





1, ホルモン受容体ER/PR陽性/HER2陰性

① ルミナルAタイプ:最も予後が良い。



② ルミナルBタイプ


2. ホルモン受容体ER/PR陽性/HER2陽性タイプ


3. ホルモン受容体ER/PR陰性/HER2陽性


4. トリプルネガティブ



English translation by Bard:

Previously, I wrote a blog post about breast cancer subtypes.

Here is a more detailed explanation of breast cancer subtypes, including an AI comic I created to help people understand them better.

Breast cancer subtypes are classified into four categories based on the presence or absence of hormone receptors and HER2, as well as the growth rate of cancer cells. The type of breast cancer is discussed to determine the recommended drug therapy, and the treatment plan is decided.

1. Hormone receptor ER/PR positive / HER2 negative

(a) Luminal A type: The best prognosis

The luminal A type with low proliferation ability Ki67 is a typical hormone receptor ER/PR-positive breast cancer. Hormone receptor-positive breast cancer can grow by using female hormones as nutrients, so hormone therapy is expected to be effective. In addition, because Ki67 is low, the prognosis is considered to be good.

A study reported that the 5-year survival rate was over 90% when the Ki-67 value was 10% or less, but it was below 60% when the Ki-67 value was 30% or more. In another study, it was suggested that chemotherapy is effective even in cases with high Ki-67 values.

(b) Luminal B type

This subtype is also effective with hormone therapy, but it has a higher proliferation ability Ki67 than the luminal A type. In most cases, chemotherapy is also performed in addition to hormone therapy. The best regimen for chemotherapy is selected based on the risk of recurrence.

2. Hormone receptor ER/PR positive / HER2 positive type

This subtype is both hormone receptor ER/PR and HER2 positive, so hormone therapy and anti-HER2 therapy are both expected to be effective. In addition, it is recommended to use chemotherapy in combination with anti-HER2 therapy.

3. Hormone receptor ER/PR negative / HER2 positive

Breast cancer that is hormone receptor negative and HER2 positive accounts for about 10% of all breast cancers. Because it does not have hormone receptors, hormone therapy is not expected to be effective. Chemotherapy and anti-HER2 therapy are recommended in combination.

4. Triple-negative

This subtype is called triple-negative, and it does not have either hormone receptors or HER2 proteins, which are the targets of attack. Chemotherapy is usually performed. In addition, immunotherapy using immune checkpoint inhibitors has emerged as a new treatment option for triple-negative breast cancer with PD-L1 positivity. PD-L1 is an immune checkpoint molecule that is expressed on cancer cells and immune cells, and it works to prevent cancer cells from being attacked by the immune system.