大西泰斗の英会話☆定番レシピ MENU(156) 1/19(木) | amnn1のブログ



大西泰斗の英会話☆定番レシピ MENU(156)




Why don't you join us?


join 加わる


Why don't you ... ? 軽い提案





What's up?
You look a bit down.
Recently I've done nothing but work, work, work.
Well, a few of us are going out for dinner and karaoke tonight.
Why don't you join us?
That's exactly what I need. Thanks.
Great. See you later.



How about catching a movie this weekend?



How about ... ing?

catch a movie 



Harry and Jane have split up.
- Who cares?



You need to call him and apologize.
- Why should I?




As you can see, we have prepared a new challenge today. 

So, we have Chris sitting here and he is going to be acting with you.
And you'll have some coversation with Chris using a phrases we learn today. 

Why should I?
Who cares?

First up, in the actor seat is ... Hiro!


Oh No! I ordered a sandwich. I promised myself this year every thursday I would eat ramen. And I ordered a sandwich...

Who cares?


Let's practice saying this a little lighter.



I want to see your best acting.


Happh birthday. 

Oh, thank you. 
This food was amazing. Can you pay the bill?

Why should I?


And after that, take the water at ...
No, don't listen to Chris...




then そのとき、それから・・・


I went to Kyoto and then to Osaka.







大西泰斗の英会話☆定番レシピ MENU(155)




Who did you say Tom met last night?



Who + did you say + Tom met last night ?



Tom met ....(= who) last night





Who did you say Tom met last night?
An old friend from high school.

What coincidence that they should be in the same bar, right?

Yeah, amazing.

Has this ever happened to you?

I'm afraid not.

One day, perhaps.





Who did you say Ellie called?

> Ellie called ...( = who)

Who did you say called Ellie?

> S....( = who) called Ellie



Who do you think will win?


> S .. (= who) will win



Who do you think they chose as captain?


> They chose ... (= who) as captain.



We have a new challenge.
We are going to give you one sentence in Japanese.
And two sentences in English.
All you need to do is to chose the English that matches the Japanese.



Who did you say you liked? > you like ... =who
Who did you say liked you? > S = who like you.


Who did you say you made angry?
Who did you say made you angry? > S = Who made you angry. 




I'm too busy to talk right now.

too busy => 忙しすぎる 





大西泰斗の英会話☆定番レシピ MENU(154) 1/17(火)



What color... ?
when in next week ... ?

where in Tokyo ... ?



What kind of music do you like?



Let's put on some music and relax.

Good idea.
What kind of music do you like?
I like all kinds, but I useally listen to jazz.

Really? Jazz is not my cup of tee, I'm afraid.

OK. Just put on whatever you like. Anything's fine.

What kind of music do you like?

What do you like ?


What flavor ice cream do you want?

what flavor ice cream ...

What do you want?



How many apps have you downloaded?

have downloaded


how many ...s ... ?



Where in Tokyo did you live?



When in January will you have time to meet?




Which among all the figures on display in this shop would you recommend I buy?


recommend (that ) I (should) buy




What song did you sing last night?



How many dogs do you have?




I was so tired that I couldn't sleep.

so/ very


You can't use very because very is complete in itself.
I was very tired. /

Whereas so always leads the way to some kind of result.






大西泰斗の英会話☆定番レシピ MENU(153)



Wh 疑問文 

What made you cry?


You've been crying.

It's nothing. I'm fine...

So, what made you cry?

I got some bad news about a freind.

I'm very sorry to hear that. 
If there's anything I can do, just ask, OK?


What made you cry?

What = S


S と 助動詞を入れ替えて疑問形
S がないため語順はそのまま


Who said that?


Who can help me set up the barbecue?


What took you so much time?



Who sent you this message?

So, what do you think a text message is?
It's on your phone.


What changed her mind?



fine 濁りがない

fine gold 純金


I'm fine with that.
Well, if you say I'm fine with that, you are not necessarily very happy about the situation. It's more mutual emotion less statement, right?
OK, no problem...




大西泰斗の英会話☆定番レシピ MENU(152)


when where why how


How did you like my short film?


very original

loved it



Are you planing to make another one?

as soon as we find enough sponsors.



How did you like... ?


how 方法・様子・程度

How did you like it?

How did you fix the leak? 方法



When will the package arrive?



Where can I park my car?

Why do electricity prices keep going up?




Where did I leave my phone?



Why do you want to quit your job?



I was excited watching the movie.


Well, it's clear that it should be " I was excited ..." 
If you say exciting, it's you're making something feel excitment. 
That obviously is not right words use here. 





大西泰斗の英会話☆定番レシピ MENU(151)



wh 疑問文 
前置詞 + 空所


What are you looking for?


This is a disaster. I'll be fired, for sure.

I left it around here somewhere.


I help you look for it. 

How come I didn't see it.




Who are you going out with?
I'm going out with ....

go out  with 付き合う



What are you complaining about?




Whose are you listening to right now?


I'm listening to ( whose ).

Whose is this?
Whose pen is this?



Who were you talking to?
You were talking to your mother.



What is he thinking about?

He is thinking about his project.




The game was exciting.
I was excited.

excite わくわくさせる
excited わくわくする





大西泰斗の英会話☆定番レシピ MENU(150)1/10(火) 



wh 疑問文


What do you like?


We want your stary to be as comfortable as possible.
As for food, What do you like?



What do you like ...?
Who do you like?


Which do you prefer ... , soba or udon?

Who did you invite ... to the party?

Whose is that car over there?



What are you trying to say?

Who did you choose in the end?



wise 人生経験豊富
bright かしこい

The kid next door is bright.









西泰斗の英会話☆定番レシピ MENU(149)


I went to a theme park with my kids.
-Oh, did you?


theme park
That sounds like fun.
You're getting old. 


I can speak Japanese?
-Oh, can you?


Wow, that's great!
Oh, really?

My parents will let me study abroad.
-Oh, will they?


I'm going to get a dog.
-Oh, are you?



You shold talk with the bank manager.
-Oh, should I?



I have been to Guatemala.
- Oh, have you?


My grandma was a nurse.
-Oh, was she?


I'm a bit nervous.
- Oh, are you?


I work out everyday.
- Oh,
do you?



This steak is tough.

hard > 板や机のような凍っているような堅さ
tought > かたい