▲パート2Daniel 12ダニエル12章 締めくくりのメッセージThe Closing M | Paul Sakamotoのブログ

Paul Sakamotoのブログ


▲パート2Daniel 12
ダニエル12章 締めくくりのメッセージ
The Closing Message
Part Two
Continued from Part 1

Chapter Twelve


How does God see the United States that led by President Trump?

黙示録はまた、反キリストと、彼の同盟国によって滅ぼされる謎めいた「●大いなるバビロン、淫婦の母 」と呼ばれる何かについて語られ、
そして確かに 「多くの人々は精錬され白くされ、洗練されるであろう」終わりの日々のクリスチャン信者に言及する事になります。

The book of Revelation also talks about the Antichrist and his allies destroying something that is enigmatically called “Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots.” For a fuller treatment of this subject, read chapter 7, “Mystery Babylon,” in The Rise and Fall of the Antichrist. But in a nutshell, we believe this represents the world capitalist system epitomized by the USA. So this reference to shattering the power could possibly be referring to the military and temporal power of the state of Israel and that of its “Christian” backers like the USA. It can also be understood to mean that it is referring to the persecutions against all godly believers mentioned in Daniel 7:21, 8:24, and 11:33?35. And certainly the “many who would be purified, made white, and refined” would refer to believers in the last days.

This information apparently whetted Daniel’s curiosity for a little more, because he still didn’t understand. So he repeats the question. The angel then tells him that basically it wasn’t for him to understand, that the picture painted by all this information wouldn’t really crystallize till the time of the End, and that the wicked wouldn’t understand even then, but only the wise would.

ダニエルはまだ理解していなかったので、この情報は明らかに、ダニエルの好奇心をもう少し刺激され, そそります。

And now?when we thought we had all the timing down, that the Tribulation would be three and a half years, 42 months, or 1,260 days?the angel throws in more numbers for us to juggle.


He tells us that from the time the daily sacrifice in the temple is stopped and the Abomination of Desolation is set up in its place, it is going to be 1,290 days, and he who waits and comes to 1,335 days is going to be blessed.




常供(毎日)の※●燔祭(はんさい)が取り除かれ、荒す憎むべきものが立てられる時から、●千二百九十日が定められている。 待っていて●千三百三十五日に至る者はさいわいです。


Before we let this upset the applecart, we need to remember that we already have been told repeatedly throughout the books of Daniel and Revelation that the Tribulation period during which the Antichrist is fully possessed by Satan, wages repeated wars, and most specifically, persecutes the believers in God, is three and a half years. It is said so often that it almost begins to sound like a broken record. Jesus really wants us to understand this point.


Here are those scriptures:


He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, shall persecute the saints of the Most High, and shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand for a time and times and half a time.

Daniel 7:25


ダニエル 7:25

Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; but in the middle of the week he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, even until the consummation, which is determined, is poured out on the desolate.

Daniel 9:27


ダニエル 9:27

※●単語「週」は shabuaシャブアとして音訳するヘブライ語の7から翻訳されます。●7日間の週の意味を持っている事から、それはまた、「7」の文字通りの意味があり、「●7の単位」です。

Then I heard the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand to heaven, and swore by Him who lives forever, that it shall be for a time, times, and half a time; and when the power of the holy people has been completely shattered, all these things shall be finished.

Daniel 12:7


ダニエル 12:7

The court which is outside the temple ... has been given to the Gentiles. And they will tread the holy city underfoot for forty-two months.

Revelation 11:2


黙示録 11:2

And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.

Revelation 11:3


黙示録 11:3

Then the woman [who represents the body of believers] fled into the wilder-ness, where she has a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days.

Revelation 12:6


※ ● The calendar of the Bible is the lunar calendar and one year is 360 days!

黙示録 12:6

But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent.

Revelation 12:14


黙示録 12:14

And [the Antichrist] was given a mouth speaking great things and blas-phemies, and he was given authority to continue for forty-two months.

Revelation 13:5


黙示録 13:5

Even the angelic messenger in Daniel 12 has already made it clear that it will be three and a half years by the time all the previous things he has been talking about have happened, including Daniel’s people being delivered. The believers both alive and dead at the end of this 1,260-day period will have been caught up to Jesus in the Rapture. It seems there must have been a different nuance to Daniel’s question, “What shall be the end of these things?” than the other question, “How long shall the fulfillment of these wonders be?” because it elicited a different answer. In reply he is told that it shall be 1290 days, and that he who waits till 1335 days will be blessed. In other words, the “fulfillment” and the “end” are somehow different and there is an extra 30-day period followed by a further 45-day period.


