Innovative software enginner Yasuda-san. | サイバーエージェント 公式エンジニアブログ




 さて、再開後の初更新はアメーバで検索システムをGaku氏 から引継ぎ、様々な刷新を続けるYASUDA氏。要素技術を中心に研究、サービス開発する「Ameba Technology Laboratory 」の秋葉原オフィス社員の一人です。


 そうそう、皆様。秋葉原、弊社ラボに見学や面接にいったら「とんかつ冨貴 」をお忘れなく。M.S.も、中学校のころからお世話になっている老舗です。


Hello, I'm M.S. I will go to wedding party twice this month. As you may know, it is common for Japanese to give certain amount money for gift to married couple at wedding party. There is possible that the custom will make our household worse. Actually, these two parties will be held by my co-workers, F. and N. individually. I think both F. and N. are already close friends for me. So I would appreciate it if they could accept some calling card instead of real money gift. I have many calling cards which someone present for me. All of them are worthless, because it is difficult to find any telephone booths these days.

Well...the following entry is written by Yasuda-san. He took over Ameba Search System from Gaku-san, and now improve quality and system capacity constantly. He is one of 'Ameba Technology Laboratory' staffs who work at Akihabara office and research kind of math algorithm deeply.

His skills and characters are very valuable among our researcher, because he likes not only to study algorithm but innovate it to our web service.

We shouldn't forget the spirit of software engineer, the spirit of Japan. To research and study theory is important. However, to make something valuable to customer is more important than that.

Ok. Please check his article.