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The British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak says he is committed to ensuring (確実にする、保証する) the people who come the UK illegally are removed. 


Writing in a British newspaper Mr Sunak described his determination to stop migrants crossing channel in small boats. 


The Home Secretary  Suella Braveman also suggested that the British people are sick of (うんざりして、いや気がさして) inadequate action on migrant crossing. 


As Simon Johns reports: Enough is enough (もういいかげんにしよう、もうたくさんだ), the British people want this solved. 


She told the Sun on Sunday new legislation is expected to place a duty on her to remove to Rwanda or safe third country anyone who arrives on a small boat as soon as reasonably practicable (実行できる)


The message was reiterated (何度も何度も繰り返す、反復して言う) by the Prime Minister who told the Mail on Sunday that people coming to UK illegally would not be allowed to stay. 


But the pledge (固い約束、誓約、公約) is not straightforward (複雑でない、簡単な)


No migrants have been to send to Rwanda and plans to do so are currently on hold (保留中) facing legal challenges. There is no returns agreement in place in EU.





