Off | Rakuenありす ~自然農園/農薬・化学肥料不使用

Rakuenありす ~自然農園/農薬・化学肥料不使用






 Two days ago, my daughter email me that she will come and pick a printer up and take it to her new apartment room.

My cat came in at midnight last night and was sleeping together, but at about 4 he left. So I opened the door to the outside key downstairs.

 At around 5 o'clock in the morning, my daughter came back and said, "I'm back now." And my daughter said. I want a friend to have some rest in my room, because he  drove my car over night and he didn't slept, and I replied, "OK."

 I hadn't got any work today, so I was thinking of going out somewhere, but for some reason I didn't find the place I wanted to go to until yesterday, so I didn't even have the temptation to look for it. I was thinking that I will deside where to go and may toward south tomorrow morning.

 However, I knew that my daughter had returned early this morning, so I was supposed to stay at home. I made komatsuna sesame sauce and cold pork shabu.

 On poor metabolism, I gave up running and ended up fasting. Today is the second day, but today I ate about half of canned coconut milk. This was opened by thinking my daughter may eat.

 The daughter and friend returned after noon, around 1 pm.

 I watched the DVD of Major crimes with my son.