Chapter One第1章☆ARMAGEDDONのカウントダウン未来の書COUNTDO | Paul Sakamotoのブログ

Paul Sakamotoのブログ


Chapter One第1章パート1



The Book of the Future

Chapter One

A More Sure Word of Prophecy (2 Peter 1:19)

ペテロの第二の手紙 1:19 JA1955

So many people today are worried about the future, wondering what’s going to happen. Most of today’s youth seem to almost instinctively realize that they are living on borrowed time. After all, we are the first generation that has had to live with the knowledge that we could completely destroy ourselves. People want to know what to do about it, or if there is any way to avoid it or prepare for it, to survive it.


Psychologists tell us that uncertainty and the fear of the unknown is the worst fear of all—not knowing what’s going to happen. It’s sad that so few people realize that they can know the future, that they can know what’s going to happen—accurately and in detail. Even the exact number of years, months, and days of parts of it.


How could this be? By what means can mortal man possibly transcend the bounds of time and peer into the future? By tuning in to God and His wonderful Word, the Bible. For He alone is the great “I AM,” who dwells in the eternal now where there is no past nor future and “time shall be no more” (Revelation 10:6).
 It all looks the same to God, and He can easily reveal to His prophets and seers the mysteries of the future. “For surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7).

これはどうやって可能なのですか?死すべき運命の人間は、どういう意味で、時間の限界を超越し、将来に仲間入りする事ができますか?神とその素敵な言葉 聖書に同調する事によってです。イエスは、過去と未来がなくても、「時はもう存在しない」(黙示10:6)永遠に住む偉大なる「私」です。
アモス書 3:7 JA1955アモス3:7)。

“For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy: Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them. For I am the Lord: I will speak, and the word that I shall speak shall come to pass; for I say the word, and will perform it, saith the Lord God” (Isaiah 57:15; 42:9; Ezekiel 12:25).

イザヤ書 57:15 JA1955
イザヤ書 42:9 JA1955
エゼキエル書 12:25 JA1955
(イザヤ57:15; 42:9;エゼキエル12:25)

“Seek ye out of the book of the Lord, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: for My mouth it hath commanded them” (Isaiah 34:16). The mate of every prophecy is its fulfillment. God’s Word finds its mate in fulfilled Bible prophecy, and the ones which have already occurred and been fulfilled, foretold hundreds of years in advance, have been fulfilled. Every prophecy the Bible has uttered has been fulfilled except the ones that are yet to come, and they’ll be fulfilled just as surely as the ones that have been fulfilled in the past.

イザヤ書 34:16 JA1955


It’s a marvelous, thrilling study to deal with fulfilled prophecies, and it encourages your faith to know that those regarding the future will be fulfilled just as accurately and just as perfectly and just as surely as every prophecy of the past. But we are particularly interested in those which are yet to be fulfilled.


You’ll find that God’s Word is specific and clear. Its prophecies tell you exactly who and where and even when. So if you’ve been wondering, “Where did we come from? Where are we going? What’s happening?” this wonderful book, the Bible, tells you all about it, exactly what’s going to happen. You don’t have to worry about it; you don’t have to fear. You don’t have to guess at it. It’s all here just as plain as can be.


“For that that is determined shall be done” (Daniel 11:36). What God has determined and prophesied, He’s going to do. Whatever God has said He’s going to do, He is going to do. Not one shall lack her mate. Not one prophecy shall be without fulfillment; every single one shall be fulfilled.

ダニエル書 11:36 JA1955

(ダニエル11:36)。神が決めて預言した事は、彼がする事です。神が何をやろうとしているかに関わらず、彼はやるつもりです。誰も彼女のツガイ仲間を欠いてはならない。 成就しない預言はひとつもない、ひとつひとつが実現するでしょう。

“We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” (2 Peter 1:19–21).

ペテロの第二の手紙 1:19‭-‬21 JA1955


“And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might believe. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away” (John 14:29; Matthew 24:35).

ヨハネによる福音書 14:29 JA1955

マタイによる福音書 24:35 JA1955


“Pearls of great price” (Matthew 13:45–46)

また天国は、良い真珠を捜している商人のようなものである。 高価な真珠一個を見いだすと、行って持ち物をみな売りはらい、そしてこれを買うのである。
マタイによる福音書 13:45‭-‬46 JA1955

God has warned us time and again almost since the beginning of man, and certainly throughout the Bible, that there’s coming an end to things as far as man’s rule on this earth is concerned, and that his governments are going to eventually end so that God can set up His heavenly kingdom of peace on earth. God has given man thousands of years to try to solve his own problems and run the world and bring peace and happiness, and he has brought nothing but war and misery. God has given man his chance and he has done nothing but make a mess of the world. And now, finally, man is able to destroy it. If God did not step in and intervene in this last hour of history, man could completely destroy it and totally annihilate himself.

