★第13章「 獣の刻印 」「 666」The “Mark of the Beast666” | Paul Sakamotoのブログ

Paul Sakamotoのブログ


★第13章「 獣の刻印 」
「 666」
The “Mark of the Beast666”

Chapter Thirteen

The Future Foretold

The Future Foretold
Ancient Prophecies Now Being Fulfilled


また、小さき者にも、大いなる者にも、富める者にも、貧しき者にも、自由人にも、奴隷にも、すべての人々に、その●右の手あるいは●額に●刻印を押させ、 この刻印のない者はみな、物を●買うことも●売ることもできないようにした。この刻印は、その獣の名、または、その名の数字のことである。 ここに、知恵が必要である。思慮のある者は、獣の数字を解くがよい。その数字とは、人間をさすものである。そして、その数字は六百六十六●666である。

黙示録 13:16-18

“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on [in] their right hand or on [in] their foreheads, that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is ●666”

Revelation 13:16-18

THIS PROPHECY is remarkable. Think about it: Nearly 2,000 years ago the apostle John, who prior to meeting Jesus had been a fisherman by trade and had been called an “uneducated and untrained” man (Acts 4:13), predicted that a global economic system will one day be instituted in which everyone will be forced to receive a number, without which they will not be able to buy or sell. Only in this era of computers and electronic commerce could this prophecy be fulfilled.


There are currently a number of methods commonly used for purchasing items. You can use cash, you can write a check, you can use a credit card, or you can use a debit card that instantly deducts the amount from your bank account and deposits it into the account of the merchant.


Smart cards take this several steps further. They have a tiny computer chip embedded in their plastic. These electronic marvels not only give you instant access to your bank account, but they can also contain (or access) your passport information, your medical records, driver’s license, photographs, biometrics, credit history, and other data. Hundreds of millions of smart cards are in use across Europe in the form of health cards, SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) cards (which turn your phone into a smart card), ※95 
and ePurse cards.

※●ePurse【略】electronic purse バンキング・ショッピング用のスマートカード(smart card)です。

A parallel program is the biometric passport (AKA, epassport) which began being issued by many countries in 2006. Although not involving commerce, this does involve an attempt at fail-safe identification. Epassports not only contain your name and personal data in printed form, but an RFID chip embedded in the cover contains the same information in electronic form along with biometric information.


※●(RFIDチップ)radio frequency identificationとは?
ラジオ周波数によるID認証マイクロチップ、IC と小型アンテナが組み込まれたタグやカード状の媒体から,電波を介して情報を読み取る非接触型の自動認識技術。
複数の媒体の情報を一括で読み取る事や,内蔵された IC への新たな書き込みが可能で,情報を消去して媒体を再利用することもできる。

The ID Hurdle

Before cash, checks, and credit cards can be phased out completely, an absolutely foolproof identification system must be developed and implemented to prevent identity theft.



Retailers must be sure that the person presenting a card for a transaction is actually the owner of that card.


Various biometric ID systems have already been developed, like fingerprint and hand readers, retinal scanners, and face readers. But for a completely cashless society to work, there would have to be a standardization of the many competing systems, and the scanners would need to be installed at every shop and office, no matter how big or small, where goods or services are sold.


While highly accurate biometric scanners would be very costly to install everywhere they would be needed?not to mention the expensive infrastructure they would need to speedily access the databases where people’s biometric details are stored?microchips encased in plastic smart cards and the scanners to read them are a much more cost-efficient alternative.


Your Own Personal Microchip Implant

A cheap and workable solution would be to take a chip similar to those used in smart cards and place it under the skin of each man, woman, and child. It wouldn’t even have to store all your personal data, but just a unique identifier. All your data could be stored in gigantic networked databases and your identification code would access it. Once the chip is implanted, it could be read by an inexpensive scanner, similar in function to the ones that read bar codes in your local grocery store. You would then become your own smart card?and the very expensive problem of making sure that the owner of the card is who he says he is has been solved!



The chipping of people quietly began in the U.S., via Applied Digital Solutions’ VeriChip. In May 2002 the “historic chipping of the Jacobs family” took place. This family and several other volunteers had a chip with a unique identifier injected under their skin. ※96 
About two centimeters long, the glass encased chip was read by a handheld VeriChip scanner. The Jacobs family suffers from various ailments and the storage of their medical history provided the logic behind their volunteering to be the test cases.

長さ約2cmの、ガラスに包まれたチップは、 手のひらに乗る(大きさの)ベリチップのスキャナで読み取りました。
ジェイコブス・ファミリは、様々な病気に苦しんでいて、その病歴の保管は、検査の病状である事から、彼らのボランティアの背後にある 良識,道理を提供しました。

VeriChip aggressively marketed their product.


VeriChip Corp. wants to get under the skin of 1.4 million U.S. servicemen and women. The company is hoping to convince the Pentagon to allow them to insert the chips, known as RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) chips under the skin of the right arms of U.S. servicemen and servicewomen to enable them to scan an arm and obtain that person’s identity and medical history. The chips would replace the legendary metal dog tags that have been worn by U.S. military personnel since 1906. ※97

会社は彼らが腕をスキャンする事を可能にし、その人のIDと病歴を取得する為に米国の男性兵士と女性兵士の複数の右の腕の皮膚の下のRFID(Radio Frequency Identification)ラジオ周波数によるID認証マイクロチップ、として知られているチップを挿入できるようにペンタゴンを説得するのを望んでいる。

Despite being given FDA approval for use in humans, due to a number of concerns, including a reported link between chips and malignant tumors in animals, the manufacture and marketing of VeriChips were discontinued in 2010. Nevertheless, research into sub-dermal RFID chips for humans continues.