この1260日間の期間の終了時に、生きている者と死んでいる者の両方の信者は※●携挙ラプチャーによってイエスにすばやく捕まえられているでしょう。 「これらの事の終わりは、どのようになるのか?」または他の質問だと、「これらの不思議な驚くべき出来事の成就まではどのくらいの期間がかかるのか?」、それは違う答えを聞き出すよりも、ダニエルの質問に異なる(表現・意味などの)微妙な差異,ニュアンスがあったに違いないようです。



常供の燔祭が取り除かれ、荒す憎むべきものが立てられる時(3年半.1260日)から、千二百九十日●1290日が定められている。 待っていて千三百三十五日●1335日に至る者はさいわいです。

We know from the book of Revelation that the Rapture happens before the seven bowls containing the plagues of God’s wrath are poured out on the wicked (Revelation 16:1?21). ●When that happens, all the waters of the earth turn to blood, horrible sores and a scorching sun afflict the wicked, and then the world is plunged into darkness.

(黙示録 16:1?21)

And in line with what the angel explains to Daniel regarding the wicked still not understanding but continuing in their wickedness, Revelation tells us that the wicked followers of the Antichrist at 
this time of wrath “blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and did not repent of their deeds” (Revelation 16:11).

 (黙示録 16:11).

The forces of the Antichrist are being gathered at Armageddon at this time of wrath, but the great battle by the same name may not yet have begun when “the seventh angel poured out [the final bowl of wrath] into the air, and a loud voice came out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, ‘It is done!’ And there were noises and thunderings and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such a mighty and great earthquake as had not occurred since men were on the earth” (Revelation 16:17-18).

「 第七の者が、その(怒りの最終の)鉢を空中に傾けた。すると、大きな声が聖所の中から、御座から出て、「事はすでに成った」と言った。 すると、いなずまと、もろもろの声と、雷鳴とが起り、また激しい地震があった。それは人間が地上にあらわれて以来、かつてなかったようなもので、それほどに激しい地震であった。」
 (黙示録 16:17-18).

Notice the line “it is done” spoken by the angel. Could the day of this pronouncement after the final wrath of God is poured out be the “end” in Daniel’s question, “What shall be the end of these things?”


Before going on, we need to look at something else that is happening at the same time as this wrath period. While all this hell on earth is happening, there is an event going on in Heaven called the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, where, during all the celebrations, Christians are rewarded according to their service for the Lord. It is a celebration of the marriage that has existed for millennia between Jesus and His church, the Christians of all ages. The Bible uses the imagery of a Christian’s relationship with Jesus Christ being like a wife and husband. Paul the Apostle stated in his letter to the Romans that we should be “married” to Jesus (Romans 7:4). The book of Revelation also pictures believers collectively as Jesus’ wife. “’For the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.’ And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. Then he said to me, ‘Write: Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!’” (Revelation 19:7-9).

地球上の全てのこの地獄が起こっている間に、天国で起こっている「子羊の結婚の晩餐バンサン」と呼ばれる、すべてのお祝いの際の、クリスチャンの主の為の彼らの貢献,奉仕,功労に応じて報酬が与えられるイベント出来事があります。それは、イエスと彼の教会(信者)、すべての時代のクリスチャンの間での至福千年の為に存在している結婚式のお祝い(披露宴)です。聖書は、イエス・キリストとクリスチャンの関係の比喩的表現[描写]を、妻と夫のようなものとして使用しています。パウロは、私達がイエスと「結婚」する必要がある事をローマ人への手紙の中で述べました。(ローマ 7:4).
【小羊の婚姻の時がきて、花嫁はその用意をしたからである。 彼女は、光り輝く、汚れのない麻布の衣を着ることを許された。この麻布の衣は、聖徒たちの正しい行いである」。 それから、御使はわたしに言った、「書きしるせ。小羊の婚宴に招かれた者は、さいわいである」。】
(黙示録 19:7-9).

And at the end of the Marriage Supper, John the Revelator “saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. ... And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. ... And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army” (Revelation 19:11,14,19).

そして結婚の晩餐会の終わりに、黙示者 ヨハネは、
【 またわたしが見ていると、天が開かれ、見よ、そこに白い馬がいた。それに乗っているかた(イエス・キリスト)は、「忠実で真実な者」と呼ばれ、義によってさばき、また、戦うかたである。 …そして、天の軍勢が、純白で、汚れのない麻布の衣を着て、白い馬に乗り、彼に従った。 …なお見ていると、獣と地の王たちと彼らの軍勢とが集まり、馬に乗っているかたとその軍勢とに対して、戦いをいどんだ。】
(黙示録 19:11,14,19).

