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今回は、BBC Newsで取り上げられた 核兵器、原爆についてのラエル氏のコメントをご紹介いたします。



World nuclear ban 'not realistic', says US ambassador to UN - BBC News


US ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, says nearly 40 countries would skip talks…

bbc.com|作成: BBC News



























悲しいことに西側勢力の通称”文明世界”は力だけを知っています。偉大なJean de la Fontaineがずっと昔に言ったように:最も力のある者の論理がいつもベスト。













Rael Maitreya's COMMENT : yes, it s much more "realistic" to get closer and closer to a nuclear holocaust destroying all Humanity. And these idiotic politicians will be held responsible for it by our Creators. The example given of North Korea using atomic bomb while all " good" imperialist countries do not have it is just absurd: even it was to happen, US war machine for example has enough power and war planes to totally destroy North Korea without using any atomic bomb , like they did in Afghanistan ,Serbia ,Iraq ,Libya etc ...

The most terrible hypocrisy is that they refuse to make atomic weapons forbidden while continuing to support the non proliferation treaty, which means "only us, superpowers can have it but other countries cannot so we can continue to dominate and bully the world".

So ,sadly , the only solution is for all other countries to get as soon as possible nuclear weapons. If Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq and other victims of US imperialism had it they would have never been attacked, invaded and occupied. The message is very clear for all countries who do not wish to be the next victim of US and western imperialism and neo colonialism : get atomic bombs as soon as you can and as many a s you can !

In this egoist world where there is no more compassion and consciousness , if there was today a Gandhi, UK would send a nuclear bomb on him and nobody would care about it .The same way nobody cares about the fate of the Palestinian people prisoners of the huge concentration camp of Gaza and focus on their foot ball matches and stupid new talents shows, or the fate of a dog trapped in a hole.

The wonderful huge peace movement which stopped Viet Nam war and make US lose it cannot exist anymore as " journalists " are embedded " among invasion s forces, and nobody cares as long as they have their games on TV while US soldiers and drones are killing innocent children everywhere.

As there is no more compassion and consciousness, it s time to abandon partly the values of absolute non violence which are one of the basis of our philosophy even if they still apply individually : from now on it is acceptable for Raelians of non nuclear countries to work for the armament industries of their countries or armed force in order to make it impossible to western imperialist and neo colonialist powers to attack, invade and occupy them in a new modern colonization accomplished under the disguise of " bringing democracy". Because they and nobody around the world would care at all about their non violence .Like when France removed by force the great president Gbagbo in Ivory coast because he was not supporting french interests , nobody moved a finger.

Sadly the millions of Palestinian Ghandi suffering under the boots of the Israeli torturers do not create any reaction of the so called " civilized world like in the time of the Real Great Gandhi or in the time of the peace activist of the Viet Nam wars.Sadly the so called " civilized world" of the Western powers know only force . Like the great Jean de la Fontaine said long time ago : "la raison du plus fort est toujours la meilleure " (the logic of the strongest is always the best).

So we arrive at the paradox that the allegedly modern civilized countries with their mouth full of words about freedom, democracy and Human rights impose the rule of the jungle. While they are the real savages and barbarians of the planet bringing us closer to a total destruction of Humanity. As they only understand force : it s time for the weakest to arm themselves as strongly as possible including nuclear weapons. It s time for the ex colonized countries to become allies against western imperialism. It s much safer for African or South American countries to make alliances with China or India who were also devastated and occupied by Western colonization.

It s important to notice that UK still didn't apologize for India colonization crimes in what the India s prime minister called recently a collective amnesia and that France still dare to claim that Africa colonization was beneficial to African people and still impose there a money printed by France and a " colonial tax"... Am I having a bad dream ?

And all these criminal western powers have their eyes stirring toward Africa for new colonization , , having already there many military forces under the disguise of humanitarian aid, or allegedly to protect french nationals in case of political violence.And of course these military forces as soon as the African president doesn't support french pillage is killed by these forces. It s also interesting to notice that there is no African Military forces in France to protect the African citizens who are so much victims of violence racism and discrimination.,Double standard is clear : french soldiers can protect french citizen in African but African soldiers are not invited in France to protect African citizen...

So particularly for Africa but also for south America and many other countries it s time to get strong, create militias to expel western occupation forces and try to get nuclear weapons as soon as possible.No Western power will hesitate 1 minute to invade any African country with their actual level of defenses.But if they become nuclear power then the coward western powers which only attack the weakest will not move a finger.The message is clear: in a world ruled by barbaric western people applying the law of the Jungle : be as strong as them : get atomic weapons !