

Mr. Tanaka (Japanese Company Representative):
Good afternoon, Ms. Smith. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. We have a few legal matters that we would like your firm to handle.

Ms. Smith (Legal Firm Representative):
Good afternoon, Mr. Tanaka. We're glad to assist. Could you provide some details on the specific legal tasks you're referring to?

Mr. Tanaka:
Certainly. First, we need assistance with drafting a new employment contract that complies with local regulations, particularly concerning working hours and termination policies.

Ms. Smith:
I see. Employment contracts are one of our specialties. We can review the local labor laws and ensure the contract aligns with those regulations. Do you have any specific clauses you’d like to include?

Mr. Tanaka:
Yes, we would like to add a non-compete clause to protect our business after the contract ends. Could you help us draft that?

Ms. Smith:
Absolutely. We can tailor a non-compete clause that aligns with local legal standards. Is there a particular duration or geographic scope you have in mind for this clause?

Mr. Tanaka:
We are considering a duration of two years and a restriction within the region where we operate.

Ms. Smith:
That sounds reasonable. We'll draft a preliminary version of the contract and send it for your review. Are there any other legal matters you'd like us to handle?

Mr. Tanaka:
Yes, we are also looking for assistance in revising our current supplier agreements, especially regarding liability clauses.

Ms. Smith:
Understood. We’ll review the existing agreements and propose amendments to strengthen your liability protections. When would you like to have these matters completed?

Mr. Tanaka:
We aim to have the contracts finalized by the end of the month. Would that be feasible?

Ms. Smith:
That timeline should work. We’ll prioritize these tasks and keep you updated on our progress.

Mr. Tanaka:
Thank you, Ms. Smith. We appreciate your support.

Ms. Smith:
It’s our pleasure, Mr. Tanaka. We look forward to working with you.


  1. Handle (~を担当する、処理する)
    "Handle" in this context means to manage or deal with something, particularly a task or responsibility.

  2. Comply with (~に準拠する、従う)
    This means to act in accordance with laws, rules, or regulations. In this case, the employment contract must "comply with" local regulations.

Comply with (~に準拠する、従う)

「comply with」は、法律、規則、基準、契約などに「従う」「遵守する」という意味のフレーズです。ビジネスや法的な文脈でよく使われ、特定のルールや規制に適合する行動や措置を取ることを示します。


  1. The company must comply with local labor laws.

  2. All products must comply with international safety standards.

  3. We ensure that our policies comply with government regulations.


  • comply with の後には、従う対象となるルールや規則が来ます。
  • 法律や規制、標準といった「決められたもの」に適用される場合に使います。


  • Adhere to: 「~を順守する」という意味で、特に規則や方針にしっかり従う場合に使います。
    • 例: We must adhere to the company’s code of conduct.(私たちは会社の行動規範を守らなければならない。)
  • Abide by: こちらも「~に従う」「守る」という意味で使われ、特に契約や法的義務に従う場合に使います。
    • 例: All employees must abide by the company's safety rules.(すべての従業員は会社の安全規則に従わなければならない。)
  1. Termination policies (解雇方針)
    "Termination" refers to the end of employment. "Policies" are rules or guidelines. Together, "termination policies" are the rules governing how employment can be legally ended.

  2. Align with (~と一致させる)
    "Align with" means to ensure that something matches or conforms to certain standards or expectations. Here, the contract should align with labor laws.

  3. Non-compete clause (競業避止条項)
    A "non-compete clause" is a part of a contract that prevents an employee from working with competitors or starting a similar business for a specified period after leaving the company.

  4. Tailor (カスタマイズする、特別に合わせる)
    "Tailor" means to customize or adapt something to specific needs. In this case, the legal firm will "tailor" the non-compete clause.

  5. Geographic scope (地域的範囲)
    "Geographic scope" refers to the area or region in which a certain rule or regulation applies. For example, the non-compete clause could apply only within a specific region.

  6. Preliminary version (暫定版、初稿)
    "Preliminary" refers to something that comes before the final version. A "preliminary version" of a contract is the first draft, not yet finalized.

  7. Supplier agreements (サプライヤー契約)
    These are legal agreements between a company and its suppliers, outlining the terms of their business relationship.

  8. Liability clauses (責任条項)
    These clauses define who is legally responsible if something goes wrong, such as if a product is defective or if there is a breach of contract.

  9. Revise (修正する、改定する)
    "Revise" means to make changes or amendments to improve or update a document, contract, or plan.

  10. Propose amendments (修正案を提案する)
    To "propose amendments" means to suggest changes to improve a contract or legal document.

Propose amendments (修正案を提案する)

「propose amendments」は、「修正案を提案する」という意味で、契約書、法案、規則などに対して変更や改定を提案する際に使われます。法的な文脈でよく使われる表現です。


  1. The lawyer proposed amendments to the contract to include a confidentiality clause.

  2. We would like to propose amendments to the current supplier agreement regarding payment terms.

  3. The committee proposed several amendments to improve the new policy.


  • propose は「提案する」という意味ですので、フォーマルな場面で「~の修正を提案する」といった場合に使われます。
  • amendments は「修正」や「改定」という意味です。契約書や法律、規則に対しての変更提案を示します。


  • Suggest changes: より一般的な表現で、「変更を提案する」という意味。修正の具体的な提案のときに使われます。

    • 例: They suggested some changes to the terms of the agreement.
  • Submit revisions: 「修正を提出する」という意味で、修正案の提案ではなく、実際に修正した文書を提出する際に使います。

    • 例: We have submitted revisions to the draft contract.
  • Propose modifications: 「修正を提案する」という意味で、特定の箇所に修正を加える提案を指します。

    • 例: The engineer proposed modifications to the design to improve efficiency.


  • 「amendments」は複数形で使われることが多く、複数の修正を一度に提案することが一般的です。
  1. Feasible (実現可能な)
    "Feasible" means that something is possible or can be achieved within certain conditions, such as time constraints.

Feasible (実現可能な)



  1. Is it feasible to complete the project by the end of the month?

  2. We need to evaluate whether the proposed changes are financially feasible.

  3. The legal team will assess whether it’s feasible to pursue the case further.


  • feasible は主に計画や提案の実行可能性を問う場合に使われます。技術的、経済的、時間的な制約を考慮し、実際に達成できるかを評価するための言葉です。
  • 形容詞で使われ、名詞形は feasibility です(例: feasibility study =実現可能性調査)。


  • Viable: 「実行可能な、存続可能な」という意味で、特に長期的に成功し続けられるかに焦点を当てた表現です。

    • 例: The business model is economically viable in the long term.
  • Practicable: 「実際に行える、実践可能な」という意味で、理論的な可能性だけでなく、現実的にできることに焦点を当てます。

    • 例: This solution is theoretically sound but may not be practicable in our current environment.
  • Workable: 「実行可能な、機能する」という意味で、特定の状況や条件下で「使える」かどうかに焦点を当てた表現です。

    • 例: The proposed system is not perfect, but it's workable for now.


  • feasible は特定の条件下で実現可能かどうかを慎重に検討する際に使われます。


  1. Finalize (最終決定する、確定する)
    To "finalize" something means to complete it, making it official or definitive, such as finalizing a contract.

  2. Prioritize (優先順位をつける)
    "Prioritize" means to arrange tasks or actions in order of importance or urgency.