#yoursong 公開日 on air date | Sayulee


Sayulee's bilingual blog

<<Your Song Official Hashtag 発表★>>

Your Songのビデオが、いよいよ3月2日(月)からYouTubeで公開されるよ!
Your Song videos will be on air from March 2nd on You Tube!

Starting from March, music videos and story videos will be uploaded every Monday! Songs written based on YOUR lyrics which Sayulee put music to. Also the background Story videos behind the lyrics!

This is a new, exciting project where I become YOUR voice and share your message with the world!

乞うご期待! Look forward to it

SO exited to announce the official hashtag for this project! That is..

‪#‎yoursong‬  です!
‪#‎sayulee‬ と一緒に使ってね! Please use them together!

FBやツイッター、Instagram などで Your Song のことつぶやくときにこのハッシュタグを使ってね!ブログとかでもぜひ紹介しちゃって~!
Please use this hashtag on your FB/twitter/Instagram when you talk about this project! It would be awesome if you could share about this project with others on your blog etc too!

Your Songの応募はいまからでも応募間に合うよ!みんなからの応募待ってま~す!そしてすでに沢山の応募ありがとう!
You can still apply to this exciting project! Looking forward to hearing from you~~! And than you for lots of applications already!
