東京に着いた日(ビフォー研修) | Rakuenありす ~自然農園/農薬・化学肥料不使用

Rakuenありす ~自然農園/農薬・化学肥料不使用





The day I arrived in Tokyo (before training)




 I arrived at Tokyo Station this morning around 6:30. Yesterday, I worked hard (?) from 5 am to 5 pm, so I thought I was tired and could sleep well, but I wasn't feeling very tired, perhaps I was used to working for a long time.








 I have no meaning to exist unless I am helping someone.

 Maybe there is such a belief in oneself.

 I stayed at my sister's house again this time. Last time I hadn't been able to prepare for dinner, couldn't treat my sister's acupuncture and moxibustion for 4 days because there were 4 days of training, so I couldn't help anything. I was sorry for that.

 This time she's too busy to stay home at night. So she says she doesn't need dinner.

 Then I feel sorry for not being able to do anything for her and feel restless.


 トウリーディングでは、「あなたは本来の道を歩んでいますか?」というのが命題のようなもので、親指が外反母趾の人は、首を傾げている状態。本来の道を歩めていない。やりたいことは他にある。魂が欲求するものが別にある! という叫びだという。





 数年前から、JAの無料職業相談所をよく利用するようになったのだが、そこで紹介されたリンゴ農家さん、きゅうり農家さん、今年は新たにブドウ農家さん。皆、ほんとうに人手不足で、超! 有り難がられる。来年からもよろしく、と必ず言われる。ブドウ農家さんに至っては面接の時点ですでに秋の話もされた。9月から収穫もあるので…と。








 In toe reading, "Are you on your true way?" is like a proposition, and a person with hallux valgus has his head tilted. I'm not on the right path. There is something else I want to do. There is another thing the soul wants! Is a cry.

 What your right foot means is your relationship with the people around you, how you interact with others other than yourself. The left foot is for yourself, that is, how to interact with yourself.

 In the case of Shuro, the big toe of the left foot is extremely tilted.  I am lying to myself. I may not believe in myself.

 The big toe of the right leans a little toward.

 I had an unexpected idea.

 I have been using JA's free vocational counseling office a few years ago, and there are apple farmers, cucumber farmers, and new grape farmers introduced this year. Everyone is very short of manpower, and they are very grateful. They always ask me to help next year as well.

 I want to be in a place that needs me.

 Is this the desire of the soul, or is it uneasy to exist?

 The reason why the right leg (relative to others) is generally calm may be that I am satisfied with helping farmers. On the other hand, the thumb of the left foot may be saying, "No, that's not what you have to do. You have something else you really want to do!"

 "Do what you want to do!"

 Sally told me, I decided to do it.

 I'm saving money for that, so I'm convinced myself.













 "If I do what I like, my husband will be unhappy" → Once, with the formula that "If I do what I want, my mother will be unhappy" I have heard about it. Later she rewritten the life script, saying, "If I do what I like, my husband will be happy."

 I want to do this for everyone.

To parents, children, friends, everyone who was involved in Shuro.

"If Shuro takes the path he wants to do, his parents will be happy."

"If Shuro goes the way he wants, the children will be happy."

"If Shuro takes the path he wants to do, my sister will be happy."

"If Shuro pushes the path he wants to do, her spouse will be happy."

"If Shuro pursues the path she wants to do, her best friend will be happy."

"If Shuro goes the way she wants to do, the farmers introduced and everyone who worked with her will be happy."

"The world will be better if Shuro pursues the path she wants to do" ⇒Social contributions can be made!



July 10th is a festival of Inari-san at my home.
I wasn't at home that day, so I made Inari sushi the day before♪