気がふれた米国バイデン政権よ!!現状を認識し近い内にデフォルトしろ!! | NEWSのブログ



PVアクセスランキング にほんブログ村




にほんブログ村 にほんブログ村へ









追記 マイナンバーを廃止させるためにあらゆる行動をして下さい!!
追記2 河野太郎大臣等は死んだほうが良い!!
追記3 キリスト教やイスラム教の内容やノストラダムスやエドガー・ケイシーや霊界日記、日月神事、アガスティアの予言等は最終的には悪魔掛かりのようなものになっていますから、妄信的に信じないで下さい。




-----Automatic translation----

The American biden government which mind conflicted with! You recognize the current situation, and do a default soon!

The American biden government is just before ruin now.
Both the politics and the economy are already helpless.
It is just before a default, but I let the United States takes up all Japanese assets first, and Japan do a default earlier, and the United States devises what a default does afterwards and it lets preventing it from being revealed and begins to give the Japanese Prime Minister Mashika Kishida devil an order to start it.
At first I take up 330 trillion yen from Japan because the United States does not do a default in June, 2023.
The policy has been changed to being going to carry out a plan to take up all Japanese assets after a stage afterwards.
At first the default prevents you from moving all not to do it before there is a presidential election in America in November, 2024.
Oh, I attribute it to the next U.S. President if it becomes the default.
The President-elect is almost a card.
Even if it is not so, a similar person becomes.
The agenda that the terrible by den United States devises about Japan is the following.
As Japan promises to offer the United States the assets appropriately for the next 100 years in 1945, it is that I do it to all the Japanese assets.
At first it is turned off my numbers and illustration of string all Japanese assets in future.
There is a new yen change in the spring of 2024, but the chest deposit is in this way finally grasped, too.
As for all bank accounts and products, it is turned off an illustration of string with my number.
The goods or the real estate such as a cyber currency or the money are similar, too.
And a heavy tax is imposed on them, and the hyperinflation is had, too and they are taken up by the government and will finally give to the United States it.
And I bury a computer tip in the human brain that the company of the E Ron mask begins an experiment and put the human mind and thought in my number.
Japan still believes WHO or NATO and recommends a way of the robotization to 90% of Japanese people and is stupidity to establish those branch offices in Japan.
The plan that seems to be given to the United States begins to really go ahead most Japanese assets in 2025.
The private property system disappears basically in Japan in around 2030.
But the model of the plan is devised by these devilish Japanese devils who perish, and the plan is not the Japanese who, in fact, is in Japan and want to destroy Japan most.
They plan such a devilish plan of the here and there and carry it out, and, as for the gap, both the United States and the earth die out.
The earth which is the galactic prison which is the soil which the devil rules if it can happen, and is valid disappears, and devil itself comes to cannot but disappear, too.
At first the hearing seems to be bad, but I do a default immediately from the United States and I zero all and do it from the beginning again and must do it to evade these.
Still it is slow now to do so, but the light that the earth still lasts long just a little will let you do it.
In Japan, this country is a country hopeless really now, but energy of the Dainichi Buddha of the one is poured, and this is because it moves a board or the incense lamp of the Kannon axis and the spiritual world that are the earth's axis.
It is only Japan that there is this.
As for this energy, it may be flowed into only Japan even if I perish in Japan!
Even if only a territory called Japan takes it, there is no meaning.
Because there is a person such as being able to receive the energy in a Japanese.
The people who are going to let I am in Japan, and by den plan to waste Japan like the above according to instructions of the Satan must just give it up!
It is because I will waste you earliest.
All was a fantasy.
Please do the default which there should be soon from the United States!
I say once again!
Please do the default which there should be soon from the United States!
If if June is impossible, July, July is impossible; in August.
Because the complete end of subordinates of the devil power has been already decided!

Joining hands!
Pajna-para-mita sutra

Postscript1: Please take every action to let you abolish the my number!


Postscript 2 : Minister Taro Kono should die!
 Postcript 3 :Because contents and Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce and a spiritual world diary of Christianity and the Islam, the sun and the moon Shinto ritual, the prediction of the AGA Aktiebolag's tear become like finally taking the devil, please do not believe it for believing it blindly.
Because it realizes it in the future that everybody thought.






