Beliefs need others' help to remove➁ | ENLIGHTMENTへの道





Part 1 is here.




While still grappling with Issue 1, another unresolved matter arose concurrently.


It was about an Korean-American Mom A ...真顔




There's a family in the neighborhood whose two kids are in the same grades at the same school.


Their older child (a girl) plays in the same soccer team as our daughter;

and their little girl has a crush on our younger child (a boy).


My husband get along well with her husbamd, so we're often invited to gatherings organized by their family or soccer-related events, and there are occasional playdate invitations from them.


As my husband is in charge of communication with other parents, I go to such gatherings only when I feel like it. But suddenly, in the summer of 2023...


Mom Friend A started pushing to become friends with me...


She'd ask for my thoughts on books by a Japanese author that she recommends;

She wanted to give us fruits she found tasty (later we realized those are fruits that they could not eat and wanted someone to eat before they go bad);

She offered to do Oracle readings for me.


I thought, "If we're getting along, it's fine,"...until her replies changed to 


text > stamp > no reply (ignoring)ニヤニヤ.


I thought, "What's going on? but maybe she's just busy..."


Then, at that time, our company, laid off 5,000 people following other IT giants in the fall of 2023


Despite record-breaking performance and nearly reaching the top spot in the industry, they did it to prepare for the looming deflation.


Three colleagues from a related departments were let go, and even though everyone else at the company survived, everyone was still shocked and scared to death.


Then, she emailed my husband asking if I was okay.


I thought, "Why not ask me directly?" But my husband said, "Maybe she is just worried?" so I replied politely, "I wasn't affected by the layoffs. Thank you for your concern."


No reply.ニヤニヤ


(I can't believe she'd ask about something as serious as this out of mere curiosity.)


I thought, "Okay, I get it now. She's someone to avoid."


I thought it would be fine not to see her anymore, but when on Friday evening, they have kids play date while the adults drink, and they ask, "Why don't XX (me) come?"


And whenever my husband and kids go to hang out with them on Sunday, they say, "Why isn't XX coming?" (what!? lol)


Moreover, once, when they wanted to go out at night for her birthday, they asked us to watch their two kids until 8 PM. Later on, they bought expensive stand-up comedy tickets and said, "This is a thank you. Take these two tickets and go out. We'll watch your kids." (Of course, I declined.) (BTW It's all through my husband.)


I was like "Huh? What's going on?"ニヤニヤ


Now, my husband, who's living in "here and now", said "Oh, I vaguely remember that. Why don't you et it go?" when I explained why I don't want to see her again. (I am jerous about his skill to forget so quickly, really.ムキー)


So, I started blaming myself, thinking, "Am I the only one holding onto this?"


I was honestly hoping and saying "Just leave me alone!", but I get annoyed by her constant pushy actions when I least expect it.


I'm torn between feeling immature about my self and finding it impossible to deal with someone who lacks consistency in their behavior.


Continued to Part 3..