

第1条 契約当事者

Article 1 Parties to the Contract

甲: [貴社名] (以下「甲」という。)

Party A: [Your Company Name] (hereinafter referred to as "Party A").

乙: [相手先の会社名] (以下「乙」という。)

Party B: [Counterparty's Company Name] (hereinafter referred to as "Party B").

第2条 契約の目的

Article 2 Purpose of the Contract


This contract sets forth the terms and conditions under which Party A shall provide content produced by Party A to Party B.

第3条 コンテンツの提供

Article 3 Provision of Content


Party A shall provide the following content (hereinafter referred to as the "Content") to Party B.

  1. [コンテンツの内容を記載]

  2. [Description of the Content]

  3. [コンテンツの利用条件を記載]

  4. [Terms of Use of the Content]

第4条 報酬

Article 4 Compensation


Party B shall pay Party A the following compensation pursuant to this contract.

  1. [報酬の金額を記載]

  2. [Amount of Compensation]

  3. [報酬の支払い条件を記載]

  4. [Conditions of Payment of Compensation]

第5条 責任の制限

Article 5 Limitation of Liability


Party A shall not be liable for any damages arising from the use of the Content.

第6条 契約の有効期間

Article 6 Term of the Contract


The term of this contract shall be from [Start Date] to [End Date].

第7条 分離可能性

Article 7 Severability


If any provision of this contract is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect, and the invalid or unenforceable provision shall be amended to the maximum extent permitted by law.

第8条 準拠法と管轄裁判所

Article 8 Governing Law and Jurisdiction


This contract shall be governed by the laws of [Country/Region where the contract is concluded] and interpreted by the [Jurisdictional Court].

第9条 その他

Article 9 Miscellaneous


Any matters not provided for in this contract shall be separately determined by mutual agreement between Party A and Party B.


This contract is entered into by the mutual agreement of Party A and Party B, and the date of this contract shall be the date of the last signature.


Party A:

[署名] [Date]

[Signature] [Date]


Party B:

[署名] [Date]

[Signature] [Date]