英語タイム | ACE-英会話のブログ



ACE Kids Academy☆英会話」




Hello everyone! I thought I would update you on some of the fun things that Ace Kid's Academy has in the mix!!



First, the new school year started! Yeah!!! And we have our new Let's Go books and materials!! This system is so good that I am sure we will all learn tons this year!

まず、3月から新しいクラスがスタートしました!イェーイ!!Let’s GOの教材にかわりました。カリキュラムも心機一転してたくさん今年も学んでいこうね!


 Second, we have a lot of new faces in our classrooms! It's that time of year when we do a lot of trial lessons for families

interested in Ace Kid's Academy. So you will be seeing more and more new faces in the classrooms. Be sure to introduce yourself (in English of course! ( ^ . - ) ☆彡 ) and get to know your new classmates!



Third, the Okamura Video Studio is hard at work making new videos for our students! These new videos will help the students with their homework. You can see all the teacher's (me included!) go over the class material that you just learned that day! It is an amazing source of study and one that I hope everyone will use frequently. Stay tuned for more updates about the videos as they come along!



Last but not least, I wanted to mention that we are getting ready for some big events coming soon. You can take part in not only English fun, (lessons, games, and crafts) but also you can check out the other subjects that Ace provides students. It is a really fun day for us teachers and I am sure if you join us you can have fun too!! Hope to see you there!



ベネッセクラスでは3月2日にPB以上のクラスでファイナルテストをしました! コメントシートをお家に人に見てもらってね!自分の弱点がわかったらもっとそこを磨いていこう!いつでも質問があるときはしてね!








体験レッスン申込み ⇐⇐



ACE Kids Academy ⇐⇐



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