like to hear your opinion about ~.
Dan, sorry to interrupt you, but I’d like to hear your opinion about ~.

All right, everyone. How did you do?-I think they all did great.-Nice!
Typical Expressions in Action

Hey, Caleb. I’d like to ask you something.
Hi, Carissa. What do you think about all the recent road construction?
Hey, David. What do you think about this program?
Ah, it’s wonderful. It’s so exciting and fresh…
Hey, David. What do you think about Onishi sensei?
He’s great. He’s so exciting and fr…



Let’s enjoy the review together.


Which of the following is NOT true about the woman’s uncle?
He is a talk show host.
He sent an email to her.
He will buy an apartment for her.


be about to

hang the laundly

host a talk show

What did the woman find in Roxy’s room?
A letter from Roxy.
A souvenir.
A small package.

a souvenir

have a quick word


What did Brendan give to Aki?
A cup of iced tea.
A serious warning.
A diamond ring.

This is where we first met each other

so long ago

on one knee


What does the woman want Doug to do?
To contact Aki.
Not to tell anyone about the news.
To go to the UK soon.


be + all ears

strictly between you and me


I have a feeling + they get married


Say it in English


*put an end to ...

- Oh, I'm drunk

Listen, I need to tell you something. It's serious.
I think it's time to put an end to our relationship.



Overcome by strong feeling or emotion
 Intoxicated with alcoholic liquor to the point of impairment of physical and mental faculties


- Hi!

Hi Rosa! Have you got a sce? It's about Cathy.

Don't you think she's a bit down lately? I'm worried about her.



Afflicted; sick:

Hey, guys. If your friend is down, where would you take him or her?
I would go to a cat café.
Oh, that’s easy. I’d take them to the arcade.




A roofed passageway or lane, especially one with shops on one or both sides.

A section within another establishment, as at a bowling alley or movie theater, that features such games.




Sensei... you should use would here... Will sounds a bit presumptuous.






as with ... ~のように、~と同様に


free-range egg  放し飼い卵


You of all people... あなたこそが