thorough medical checkup 人間ドック | amnn1のブログ



We talked about 人間ドック.

I've never gotten it yet. I usually have a health check once a year.



thorough medical checkup

comprehensive medical examination

* thorough とか comprehensive を付けるといいみたいです。



an annual health check 

periodic health checkup

periodic health examination

*annual とかperioodic を付ける


the basic health check course typically includes 

a blood pressure check (血圧 ketsuatsu), 

blood test (血液検査 ketsueki kensa), 

eye test (視力 shiryoku), 

hearing test (聴力 choryoku), 

urine test (尿検査 nyo kensa), 

a chest x-ray (レントゲン検査 rentogen kensa),

height and weight (身長 shincho, 体重 taiju) 

a general checkup 

a quick chat with a doctor.


・my cholesterol level is high

cholesterol (kəlestərɔːl)

- Cholesterol is a substance that exists in the fat, tissues, and blood of all animals. Too much cholesterol in a person's blood can cause heart disease.


anemia 貧血, 貧血症





- 前日夜 ... 以降は食事をしないでください。

Please do NOT eat or drink after 8pm on the day before your medical check up.


- ご希望の日にちをお知らせください。
Please inform us as to which dates you would be available to have a checkup








conduct? それは提供する側に感じてしますのですが(-_-;)





at a hospital designated by our company

At our designated hospital


At the hospital with which the company is affiliated



- If an organization is affiliated with another larger organization, it is officially connected with the larger organization or is a member of it.







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