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Rakuenありす ~自然農園/農薬・化学肥料不使用






Iwate Sanriku Reconstruction Forum




 復興の現場見学で訪れた「うのすまい・トマス」の‘いのちをつなぐ未来館~Tsunami Memorial Hall~’で、説明してくれた若い女の子が、説明の過程で避難所で過ごした時間経過を詳しく描写していた。









































 By the way, as always, I had the big harvest I did not expect this time.

 I was able to meet one of the people of Kamaishi's Miracle.

 The time passed by a young girl who explained at the "Miraikan Connecting Life-Tsunami Memorial Hall" of "Uno Susumu Thomas", which was visited on a field visit of the reconstruction, where she spent time in an evacuation center during the explanation process It was described in detail.


 Oh, I understood she was a victim then. At that very moment I wondered where she was, and finally told her.

 Kamaishi is a city of miracles and tragedies.

 The “Kamaishi City Unosumai Residential Area Disaster Prevention Center” was located in Unosumai, where an estimated 162 people died. the Tsunami left a permanent wound on the 34 survivors.

 Why did so many people die here in the first place?

 Immediately after the disaster, I watched related news and news programs every day, so I knew of the tragedy at the disaster prevention center in Kamaishi. But now, nine years later, my memories have faded, and I heard it again this time.

 The cause wasn't just one, she - Nodoka Kikuchi said, a junior high school student at the time.


 An evacuation drill was held on March 3 and the true evacuation site was a shrine in much higher hill, but the coastal area is not the coldest in January, but the coldest in March. The road to the shrine was slippery and dangerous and very cold. So, they tentatively made the evacuation site on that day a "disaster prevention center".

 So, those who participated in the evacuation drill at that time may have thought that it was an evacuation site.

 Then, according to the hazard map prepared by the city, the disaster prevention center was not in the flooded area. The map was created with reference to the Chilean tsunami, but it is said that the only remaining data was the Chilean tsunami. There was an allegation that the tsunami was flooded before that, but the map could not be created because no data remained.

 Kikuchi said that one of the 34 survivors who had actually evacuated to the Disaster Prevention Center has only recently begun talking. She says, "I wasn't sure what it was, but just because there were so many people (at the disaster prevention center) I thought it would be good here." Most of the people evacuated there were neighbors who were acquainted, and she had seen many of the bodies of her close friends.

The disaster prevention center was swallowed up by the waves near the ceiling, and it seems that those who survived by breathing through the gap of about 20 cm in the ceiling managed to survive. She, who was storyteller told the  that she was holding onto a curtain and showing her face and breathing.

 And since it was not an evacuation center, it was thought that no one would have evacuated, so rescue were delayed and some people were frozen to death.

 And about the miracles of Kamaishi.

 On that day, "Fate" actually saved them junior high school students.

 They were in their third year at Kamaishi Higashi Junior High School, and had just two days left to graduate. She said that time was the time everyone would normally have returned home.

"On that day, a miracle happened. We were in school 30 minutes offended by the teacher," she said.

 Everyone in the school was still angry and sullen. At that time, the shaking struck. She said she was so convinced that  the tsunami was coming! The shaking was so great that she and a few students on the spot couldn't move. I saw the other children running and gathering at the roll call location. When he finally arrived, a teatuer shouted.

 "It's not a roll call. Run!"

 At that time, the elementary school students had not yet fled. The fire brigade came over there and guided the elementary school students to escape. Elementary and junior high school students joined at Gozaisho-no-Sato, where we first arrived. From there, junior high school students and elementary school students flee together holding hands for the Yamazaki Day Service.

 She seems to have thought then. Responsibility for the life of elementary school students holding hands. If the tsunami hits now, should I release this hand, or should I run with it and run away?

The waves were already approaching when she finally reached her 15-meter altitude, Yamazaki Day Service, and looked back. The height of the sea was the same. Children who panicked with fear at that time. Some children were trying to turn back on the way they came, and others were crying.

 They then fled to the Koi no Toge at an altitude of 44 meters.

 When she spent the night at the shelter, she thought she was lucky just to be indoors on the first day. In other words, it was extremely cold outside. But then they were cut off from information. "Are we safe here?" "Is it better to move?"

 The 2nd day. March 12. When it would became bright after silent overnight, everyone there would became fine. It seems that those who were silent began talking at once. Is the safety of the acquaintance or the goods delivered? Some people looked around and started working on the remaining heavy equipment to avoid rubble, saying, "In such a situation, even if the SDF wants to come to help, it will not be able to enter."

 Third day. March 12. The SDF has entered and supplies have begun to arrive.

 They said it was a miracle, but she said at the end. Because the teacher told us to escape, the fire brigade guided the elementary school students to evacuation, and the driver of the dump truck from the Koi no Toge drove to the evacuation center for us, so we are here.

 That's why we are alive beause the local people helped us a lot.

 Miss. Kikuchi said that please talk to children daily time.

 Her sincere expression, a beautiful smile, and a straight and clean attitude, which she explained hard, remained in my heart forever, and my heart shook when I heard the voice of the child of that ゛ miracle of Kamaishi '' .

 Finally, ask, "Ah, 30 minutes, you said a teacher were preaching, didn't you?"

 She wonders why, after all, there was something like thanking the mothers after the graduation ceremony, and we didn't practice the chorus, so he was angry at it. We also practiced chorus, so it took about 30 minutes.

When I asked,

"if  there was not the 30 minutes, did you went home?"

she immediately answered, "I was back." 

 And I knew the reality that only the child whose parents came and returned died. At that time, the miracle that had left all students at school was already happening at that time.

 In fact, there were things I couldn't say clearly because my chest was full and I was the time nearing to back to bus. Yes, against her.

"when you were Junior high school student, have experienced the earthquake, survived, lived every day with a lot of hard memories, and you're here right now. The reality that, while being healed by time, while talking with others, keeps engraving it in the heart by repeatedly talking about that time.In this gentle and cruel flow of time, you do this I'm really happy to see that you've been working happily and happy, but you've been working hard while turning those memories into memories, no matter how painful you are. I really appreciate the miracle I met. "


 Then I walked to Kamaishi Station for lunch at a nearby restaurant. I was able to finally eat at Kaisen Maehama, a restaurant I couldn't eat in time for lunch when I visited there as a volunteer.


