Jnana Kudalini Reiki | ENLIGHTMENTへの道




日本語版はこちら here



Last week, I saw my kudalini reiki teacher Masami-san.


It was the fifth session or something by now, but I see her regulary just to share my updates and learn new techniques, as I am now able to do Kundalini Reiki on myself. 


Her healing salon 'Ascension' can be found on her websiteダウン


I got to know her through her book on Amazon.co.jp (it's really interesting!).


While reading, I felt the urge to meet the author! So, I requested a session as soon as I finished reading. Masami-san used to live in Hawaii and married to an American person accoding to her book. I already felt a strong connection due to our similar backgrounds before I actually met her. キラキラ


Masami-san is someone who manifests spirituality and strong phychic power. I initially thought she would provide readings and answers to issues I consulted her about, but instead, she gave practical advice.

The two American psychic readers I consult with have incredible reading abilities and healing powers. Therefore, they would always say, "Let me take a look," and provide advice based on their readings. 

However, Masami-san's advice was different. She said, regardless of previous spiritual connection hidden behind, the point was always about what I would choose. 


As I sensed, it seemed I was supposed to meet Masami-san, and time flew by quickly as we endlessly talked.... and after that, I had a Kundalini Reiki session and it went like this...

Masami-san: "Now, close your eyes and count as you breathe."
Masami-san: "Yes, imagine the light coming down through your crown chakra."
Me: "Okay" (yup yup, the usual stuff)
Masami-san: "Now, I'll start sending energy."
Me: "Okay," and just as I relaxed...






It felt like lightning had struck! The energy that descended was so powerful that I couldn't help but think, 


"What on earth is this?!" 

I even involuntarily opened my eyes because of the intense energy.


It was such a powerful spiritual experience; my head and hands felt electrified, and for a moment, I thought I was going to die due to that...lol

Although I already held a Teacher's Degree in Usui Reiki, I was amazed that I could gather energy (prana) in just a few seconds like that and transmit it so forcefully to someone. 


It made me realize that Earth is indeed such a place...

Even though I only took one Kundaline session, I thought, "Wow, Kundalini Reiki is amazing," and as I kept wishing to the universe to give me money for the attumement fee...


And then! I unexpectedly received a spot bonus and such, allowing me to receive the attunement in December 2023.

I'll write more details later, but: 

My child A suffers from migraines and stays in bed;

My child B sometimes gets tired and threw up (bugs?) 


With Jnana Kundalini Reiki, I can collect spiritual energy more powerfully than before. When I do Reiki, they fall asleep faster and usually recover within two to three hours after I put them to sleep. 


It's so effective, and it's contributing to my family's health. It is awesome!

Since then, I've considered Masami-san as my reiki mentor and have been seeing her almost every month.

I highly recommend her and her kudalini reiki session グッド!