







"Tawriya" is an Arabic term that is often used in Islamic discourse and has different meanings depending on the context. It can be translated as "dissimulation," "concealment," or "evasion."

In a general sense, Tawriya refers to the practice of using ambiguous or misleading language to convey a different meaning than what is explicitly stated. It involves employing rhetorical devices or clever wordplay to give the impression of saying one thing while intending something else. Tawriya allows individuals to express themselves in a way that provides them with plausible deniability or enables them to avoid direct confrontation.

In Islamic ethics, the permissibility and moral implications of Tawriya are subject to debate among scholars. Some argue that Tawriya is a legitimate means of self-defense or protection in certain situations, such as when facing persecution or danger. It allows individuals to navigate challenging circumstances while preserving their safety or avoiding harm.

However, others criticize the use of Tawriya as it can be seen as a form of deception or dishonesty. They argue that it undermines the principles of transparency and truthfulness, which are highly valued in Islamic ethics.

It is important to note that Tawriya should not be confused with lying or outright deceit. It is a more nuanced concept that involves using language and rhetorical devices to convey multiple meanings or create ambiguity.

Ultimately, the interpretation and acceptance of Tawriya vary among individuals and scholars, and its ethical implications depend on the intentions and circumstances in which it is employed.