A global cashless society is in the making. Fiber optics, satellites, and computer databases have the potential to control the world in a way that boggles the imagination. Many governments and private corporations worldwide are pursuing policies to eliminate cash and checks, while many other countries are testing various methods of doing business without physical currency. The hi-tech means of fulfilling the chilling vision the apostle John received nearly 2,000 years ago is here.

グローバル キャッシュレスお金の無い社会が作られているところです。

These articles are already in the past, and in the US 500,000 people are implanting microchips under the skin.

The Power Behind the Throne


The coming world leader will demand the world’s worship not merely because he has a severe ego problem.?He will be empowered or possessed by Satan himself. “The dragon [Satan] gave him his power, his throne, and great authority” (Revelation 13:2).

「 龍[サタン悪魔]は自分の力と位と大いなる権威とを、この獣に与えた。」(黙示録 13:2).

Satan has always wanted to be God. This is why he fell in the first place. The prophet Isaiah wrote, “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, ※●son of the morning! … For you said to yourself, ‘I will ascend to heaven and rule the angels. I will take the highest throne. … I will climb to the highest heavens and be like the Most High.’ But instead, you will be brought down to the pit of hell, down to its lowest depths” (Isaiah 14:12-15 TLB).

「 ※●黎明(れいめい)ルシファーサタンの子、明けの※●明星よ、あなたは天から落ちてしまった。 …あなたはさきに心のうちに言った、『わたしは天にのぼり、天使を支配し、わたしの王座を高く神の星の上におき、…いと高き者のようになろう』。 しかしあなたは陰府に落され、穴の奥底に入れられる。」(イザヤ 14:12-15 ).

Lucifer, son of the morning! 


How art thou fallen from heaven, O ※●Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 

Watch Out for 666!


What Satan is really after when he causes the Antichrist government to set up the coming global financial system is to gain control over the people of the world and to get them to bow down and worship him. This is why the Bible warns, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God. … [T]hey have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name” (Revelation 14:9?11).

 「おおよそ、獣とその像とを拝み、額や手に刻印(666)を受ける者は、 神の怒りの杯に混ぜものなしに盛られた、神の激しい怒りのぶどう酒を飲み、…そして、獣とその像とを拝む者、また、だれでもその名の刻印を受けている者は、昼も夜も休みが得られない。」 (黙示録 14:9?11).

The book of Revelation states six times that worshiping the Beast coupled with receiving his Mark leads to damnation. There is a link between the two, though at this point in time it is not clear exactly what that will be. At first glance, it would seem the Mark is simply an economic and identification system. Perhaps it is okay to accept the Mark as long as you don’t become a worshipper of the devil-man behind it. But is that too great a risk to take?


So when you see the world government arise and its leader demands your allegiance, your loyalty, and even your worship, don’t fall for it. Regardless of the economic incentives offered or the retribution that threatens those who refuse his Mark and number, give your love and worship to the true God, your Creator, who loves and cares for you, and who has promised that He will see you through the days ahead if you put your trust in Him. The Bible says, “The people who know their God will be strong” (Daniel 11:32).

「 自分の神を知る民は、堅く立って(強くされて)事を行います。」
(ダニエル 11:32).

(For more on this subject, see The Rise and Fall of the Antichrist, also from Aurora Production.)






「イエスがメシヤ (救い主) であることの


イエスがベツレヘムで生まれる何百年、あるいは何千年も前に、旧約聖書の預言者達は、イエスの来臨を予言していましたが、彼らの予言は「メシヤ、すな わち救い主が来られるでしょう。」などといった、大ざっぱなものではありませんでした。




 ❤❤「神はそのひとり子(イエス・キリスト)を賜タマワった(プレゼントした)ほどに、この世(あなた)を愛して下さった。 それは御子ミコ(イエス・キリスト)を信じる者がひとりも滅びないで、永遠の命を得るためである。」--ヨハネ3:16--ということを、あなたが信じるためなのです! あなたは信じますか?

神はあなたを愛しておられ、イエスは、あなたの心の扉の外に立って、あなたがイエスのために、その扉を開けるのを待っています。「見よ、 わたしは戸の外に立ってたたいている。 誰でもわたしの声を聞いて戸を開けるなら、わたしはその中に入って彼と食を共にし、彼もわたしと食を共にするであろう。」--黙示録3:20。

あなたは心の中にイエスを受け入れたいですか? もしそうなら、次にあげる簡単な祈りを、心から祈って下さい。
❤❤❤「イエス様、 私のために死んで下さったことを感謝します。私の心に入って、私をすべての問題や悩みから助け出して下さい。そして、私が、あなたの御言葉を読み、あなたの愛のことを他の人に告げることによって、あなたと他の人たちのために生きるのを、どうか助けて下さい! イエスの御名で祈ります。アーメン。」