神は人類の始まりから、そして確かに聖書の中で、この世の人間の支配に関する限り、物事を終わらせる事、そして人間の政府は最終的には終わりに行き着く、と警告して来ました。 そして神の天国の平和の王国を地球上に設立できます。神は、自分の問題を解決し、世界を運営し、平和と幸福をもたらす為に何千年も人類に与えてきました。そして人類は戦争と悲惨さをもたらしました。神は人類に自分達のチャンスを与え、人間は何もせずに世界の混乱を起こしました。そして、ついに、人間はそれを破壊してしまいます。神がこの最後の時の歴史に参入して介入しなかったならば、人間はそれを完全に破壊し、完全に自分自身を絶滅させるでしょう。

If God didn’t step in, mankind could commit suicide. We could either blow ourselves up with the bomb or we could gradually kill ourselves with famine or overpopulation or air pollution or water pollution. Let’s face it, man is destroying himself. He’s killing himself with his pollution and with his destructive nature, and if God doesn’t intervene and stop it, man would eventually wipe himself off the map! This is why Jesus prophesied of the last days: “Except those days be shortened, there should no flesh be saved” (Matthew 24:22).

マタイによる福音書 24:22 JA1955


The Bible predicts that in the last days of man-made regimes on earth, a totally godless, antiChrist world government will arise, led by a Devilpossessed dictator, Satan incarnate, who will bring a temporary false peace on earth and a counterfeit utopia. Its price will be enforced worship of him as the imitation Messiah. All of his subjects will be branded with a credit number in order to buy or sell or obtain food or employment, and all those who refuse to cooperate will be hunted, persecuted, and slaughtered by his commandment. This will be a time of Great Tribulation.

聖書は、地球上の人工的政権の最後の日々に、地球上に一時的な偽の平和と偽造のユートピアをもたらす悪魔の化身である独裁者によって率らいられ、完全に無神経な反世界政府が起こる、と予告しています。その代価は模倣の救世主としての彼 独裁者の崇拝を強制されます。彼の主題はすべて、食品や雇用を売買する為にクレジット番号でブランド化され、協力を拒否する者は全員、彼の命令によって狩られ、迫害され、虐殺されるでしょう。これは大きな艱難 苦難の時です。

This anti-Christ government of anti-Christ forces under the leadership of the Antichrist himself, this superhuman world dictator of man’s last one-world godless government, will then set up its headquarters in Jerusalem, his capital, and unite all peoples of the world into a one-world worship of this demon-demagogue and his magical image which can speak.


vThese startling events will immediately precede the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, which is the major endtime event, the grand climax, as the Lord Himself returns and wipes out the Antichrist and his followers and sets up the last and most lasting and only perfect government the world has ever known, and “the meek shall inherit the earth” (Psalm 37:11).

詩篇 37:11 JA1955


Most Christians seem to have rightly gathered from reading their Bibles and hearing various preachers that in the last days, times are going to wax worse and worse, and not get better. A lot of them believe that the end is going to be a time of very bad trouble and tribulation. And, of course, all real Bible-believing Christians believe that Jesus is coming again. They have also gathered the fundamental idea that there’s going to be a heavenly time on earth at some time or other. But a lot of them have it pretty mixed up and they don’t know how, where, or when these events will take place.


They’ve got the knowledge of these events and these priceless truths like a handful of pearls, but they don’t realize exactly how they ought to be strung, in what order and in what sequence, to make them a beautiful string of pearls in proper order to, you might say, wear around their neck of knowledge. They don’t realize the chronological sequence, which is necessary to understand what’s going to happen, how it’s going to happen, when it’s going to happen, etc.


True, the Bible admonishes us not to fret for tomorrow, which means we’re not to worry about tomorrow, but the Lord sure has had a lot to say about tomorrow, so He certainly must want us to be informed about tomorrow! That’s the whole point of prophecy: to let you know what’s going to happen so you won’t worry about it. You’ll know what’s going to happen.


To be forewarned is to be forearmed. To understand what’s going to occur is to be prepared to face it and take it as it comes and hopefully survive it.—At least certainly to understand what you’re going through and to know what’s happening. You may not understand it all in advance; you may not know everything that’s going to happen. But we can know enough from God’s Word that we can know the major events and their characteristics, the major characters in these events, and in some cases when they’re going to happen, the exact time periods predicted in the Bible, so that when the time comes you’ll know exactly when certain events are going to take place, because God has already said so in His Word, plain as day.


It’s wonderful to be able to read a newspaper that tells you what’s going to happen—not just what’s already happened. Anybody can tell you what’s already happened, but the Bible tells you what’s going to happen. Newspapers are not really newspapers; they’re history papers. They tell you what’s already happened—past news. But God has given us a lot of later news about today, the time in which we’re living right now, and what’s going to happen next. So the Bible is not just a history book, it’s a news book. It not only tells you about yesterday, it also tells you about tomorrow.
