コラボ商品 は英語で?Mr. CHEESECAKE | amnn1のブログ



Have you ever heard of Mr. CHEESECAKE


I haven't. One of my friends was talking about it. It seems very popular and difficult to order. The online shop always shows that it is out of stock.


There are also sweets other than cheesecake, and it seems that they are launching new products in collaboration with Seven-Eleven.


Mr. CHEESECAKE × セブン-イレブン


「ミスターチーズケーキ アイスクリーム」

「ワッフルコーン ミスターチーズケーキ カカオラズベリー」






teame up  for a new product.
are collaborating to sell a new product.








英語で memo

thefreedictionary.com collinsdictionary.com/dictionary