

Opposition politicians and refugee charities in Britain have condemned an agreement under which some people arriving in UK to seek asylum would be sent to the central African country to have the claims processed


The Government said the system would reduce people’s smuggling and discourage people from trying to reach Britain in small boats. 


The Refugee Council said it was appalled. 


The leader of the Labor Party Keir Starmer said the scheme with Rwanda was unworkable and extortionate


“The desperate announcement by Prime Minister who just want to distract from his own law breaking. 


You know they’re unworkable, they’re extortionate, they’re going to cost the taxpayers billions of pounds. 


And they just reflect the Prime Minister who’s got no grip, no answers to the questions that need answering, or no shame .”


14/04/2022 18:01GMT 英国放送協会ワールドニュースから


seek asylum: 亡命を希望する

claim: 主張。日本語のクレームはcomplaint

process: 調査する、処理する

smuggling: 密輸

appall: ぞっとさせる

unworkable: 実行不可能な

extortionate: 法外の、強要的な、強奪的な

grip: 統率力





