チャンの気持ちを一番わかっている男:オーサーのほろ苦い功績(下) | 覚え書きあれこれ



Orser, at age 51, is the most animated of coaches along the boards. He shadow-skates with his charges, jumping up on the leaps, twisting on the  spins, lifting his leg.

Hanyu skated just before Chan and not with typical dazzle. He fell on a quad, fell again on a triple flip, earning marks of 178.64, 280.09 overall. He’d come into the free with a 3.93 bulge on Chan, putting up a  record score in Thursday night’s short competition and breaking the 100-point ceiling, which no one had ever done before.


At the end of the performance, Orser looked grim.


“I knew the door was completely wide open.”


He wasn’t sure whether Chan had watched Hanyu perform, but the Canadian was on the ice as his rival’s scores were delivered.


“Backstage you can hear the ohhhh (when a skater falls). You hear the misses. And (Hanyu) had two of those. But you can’t change your strategy. You still have to go full steam ahead.”

Hustling his own skater away from the kiss ’n’ cry, Orser kept checking the monitors to see how Chan was doing. He was also preoccupied with his  own second skater, Spain’s Javier Fernandez — who also trains with Orser at the Toronto Cricket, Skating and Curling Club, where he’s been skating director since 2005. Fernandez had been sitting third but dropped out of the medals on his problem-plagued long performance. Orser  had turned Fernandez into a world championship bronze skater last year.
キスアンドクライから教え子を裏へと急かしながら、オーサーはチャンの滑りをモニターでチェックし続けた。もう一人の教え子、スペインのハビエル・フェルナ ンデスのことも気になっていた。フェルナンデスもトロント・クリケット・クラブでオーサーと練習している選手の一人だ。昨年の世界選手権では銅メダルを獲れるま でになっていたが、今大会ではフリーでミスを多発したため、メダル圏外になってしまった。

“I’ve been visualizing my two skaters on the podium. At 11:11 every day,  I close my eyes and I visualize that. I’ve been doing that for months. It would have been so great to have two of my kids on the podium. It would have been great for Spain.”


He was startled by Hanyu’s jitteriness before competing. The teen is usually remarkably calm and self-possessed. “It really surprised me that  he would allow nerves to get to him.”

But then Orser recalled his own anxieties, in that position. “There’s a lot of pressure. Everyone has pressure.”

Hanyu’s winning free was choreographed by Canadian David Wilson, his short by Buttle. So there was a lot of Canadian content in that gold.

Orser rejects outright the accusation whispered around that he’s some kind of turncoat, investing his wisdom on skaters from other nations. As  he repeatedly insists: “I’m in the business of producing champions, whatever their nationality.”


Friday night he was teased about maybe producing pairs and ice dance Olympic champions next, since he’s already hit the heights with a male and female.

“I don’t do this for my medal count. I’m not counting medals here. I had  my chances, now I teach figure skating. They come to me, they call, federations call. If they’re willing to buy in to what we’re doing, if they’re willing to put the work in and be patient and allow it to happen, I just see it as a job.”
「別に自分のメダルの数とか、そういうためにやってるんじゃない。メダルの数を数えているんじゃないんだ。自分で獲る機会は昔にあった。今はスケートを教 えてるだけ。選手はぼくの元にやってくる。自ら連絡してくることもあれば、連盟が連絡してくることもある。ぼくらが(クリケットクラブで)やろうとしてい ることに賛同してくれるなら、一生懸命、練習して、短気を起こさず、成果を待ってくれるなら、ぼくは単に仕事だと思って教えてる」

Job well done. Even if he can’t take that gold medal home with him. It’s going to Japan.