Zechariah writes that “then the Lord will go forth and fight against those nations, as He fights in the day of battle. And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which faces Jerusalem on the east. And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two” (Zechariah 14:3-4).

「 その時、主は出てきて、いくさの日にみずから戦われる時のように、それらの国びとと戦われる。 その日には彼の足が、東の方エルサレムの前にあるオリブ山の上に立つ。そしてオリブ山は、非常に広い一つの谷によって、東から西に二つに裂け、その山の半ばは北に、半ばは南に移り、」
( ゼカリヤ14:3-4).


When Jesus ascended into the sky at the end of His first coming to Earth, He did so from the Mount of Olives. “While [His disciples] watched, [Jesus] was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men [undoubtedly angels] stood by them in white apparel, who also said, ‘Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven’” (Acts 1:9-11). It seems from Zechariah that “in like manner” did not only mean that as He went up into the sky that He will come back from the sky, but that He will land at the same spot, the Mount of Olives, just across from Mount Moriah where the abominable image of the Antichrist stands in the Temple grounds.

【こう言い終ると、イエスは彼ら(イエスの弟子達)の見ている前で天に上げられ、●雲に迎えられて、その姿が見えなくなった。 イエスの上って行かれるとき、彼らが天を見つめていると、見よ、白い衣を着たふたりの人が、彼らのそばに立っていて 言った、「ガリラヤの人たちよ、なぜ天を仰いで立っているのか。あなたがたを離れて天に上げられたこのイエスは、天に上って行かれるのをあなたがたが見たのと●同じ有様で、またおいでになるであろう」。
 (使徒行伝 1:9-11). 

Undoubtedly one of the first things Jesus will do after He lands in Jerusalem is destroy the Abomination of Desolation, and as Daniel was told in chapter eight, “The sanctuary will be cleansed” (Daniel 8:14). The angel said that it would only be 1,290 days from the time it is set up to its end. So it is possible that at the end of this first 30-day period will be when Jesus returns to wage war on the Antichrist.

確かに、ダニエルは8章で言われたように、彼イエスはエルサレムに着地(再臨)した後、イエスが行う最初の事の一つは、「荒らす憎むべきもの」を破壊する事です。「そして聖所は清められて、」 (ダニエル 8:14). 




And what about the 2,300 days of Daniel 8:14?


In Daniel chapter 8 we were told:


Then I heard a holy one speaking; and another holy one said to that certain one who was speaking, “How long will the vision be, concerning the daily sacrifices and the transgression of desolation, the giving of both the sanctuary and the host to be trampled under foot?” And he said to me, “For two thousand three hundred days; then the sanctuary shall be cleansed.”

Daniel 8:13-14

それから、わたしはひとりの聖者の語っているのを聞いた。またひとりの聖者があって、その語っている聖者にむかって言った、「常供の燔祭と、荒すことをなす罪と、聖所とその衆群がわたされて、足の下に踏みつけられることについて、幻にあらわれたことは、いつまでだろうか」と。 彼は言った、「●二千三百(2300)の夕と朝の間である。そして聖所は清められてその正しい状態に復する」。

ダニエル 8:13-14

This refers to the activities that take place in the soon-to-be-rebuilt Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. The Holy Covenant apparently allows the temple to be built and the daily animal sacrifices to resume. We know that the covenant is made for seven years, or a total of 7 times 360 days, which totals 2,520 days. Yet this verse only accounts for 2,300 days. And further to that, we know that the Antichrist is finally stopped and his image is destroyed after he and his endure the horrific plagues of the wrath of God. We assume that the sanctuary is cleansed and the Abomination destroyed shortly after Jesus lands on the Mount of Olives (which cracks in half as he does) as He and His armies descend for the Battle of Armageddon. So we would seem to need to add at least another 30 days to the 2,520 days before this happens, for a total of at least 2,550 days.


If we subtract 2,300 from 2,550, we are left with a 250-day period, which, it seems, must be the period when the temple is under construction, between the time the covenant is signed to the dedication service in the temple when the first animal sacrifice is performed.


But what is the additional 45-day period that follows the start of the Battle of Armageddon, if it seems to be all over,  the shouting, at this point? Surely Jesus and His heavenly armies will make short shrift of the Antichrist and his ilk. Nevertheless, even if the major engagement is over quickly, any battle of the pro-portions of Armageddon will probably take some time to conclude. Although we are told that at some point the Antichrist and his false prophet are captured and are “cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone” (Revelation 19:20), we are not told when they are caught.

(黙示録 19:20),

And even when the battle is over, it is going to take some time to conduct mopping-up operations worldwide, to cleanse the whole earth from the Antichrist’s bestial followers.?For all of them will be killed. Yet if 45 days may seem a long time to you before all his followers are purged from the Earth, you may be right.


