ラジオ英会話~ハートでつかめ!英語の極意~(195) 1月20日(金) | amnn1のブログ






Let's go straight into it!




What will the two people do tomorrow?


Pick up the man's parents.


Clean up the room.


Buy some food and drink.



coming over

What are we going to serve?







What doese Casper want to do?

Drink some lemonade with honey.

Change his look.


Get a new dresser.



come down with...

They really are.




Which of the following is true?


The woman has a aresident's card.

Mr. Emori sent a postcard to the woman.


The woman won't go to the imigration office by taxi.



official looking....

resident's card

Can't we... ?

in person

taka a day off

go by bus or taxi if you are in a hurry
I have no choice




What did the two people do with the furniture they ordered?


They  measured it.

They moved it into the bed room. 


They lefted it where is was for the time being.




bigger than I remembered


set it up


just leave it there 


had better.. , or 






I'm putting on weight.


Eating a lot of chocolate right after lunch explains that.

You need to cut down on calories.

Do some exercise and eat less snacks.


explain something




cut down on


put on weight




Hi, I'm Barbara. Nice to meet you.


It's nice to finally see you in person.

My wife has told me a lot about you



It's nice to see you
It's nice to finally see you




Do you workout everyday?


Not everyday. I play tennis once a week and go to the gym twice a week.
So that's what I have time for. 


How about you?












We’d better get going or we’ll be late for our program.

Actually, Roza. I have a dental appointment.
So, yeah! We’d better get going indeed.





I hope there’s enough room in the bedroom?

Caspar! The furniture you ordered is here.

Okay. Whoa, this dresser looks bigger than I remembered.

I hope there’s enough room in the bedroom?

I measured it, so it should be fine. 

measure 測る 

Anyway, we don’t have time to set it up, so let’s just leave it here for now.

time to set it up どういう時間かの説明+=> to set it up

set it up それを設置する

Right. We’d better get going, or we’ll be late for our dental appointment.

Yes. We’ll sort out the dresser when we get back. 

sort out 解決する

when we get back 

「私たちが戻る」それが話の前提 =実際に起こっているものとして
 現在形 get back

Good. Let’s go.


Grammar and Vocabulary

The furniture you ordered is here.

We’d better get going.

had better ~したほうがいい 強い切迫感


Feel English

I hope there’s enough room in the bedroom.

room 不可算 部屋 ではなく >スペース・空間


time 時間


漠然と「時間」 uncountable

We don’t have time to set it up now.

Time is money.

Do you have time to talk?


何かを行う 期間・回数・機会

It took me a long time to get there.

How many times have I told you that?

Did you have a good time at the party?



This is made of glass.



These are champagne glasses.

I always wear glasses.



Can you put more paper in the printer?

This story is in all the papers.

a paper on ~ ~に関する論文 

divorce papers 離婚届 など具体的な形>加算名詞

I did a lot of work today.

Let’s get down to work.

after work 

before work

The complete works of Shakespeare

This is one of Mozart’s earliest works.



= countable



Ta-da! Practice time has come again.
Today we’re focusing on these unusual words which change their meaning depending on whether they’re used in a countable way or an uncountable way. So let’s look at a lot of examples here.
Here we go!

You guys did some great work!


Expressions in Action

I wish I could spend more time with you.

Red wine should be served in a large glass.

ワイングラス countable

You say, “Red wine should be served in a large glass.” Right?


Why’s that?

Well, you know, in order to enjoy the full aroma and flavor of the red wine, it needs to be exposed to the air. So you need a large glass and you never fill it close to the top.








How do you get home from the studio, by bus, by taxi?
Well, either by bus or by taxi if I'm in a hurry. 



You need to go to the imigration office in person.



the post card said

It said you need to go to the in person.



According to this, you need to go to the imigration office in person.

According to this, 指定は前に



I got this official looking postcard yesterday.

offfical looking

Let's see.
It said you need to go and renew your resident's card

resident's card


Can't I do it online?

According to this, you need to go to the imigration office in person.



Then I probably have to take a day off from work.

take a day off 


It's easy to get there from the station.
You can go there by bus or by taxi if you are in a hurry.


