Information leakage via USB memory is a significant security concern in the modern era. USB memory devices are convenient and portable, but they also present a risk of unauthorized data disclosure. Here are some key points regarding information leakage via USB memory and strategies to mitigate this risk:

  1. Loss or theft: USB memory devices are small and easy to carry, making them prone to loss or theft. When a USB memory device is lost or stolen, sensitive information may be exposed to unauthorized individuals.

    • Mitigation: USB memory devices should be carefully managed and stored in secure locations to prevent loss or theft. Additionally, implementing encryption on USB memory devices can help mitigate the risk of data exposure if they fall into the wrong hands.
  2. Malware infection: USB memory devices can be vectors for malware transmission. Malware-infected computers may transfer malicious software to USB memory devices, which can then infect other computers when connected.

    • Mitigation: Regularly scanning USB memory devices with antivirus software before connecting them to computers can help detect and prevent malware infections. It's also important to avoid using unknown or untrusted USB memory devices and to choose products from reputable manufacturers.
  3. Insider threats: Information leakage may occur due to malicious actions by insiders. Employees or individuals with access to sensitive information may use USB memory devices to exfiltrate data for personal gain or to disclose it to competitors or third parties.

    • Mitigation: Enforcing strict information security policies within organizations can help manage access to sensitive data and mitigate the risk of insider threats. Implementing technical controls such as restricting USB memory device usage or controlling USB ports can also be effective measures.



Confidentiality Agreement

This Agreement is entered into by and between the parties for the purpose of preventing information leakage, and is hereby stipulated as follows:

1. Definition of Confidential Information

The Parties agree to define the following as confidential information:

  • Non-public business or technical information
  • Confidential information such as customer information, trade secrets, financial information, etc.
  • Any other information designated as confidential by the information provider

2. Handling of Information

The Parties agree to properly manage confidential information and refrain from disclosing it to third parties. In particular, the following points shall be observed:

  • Confidential information shall be stored in appropriate locations and unnecessary disclosure shall be avoided.
  • Training and education regarding the handling of confidential information shall be provided.
  • The use of external storage media such as USB flash drives for confidential information is prohibited.

3. Restriction on the Use of USB Flash Drives

The Parties agree not to use USB flash drives or other external storage media unless necessary for business purposes. Specifically, permission shall be obtained from the administrator in the following cases:

  • When necessary for business purposes, with the permission of the administrator
  • Temporary use is necessary, and it is demonstrated that such use is necessary to prevent the leakage of confidential information

4. Remedies for Violations

In the event of a breach of this Agreement, the Parties agree to immediately cease the breach and provide compensation for damages. Furthermore, the Party responsible for the breach shall bear full responsibility for any information leakage and shall not hold the other Party liable.

5. Miscellaneous

Any amendments or additions to this Agreement shall require the written consent of both Parties, and oral agreements shall be deemed invalid.

6. Definitions

The terms used in this Agreement shall be interpreted in their general sense, including those inferred from the context.

7. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of [jurisdiction of the contracting party's location], and any disputes shall be exclusively resolved by the courts of [jurisdiction of the contracting party's location].

8. Execution

This Agreement shall be deemed mutually agreed upon by the Parties and shall become effective upon signature and seal by the Parties.