


住所: XXX
会社名: XXX
代表者: XXX

住所: XXX
会社名: XXX
代表者: XXX



  1. 具体的な業務内容の記載(例: プログラム開発、翻訳業務など)


  1. 甲は、乙に対し、本業務の対価として、合計金額○○円(消費税別)を支払う。
  2. 支払いは、業務完了後、乙が提出する請求書に基づき、30日以内に行うものとする。




  1. 乙は、本契約に関して知り得た甲の業務上の機密情報を、第三者に漏洩してはならない。
  2. 本契約終了後も、乙は同様の義務を負う。






  1. 甲または乙は、相手方が本契約の義務を履行しない場合、相手方に通知することにより、本契約を解除することができる。
  2. 解除に伴う損害賠償の請求権は、この規定によって影響を受けない。



英文契約書雛形(Service Agreement under Japanese Law)

Service Agreement

Date of Agreement:
This Agreement is made on XX, XX, 20XX.

Party A (the "Client"):
Address: XXX
Company Name: XXX
Representative: XXX

Party B (the "Service Provider"):
Address: XXX
Company Name: XXX
Representative: XXX

Article 1 (Scope of Services)

Party A hereby commissions Party B to perform the services described in the attached specification sheet (hereinafter referred to as the "Services"), and Party B accepts such commission.

Article 2 (Compensation)

  1. Party A shall pay Party B a total fee of XX,XXX yen (exclusive of consumption tax) for the Services.
  2. Payment shall be made within 30 days upon submission of an invoice by Party B after completion of the Services.

Article 3 (Term)

This Agreement shall be effective from XX, XX, 20XX to XX, XX, 20XX.

Article 4 (Confidentiality)

  1. Party B shall not disclose any confidential information of Party A obtained during the term of this Agreement to any third party.
  2. This confidentiality obligation shall survive the termination of this Agreement.

Article 5 (Prohibition of Subcontracting)

Party B shall not subcontract the Services to any third party without prior written consent from Party A.

Article 6 (Delivery of Results)

Party B shall deliver the results of the Services to Party A by no later than XX, XX, 20XX.

Article 7 (Termination)

  1. Either Party may terminate this Agreement if the other Party fails to perform its obligations under this Agreement.
  2. Claims for damages due to termination shall not be affected by this provision.

Article 8 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan, and the Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction as the court of first instance.

Explanation of Difficult English Terms (10+)

  1. Commission: To formally request or assign someone to perform a task (業務を正式に依頼する).
  2. Exclusive of consumption tax: Excluding tax that must be paid by consumers (消費税を除く).
  3. Subcontract: To hire a third party to perform tasks under a contract (下請けに出す).
  4. Confidentiality obligation: The duty to keep certain information secret (秘密保持義務).
  5. Invoice: A document detailing the amount to be paid for services rendered (請求書).
  6. Survive the termination: To continue to be effective even after the end of the contract (契約終了後も効力を持つ).
  7. Without prior written consent: Requires written permission in advance (事前の書面による同意なしに).
  8. Governing Law: The legal system that will be applied to interpret the contract (準拠法).
  9. Exclusive jurisdiction: Only one court has the authority to hear the case (専属管轄).
  10. Termination: The formal ending of a contract (契約解除).
  11. Damages: Financial compensation for loss or injury (損害賠償).
  12. In accordance with: In agreement with or following (~に従って).
  13. Representative: A person who has authority to act on behalf of a company (代表者).
  14. Performance of obligations: Fulfilling the duties or terms agreed upon in the contract (義務の履行).
  15. Fee: Payment for services (報酬).