New York Post:元エンジェルス職員エリック・ケイ、タイラー・スキャッグスの死で22年 | Major League Baseball News

Major League Baseball News


New York Post

  Ex-Angels employee Eric Kay sentenced to 22 years in death of Tyler Skaggs
By Ryan Glasspiegel
October 11, 2022, 5:34pm

Eric Kay has been sentenced to 22 years in prison in the wake of the overdose death of former Angels pitcher Tyler Skaggs. 

Kay was formerly the communications director of the organization, and was found guilty this past August of providing the drugs that led to Skaggs’ death in 2019. 


According to the Washington Post, District Judge Terry Means went above the mandatory minimum sentence of 20 years because of callous remarks Kay was recorded making in a phone conversation in prison.

“I hope people realize what a piece of s–t he was,” Kay was heard saying of Skaggs. “Well, he’s dead, so f–k him.” 
「彼がどんなやつだったかを皆分かってくれることを願うよ。」とスカッグスについてケイが喋っているのが録音された。 「まあ、やつは死んでいるので、くそくらえさ。」
Kay also demeaned the Skaggs family. 

“All they see are dollar signs,” he said in a recorded call. “They may get more money with him dead than if he was playing because he sucked.”
 「やつら目にするのはドル記号(金)だけさ。」と録音された電話で彼は言っている。 「やつ(スキャッグス)は下手だからプレーしているより、死んだ方がより球団の儲けが多くなるかもしれない。」

While the judge said he thought minimum sentences were “excessive,” he told Kay that this harsh sentence came because the recorded phone conversation showed a “refusal to accept responsibility and even be remorseful for something you caused.” 

Eric Kay (right) was sentenced to 22 years in prison in the wake of the overdose death of former Angels pitcher Tyler Skaggs.Getty Images
エリック・ケイ (右) は、元エンジェルス投手タイラー・スキャッグスの薬物過剰摂取による死亡を受けて、懲役22年の刑を宣告された。

“I wanted to blame Tyler for all of this,” Kay said of the prison conversation, acknowledging that his words were “so wrong and foul.”

Skaggs was found by a coroner of having had a toxic mix of fentanyl, oxycodone and alcohol in his system. 

Kay himself was an opioid user. At the trial, a number of MLB players, including former Mets star Matt Harvey, testified about drug use. 
ケイ自身もオピオイド使用者でした。 裁判では元メッツのスター、マット・ハービーを含む多くのMLB選手が薬物使用について証言しました

Tyler Skaggs died of an overdose in 2019 at the age of 27.

Erinn Martin, the prosecutor in Kay’s trial, alleged that Skaggs died in Kay’s hotel room, choking on his own vomit, and that Kay did not make efforts to save him either because “he freaked out and decided to save himself and his job” — or because he was too far under the influence himself. 
ケイの裁判で検察官を務めたエリン・マーティンは、スキャッグスがケイのホテルの部屋で自分の嘔吐物を窒息させて死亡したと主張し、ケイは彼を救う努力をしなかったと主張しました。 もしくは、彼自身が薬物の強い影響下にあったためです。

“We are very grateful to everyone who worked so hard to investigate and prosecute Eric Kay,” Skaggs’ family said in a statement on Tuesday. “Today’s sentencing isn’t about the number of years the defendant received. The real issue in this case is holding accountable the people who are distributing the deadly drug fentanyl. It is killing tens of thousands of people every year in our country and destroying families along with it. We will continue the fight to hold responsible those who allowed Kay to provide a deadly drug to Tyler. But for their actions, Tyler would still be with us today.” 
「エリック・ケイの捜査と起訴に尽力してくれた全ての人に感謝します」とスキャッグスの遺族は火曜日の声明で述べた。 「今日の判決は、被告が受けた年数に関するものではありません。 この場合の本当の問題は、致命的な薬物フェンタニルを配布している人々に責任を負わせることです。私たちの国では毎年何万人もの人々が殺され、家族が破壊されています。ケイがタイラーに致命的な薬を提供することを許可した人々の責任を追及するために、私たちは戦いを続けます。しかし、彼らの行動のために、タイラーは今日も私たちと一緒にいます。