25@自分をイエスの再臨だと主張する世界中の偽キリストと偽預言者| |ハルマゲドンへのカウントダ | Paul Sakamotoのブログ

Paul Sakamotoのブログ


25@自分をイエスの再臨だと主張する世界中の偽キリストと偽預言者| |ハルマゲドンへのカウントダウン

False Christ’s & False Prophets Arising Worldwide Claiming to Be Second Coming of Jesus | | Countdown to Armageddon

Jesus in his signs of the times discourse in Matthew Chapter 24 gave many indicators of the signs of the times before His Second Coming after the Great Tribulation. (Matthew 24:29-31) He said there’d be wars & rumours of wars, earthquakes, pestilence’s, plagues, famines & all of these things, & yet the End is not yet, these would be the beginning of sorrows.


But, He now says in verse 14, when the Gospel is preached in all nations, then shall the End come!- Never in the entire course of history has the Gospel been preached in all the world to all nations as it is right now !--If not directly by missionaries, travellers & visitors, it is certainly being preached by the modern mediums of radio, television, printed literature, etc.!

しかし、14節では、福音が全世界の全国民に宣べ伝えられたら、終わりが来ると言います! 今日のように、全歴史上において全ての国々に福音が宣べ伝えられた事はありません! 宣教師、旅行者、訪問者から直接にではなく、現代のラジオ、テレビ、印刷物などの媒体によって確かに宣伝されています。そしてインターネットも

Another major signs of the times that Jesus warned us about is that before His Second Coming there would arise False Christ’s & False Prophets that would try & deceive many. In fact Jesus took more time on this topic than he did with the other basic signs of the times so it must’ve been important & a warning. Here’s what Jesus warned us about on coming False Christ’s & False Prophets.


MATTHEW .24:3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?

MAT.24:4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.

MAT.24:5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

 またオリブ山ですわっておられると、弟子たちが、ひそかにみもとにきて言った、「どうぞお話しください。いつ、そんなことが起るのでしょうか。あなたがまたおいでになる時や、世の終りには、どんな前兆がありますか」。 そこでイエスは答えて言われた、「人に惑わされないように気をつけなさい。 多くの者がわたしの名を名のって現れ、自分がキリストだと言って、多くの人を惑わすであろう。」

MAT.24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many


MAT.24:23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.

MAT.24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

MAT.24:25 Behold, I have told you before.

MAT.24:26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.

MAT.24:27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the くcoming of the Son of man be.

MAT.24:28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.

MAT.24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

MAT.24:30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

MAT.24:31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

 そのとき、だれかがあなたがたに『見よ、ここにキリストがいる』、また、『あそこにいる』と言っても、それを信じるな。 にせキリストたちや、にせ預言者たちが起って、大いなるしるしと奇跡とを行い、できれば、選民をも惑わそうとするであろう。 見よ、あなたがたに前もって言っておく。 だから、人々が『見よ、彼は荒野にいる』と言っても、出て行くな。また『見よ、へやの中にいる』と言っても、信じるな。 ちょうど、いなずまが東から西にひらめき渡るように、人の子も現れるであろう。 死体のあるところには、はげたかが集まるものである。 しかし、その時に起る患難の後、たちまち日は暗くなり、月はその光を放つことをやめ、星は空から落ち、天体は揺り動かされるであろう。 そのとき、人の子(真のイエス)のしるしが天に現れるであろう。またそのとき、地のすべての民族は嘆き、そして力と大いなる栄光とをもって、人の子が天の雲に乗って来るのを、人々は見るであろう。 また、彼は大いなるラッパの音と共に御使たちをつかわして、天のはてからはてに至るまで、四方からその選民(信じる者達)を呼び集めるであろう。

In recent current events a number of false Christs have been arising in various nations worldwide, claiming to be the second coming of Jesus. While many are following these self-proclaimed Messiahs, some are speaking out against their false teachings, being mindful of Christ’s words in Matthew 24:5, “For many shall come in My name, saying, ‘I am Christ,’ and shall deceive many.”


In Australia: A.J., Alan John Miller lives in Queensland, Australia with his partner Mary Luck. Miller claims that he remembers details from his “former life” as Jesus, and Luck says that she is the reincarnation of Mary Magdalene. Both state that they were married in their previous life and had a daughter together.


“I have very clear memories of the crucifixion, but it wasn’t as harrowing for me as it was for others like Mary who was present,” Miller told Sky News last year.