Oh well. I guess I have no choise.




You need to go to the imigration office in person.



You can write your answers in pen or pencil.

pen / pencil uncountable => 方法が意識されているため


I went to school in Tokyo.

go to school => uncountable



There are many shcools in Tokyo.


by => 手段

You can go by car.

You can go by bus.
You can go by train.


not a chicken => chicken 鶏肉

I ate chicken for dinner.
I ate lamb for dinner.

I ate fish for dinner.


So we are going to continue our practice of countable and uncountable nouns.
It's very interesting. Don't you think? And today it's also interesting because we are looking at words which are normally countable but can be used uncountable. 
So let's look at some of these. Here we go.



You can write your answers in pen or pencil.

OK. Normally we have one pen, two pens, ten pencils. 
Lend me your pencil. Normally these words would be coutable, but look at this. 



Definitely not by cars, by buses, by trains. 



At last I get to see you in person.



at last

get to see
=> get to (ようやく)できるようになる・機会を得る



We went to the top of the mountain by helicopter.



I ate lamb at the new Indian restaurant last night.




That is rather slippery of you.
What's all this about?
The silence of lamb...
I think you mean the silence of the  Lambs


slippery => sneaky


















I have a few bottles of red wine.
Oh, that’s great, because some friends are coming over for dinner this evening.
So, please give them to me now. 



 We need some olive oil and onions.



Kelly, my parents are coming over for dinner on Sunday. 
Come over 


This coming Sunday? We have to clean up the apartment.

I’ll help. Let’s go shopping tomorrow.

What are we going to serve?

I was thinking of Italian food.
We need some olive oil and onions.

Don’t put in too much onion. You usually use too much.

Okay. And a few bottles of red wine.

I didn’t know your parents liked wine.

They drink wine every weekend.




We have to clean up the apartment.


clean up 

up > 完全に・すっかり

drink up 飲み干す 
eat up 残さず食べる





You usually use too much. 

They drink wine every weekend.




We need some olive oil and onions.

My dad has some beer at dinner.
My dad has some wine at dinner.
My dad has some cheese at dinner.
My dad has some bread at dinner.

All we need is love.
All we need is peace.
All we need is happiness.


beer, wine > liquid あるいは gas>> 形はない

cheese / bread にも決まった形がない
love 抽象的



We don’t have much rain here.

を基調とする a, an, many, a few などは使えない
を表す、Much, a little を使う

数・料 両用の 
A lot of, lots of, plenty of 

Water boils at 100℃.

We need water to live.

Time flies.

Don’t put in too much onion.

=>onion 不可算


 Today we’re focusing on the difference between countable and uncountable nouns. Basically, if there’s a specific shape, it’s countable. And if there’s no shape, it’s uncountable. Let’s look at lots of examples together. Here we go.

All of these have no specific shape, so uncountable!


And our last example which is from the dialogue



Happiness is not always easy to find



There’s some white wine in the fridge.
Help yourself.



I don’t want Chris to help himself to the wines in the fridge.

Why not?

He will drink it all.

Well, only if it’s good wine. So you don’t have to worry.

Eh! He’s choosy.









What day did you say it was, Roza?


What does Mr. Smith what to do?

Play Brahms’ Third Symphony.

Join the Vienna Philharmonic.


Go to Vienna.



You of all people... あなたこそが



How is the alien speaking English?

He learned every language in the universe.

He’s using a translator.

The woman taught him English.




Which of the following is true?

The woman hasn’t been to the restaurant in a long time.

Deepak is thinking about closing his restaurant.

The woman will help him find a new place.




What other two people doing?

They’re looking at the stars.

They’re reading a book about Galileo.

They’re thinking of getting a new telescope.




viewing ....

Jupiter's moons through it



How can I improve my English?

Learning a language takes time.

I think it’s a good idea to listen to Radio Eikaiwa every day.
They say persistence pays off. 



Boss, it’s already 5:30.


Okay. Let’s call it a day.
It takes only 15 minutes to get to the hotel by taxi.
I think we can make it in time.




When did you feel that it’s true that persistence pays off?


