日本ラエリアン・ムーブメント 公式ブログをご覧いただきありがとうございますピンクハート


前回の日記で、核兵器に関する ラエル氏のコメントをご紹介いたしました。





この人類が平和的に生き残るための解決策として とても重要なメッセージです。










超大国だけが核兵器を所有している限り、その超大国がその兵器を使う危険性が残るということを 私たちは理解しなければなりません。

というのも、不幸なことに自分たち以外は誰も核兵器を使うことはないという確信 を超大国が持ちすぎるからです。















そしてこのようにして 世界が平和主義者になるのです。






































Clarification concerning nuclear weapons and the role of the Elohim’s Messenger


Unfortunately the comment on nuclear weapons reflects a sad reality, but at the same time it is full of hope: as long as the super-powers refuse to destroy their nuclear weapons, then these weapons must proliferate before everyone finally accepts to destroy them. And this information comes from “above”…

We have to understand that as long as only super-powers possess nuclear weapons, then the risk that they use them will remain, because unfortunately they are too sure that no one else will use them. And bearing in mind human error, a nuclear war can easily be triggered in this way. Already at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis, we had been very close to a catastrophe. All it takes is a badly transmitted order, an escalation triggered by a clumsily reported detail, or communication sabotage by a madman and all goes up in smoke. The only solution is to all arrive at a consensus where nuclear weapons are forbidden for everyone, something that they are refusing to consider at the moment. And for that to happen, proliferation is necessary so that everyone becomes very afraid.

And the situation in Africa at the moment, which can no longer be qualified as neo-colonialism but much worse: neo-slavery, requires that Africans acquire the means to break their chains so that their slave-masters start to fear them, in order to stop their actions and no longer seek to physically recolonize this territory under the false pretexts of bringing “democracy” or destroying terrorism…

We must remember that I am not here to keep on repeating the 5 points, but to save Humanity in its entirety, by transmitting the instructions given to me, which may become increasingly surprising for some.

Also, we must not forget that non-violence does not mean that we have to accept being the victim: the martial arts were invented by the first Buddhist monks who were tired of getting assaulted.

Saving humanity is my main purpose even if this requires means that may seem a priori contrary to our initial values: in fact paradoxically, saving Humanity can require an increase in proliferation to create an increase in deterrence. Unfortunately, the super-powers MUST be afraid in order to commit to disarmament. In the absence of sufficient consciousness to destroy nuclear weapons, there is still a chance for peace by resorting to fear. This is what I understand from the last directives of the Elohim and I agree. No one attacks a Buddhist monk anymore when we know he is a martial arts champion... and that is how the world becomes pacifist.

Nuclear disarmament, which had started magnificently after Cuba, was thanks to this mutual fear between the USA and the USSR. Unfortunately it was not due to their wisdom but their fear.

I understand and support these new guidelines 100%.

India, the land of Gandhi, the apostle par excellence of non-violence, now possesses an enormous stock of nuclear weapons and this is excellent. If it didn’t, it would suffer the same fate as Libya or Iraq, with millions of innocent deaths, women and children. As a great philosopher said, “there is always an army in a country: if it is not the country’s own army, it is its neighbor’s”.

If we achieve our ultimate goal, which is the end of nations and national armies, we must not forget that the Elohim advocate a world government with a world peacekeeping force. In the meantime, the imperialists only understand fear, which is why unfortunately the small nations need to arm themselves to the hilt to avoid wars and casualties.

I am not here to continually repeat the 5 points but to save Humanity in its entirety... by transmitting the directives given to me, which may become increasingly surprising for some ... This is the advantage of having a living Prophet ...

The Messages are not dead messages, they are alive, that is to say directly linked to the ever changing chances of self-destruction as observed and studied by the Elohim and continually updated through the additional Messages that they have transmitted to me, are transmitting and will continue to transmit, such as the advice to the Jews of Israel to evacuate which they gave previously, and which Raelians could have refused on the basis of remaining faithful to the old Messages.

Those who want static messages don’t understand the privilege we have of being guided by those who think only of our future and who adjust their directives according to our mental evolution ... or rather our mental regression. There was this wonderful opportunity to ban nuclear weapons ... and in their stupidity, the super-powers refused.

Nothing in these new directives contradicts our main mission: to save mankind and lead to a disarmed and non-violent world.
 Those who cherry-pick excerpts from the Messages to try to sow discord by criticizing the updates that I transmit, do not deserve to be in the Movement. They should not forget the most important part which clearly says that the Elohim hear through my ears and speak through my mouth. Yes, it is not the Messenger who is important but the Messages, and this applies not only to those of 1973 and 1975 but to all those which followed or will follow. In this update it is still not the Messenger who is important but the Message to save mankind and avoid death and suffering.

If people prefer to follow dead messages rather than the Elohim they don’t deserve to remain within the Raelian Movement. I will not hesitate for a second, if necessary, to expel 90% of members, as occurred at the time of the transition from Madech to Raelian Movement, keeping only those faithful to the Elohim and their updates rather than just the Messages of the past. They are like the Jews who refused to acknowledge Jesus by obsessing with their old writings, neglecting Jesus, the living Messenger sent to them and whose mission was to bring more peace and love.

The choice is simple: follow the Elohim who are guiding us and who will continue to guide us in unpredictable ways, or follow the Messages of the past by rejecting new directives. I chose without hesitation, using my conscience and the REAL respect of the Spirit of the Messages whose goal is to save Humanity: if new Messages arrived asking me to push towards violence, betraying our deep values, then I would immediately refuse to forward them on. If I transmit, it is because the little messenger that I am, considers that it is worth saving Humanity based on these new means, which in no way lead to violence, but on the contrary helps avoid it, even if they differ from those adapted to the time of Gandhi. This echoes an old principle “if you want peace, prepare for war” that will become obsolete when we arrive at a world government.
 Maitreya Rael,
 Okinawa, 30 March 71 ah (2017)