ミラー氏は、昨年、Sky Newsに語りました。「私には、十字架刑の思い出がはっきりしていますが、それは私にとっては悲惨ではありませんでした。」

The two run the organization Divine Truth, and have appeared on local and international television programs to speak of Miller’s claims of being the Messiah. Crowds of generally 100 people or more gather to hear him speak at his seminars, and some followers from across the country have given up their possessions and families to be nearer to Miller.


Siberia: Also known as Vissarion, Sergey Anatolyevitch Torop began proclaiming himself as Jesus reincarnated after he was fired as a traffic officer in Russia in 1990. He went on to found the Church of the Last Testament, which combines various religions together, including Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity.

シベリアでVissarionとしても知られているセルゲイ アナトレイウィッチの群れ, 組,団体は、1990年にロシアの交通管理官を解雇された後、彼はイエスが生まれ変わった者であると宣言し始めました。彼は、仏教、ヒンズー教、キリスト教など様々な宗教を結びつけた最後の聖書教会を続けていに of which gather to listen to the self-proclaimed Messiah speak. His words are often collected in a book, which spans 10 volumes.

最後の報告で、群れ, 組, 団体は5,000人以上の信者を抱えています。そのうちのいくつかは、自己宣言されたメシアの話を聞く為に集まります。彼の言葉の多くは10巻に及ぶ本に集約されます。

Torop, also known as “Jesus of Siberia,” has long hair and wears long, flowing gowns. He speaks from the side of a hill covered by an umbrella. Approximately 2,000 of his followers live in a settlement in Siberia dedicated to his worship.


“I am not God. And it is a mistake to see Jesus as God,” he told reporters in 2002. “But I am the living word of God the Father. Everything that God wants to say, He says through me.”


Brazil: Also known as Inri Cristo, Alvarro Theiss has been claiming since 1979 to be the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. He runs Suprema Ordem Universal da Santmssima Trindade in Brazil, where he also maintains a compound that houses his followers, who are mostly women.

ブラジルでは、Inri Cristoインリ クリストとも呼ばれるAlvarro Theissは1979年以来、イエス・キリストの生まれ変わりと主張してきました。彼はブラジルで スプレマ オルデム ユニバーサル ダ サンミシシマ トリンデードを運営しています。そこでは、主に女性である追従者を収容する壁・垣などで囲まれた)構内;住宅地[街], 屋敷を維持しています。

Theiss, 66, dresses in a white robe and wears a cloth “crown of thorns.” His followers often wear a blue uniform with a rope tied around their waist. Theiss and those who live with him at his compound are vegans and grow their own fruits and vegetables on the property.

Theiss(66歳)は白い服を着て布に "棘の王冠"を身に着けています。彼の信者はしばしば、腰のまわりに結ばれたロープで青い制服を着ます。 Theissと彼の壁・垣などで囲まれた)構内;住宅地[街], 屋敷で彼と一緒に住んでいる人々は、極端な菜食主義者《肉・魚のほか, 卵・チーズ・ミルクなどもとらない》ビーガンであり、所有地に自分の果物や野菜を栽培しています。

The United States, Britain and Venezuela have banned Theiss because of his claims and views, and the throne-sitting cult leader been arrested over 40 times. Theiss is an abortion supporter, and also speaks against capitalism.

米国、英国、ベネズエラは、彼の主張と意見の為にTheissを禁止し、王座に座っているカルトのリーダーは40回以上逮捕されました。 Theissは中絶支援者であり、また資本主義に反対している。

“Life as it is known?union of the matter with the spirit?only happens when the newly-born breathes the air for the first time,” he once told reporters.


Theiss has his own 24-hour television internet channel, which airs messages from the self-proclaimed Messiah around the clock.


“My mission is to prepare the elect, the survivors of the inevitable nuclear atom bomb that will culminate in the end of this chaotic world, for the formation of the new earthly society, which will strive to fulfill the Creator’s will,” he said.


Tragically, those who are deceived in the last days by these false christs will sincerely regard themselves to be genuine believers, actively doing the work of Christ.


Are you ready for these coming events? If not, you can get ready now by receiving Jesus into your heart and studying His Word!

これらのイベント(重要な)出来事, (注目すべき)(大)事件に備えていますか?そうでなければ、あなたはイエスをあなたの心に受け入れ、彼の言葉を研究する事によって、今すぐ準備する事ができます!