There will be three general divisions of people in the last days. First, there are the saved believers who, at the time of the Rapture, are taken to Heaven.


Second, there are the wicked Antichrist worshippers who are now being wiped out.


And third, there are the people who fall in between these two categories. They were neither believers in Jesus nor Antichrist worshippers. They live through this grisly Wrath and Battle of Armageddon period and undoubtedly do not have a pleasant time of it. Even though they are not the primary targets of it, they will nevertheless be caught in the fallout. What if you were one of those people? Wouldn’t you feel blessed once all this was over?

彼らはそれの主要な標的ではないにもかかわらず、彼らは(好ましくない[予期しない]結果,副作用, 副産物)に巻き込まれます。あなたがその一人だったら?

The verse doesn’t say that Armageddon and its aftermath will take a full 45 days, although it may; it simply states that whoever reaches that point will be blessed. How will they be blessed? They will be blessed to be alive, for a start, and to enter into a new world where war has ceased. It may be an awful mess after the massive destruction caused by the Antichrist and his wars, but with the supernatural help of Jesus and His angels and saints, everything from this point on is going to get better.


So although the major battle could be over quite quickly, it may take considerably longer to round up and destroy the Antichrist’s followers. And once that is done, it may take even longer for the survivors to come out of hiding and start to get adjusted to the new order of things. So as the dust settles and the night-like conditions of the Wrath of God begin to subside and the sun starts to be visible once again, you can imagine the survivors feeling pretty blessed to have come out on the other side alive.


It is, however, important to state that what happens during the 30- and 45-day periods is not specified in the Scriptures, and the hypothesis written here is just that, a hypothesis. It is conjecture, but it is an educated guess based on Scripture and the events we know will come to pass.

常供の燔祭が取り除かれ、荒す憎むべきものが立てられる時(3年半.1260日)から、千二百九十日●1290日が定められている。 待っていて千三百三十五日●1335日に至る者はさいわいです。


The restoration of the war-damaged Earth will then begin. Jesus will rule on Earth for 1,000 years, assisted by those who had been His followers in their earthly lives. This time is commonly called the Millennium and it will be a veritable golden age compared to the world that preceded it. Peace and harmony will be largely restored to the world and the enmity between animals, and between animals and man, will be gone. The survivors, those who are the blessed, will live on in a simpler and righteous world, where loving God and others will be the governing rule.


The God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed. The kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people, the saints of the Most High. His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey Him.

Daniel 2:44; 7:27



ダニエル 2:44; 7:27

They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.

Isaiah 2:4


イザヤ 2:4

The whole earth is at rest and quiet. [The Lord] will even make ... rivers in the desert. The beast of the field will honor [Him]. The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. The cow and the bear shall graze; their young ones shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. The nursing child shall play by the cobra’s hole, and the weaned child shall put his hand in the viper’s den. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.

Isaiah 14:7; 43:19-20; 11:6-9

 全地はやすみを得、穏やかになり、…わたしは荒野に道を設け、さばくに川を流れさせる。 野の獣はわたしをあがめ、山犬および、だちょうもわたしをあがめる。わたしが荒野に水をいだし、さばくに川を流れさせて、わたしの選んだ民に飲ませるからだ。… おおかみは小羊と共にやどり、ひょうは子やぎと共に伏し、子牛、若じし、肥えたる家畜は共にいて、小さいわらべに導かれ、 雌牛と熊とは食い物を共にし、牛の子と熊の子と共に伏し、ししは牛のようにわらを食い、 乳のみ子は毒蛇のほらに戯れ、乳離れの子は手をまむしの穴に入れる。 彼らはわが聖なる山のどこにおいても、そこなうことなく、やぶることがない。水が海をおおっているように、主を知る知識が地に満ちるからである。

イザヤ 14:7; 43:19-20; 11:6-9

And all that is just the beginning of Heaven on Earth. If you want to read a whole lot more about it, you will find it covered in detail in From the End to Eternity.


And as for Daniel, he was then told that he should just do what he has been doing till his end, for he will die and “rest.” He certainly deserved to rest after such a life as his. And as we, who are now in the latter days, understand more and more the meaning of the prophetic messages within his book, we will be forever grateful that he recorded them so we can have the benefit of knowing these things.



A Captive of Babylon
The Image in the Dream
Three Who Wouldn’t Burn
The Madness of the King
The Handwriting on the Wall
The Lion’s Den
The Beasts from the Sea
The Ram, the Goat, and the Future King
Seventy Weeks
Spiritual Warfare
The King of the North
The Closing Message
In Conclusion



The Closing Message | Daniel the Prophet | Books | Countdown to Armageddon