Well, when I was at Uni., I wanted to join the university table tennis team. But when I went to the trial, I failed. And the second trial, I failed. But the third time, I beat those guys and I got chosen to represent the university. So, for me, persistence paid off.

Hm Hmm. How about you, Roza?

For me, actually it was when I was starting to do Nihongami. I would do Nihongami once a week, every week for over 2 years. And finally, it started to look nice.








It was a Dutch person that invented the telescope.


 check out my new telescope 望遠鏡


check out 注目する


I’m viewing the planet Jupiter


Look, you can see some of Jupiter’s moons through it.


We have to thank Galileo for inventing the telescope, right?




I read that it was a Dutch person that invented the telescope.


I always thought it was Galileo that invented it.

So did I, until I read about it.



What are you looking at?



Look, you can see some of Jupiter’s moons through it.
see 視野に入ってくる


Jupiter has 80 moons. 



It was a Dutch person that invented the telescope.

<< A Dutch person invented the telescope. 

Mary broke the kitchen window yesterday.

It was Mary that broke the kitchen window yesterday.

It was the kitchen window that Mary broke yesterday.

It was yesterday that Mary broke the kitchen window.



we’re going to focus on the use of “it” when it’s used to emphasize the most important information that follows. So it bang. The most important information. So let’s have a look at some examples.


And remember. It is English that you should be thinking in.



Of course, we can say, “Mary broke the kitchen window yesterday.” But we want to pinpoint and emphasize who it was. So… It was MARY that broke the kitchen window yesterday. 

 So, with that emphasis, try after me! It was Mary that broke the kitchen window yesterday.


Now let’s do an example where the “kitchen window” is the main point here, right? So we wanna emphasize the kitchen window. It goes like this. It was the kitchen window that Mary broke yesterday. 

You see how changing the location makes it emphasized? Let’s try one more time. It was the kitchen window that Mary broke yesterday.


Great. And the last one. We want to focus on “when this happened.” So, Mary broke the window yesterday. But now we want to emphasize that. So, It was yesterday that Mary broke the kitchen window. 



It was Patrick that sent flowers to Michelle.

It was flowers that Patrick sent to Michelle.

It was Michelle that Patrick sent flowers to.



It was Chris that made these cookies.

That’s right. I made them for you, guys.

Yes. And it’s always you sensei that eats them.








if it’s connected to…


It’s difficult to have a restaurant in this area.


it’s you! 


You really like Indian food, don’t you?


in particular


It’s surprising that you came here so often.


I wonder why. 


Not very good, I’m afraid. 

not + very good



I can find vacant properties in the city.



I’ve been thinking about that.


Let me help you. 
let + me + help you




It’s difficult to have a restaurant in this area.


It’s surprising that you come here so often.

It’s up to you if / whether you take this job.

It’s still not clear where he stayed that night.

It’s tough working with him 24/7.

I think it strange to put pineapple on a pizza.





Today, we’re focusing on “it.” Now the main thing here is to catch the rhythm because it is always followed by something which explains “it.” Catch that rhythm and away we go!



It’s obvious that she was lying.


lie lying



I think it fitting to have a party for Kevin’s retirement.



Do you like pizza?

Yes. I love pizza but definitely not with pineapple on it.


But I love Gorgonzola pizza with honey.










What's that?
It's a universal translator.


How can you speak English?


any language
in the universe

through this device

far above your level



It takes...

your earth


give you a ride


first ride home



Our technology far above your level.


far above
very fast



We can give you a first ride home.


give + you + a first ride 




What's that?
It's a universal translator.



It's a wine bottle opener.
It's a grater.


I'm really sorry.
It won't happen again.

It's a fine day today.
It's 5 o'clock now.
It's dark here.

Let's call it a day.
You can make it if you try hard.
That's it!

I got it.

It takes only 15 minutes from here to your earth.



It's hepful to compare with that. 


that ... pointing to something outside
while it is the opposite. It is receiver. It's reciving from something outside.


Now these all receive the situation, right? So keep that in mind. 



We saw a shooting star.
It was magical.



It's hot and humid today. 


Do you make a wish when you see a shooting star?
Yeah I think it's kind of a tradition to do that so. I go along with it.