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Shoso Hirai: “I feel betrayed by nuclear [technology]”

Shoso Hirai was 16 years old when he saw the mushroom cloud on the city of Hiroshima, and 81 years old when white smoke rose from the Fukushima nuclear plant. He lost his father and his little brother in the explosion of the A-bomb. Her mother died a few years later of thyroid cancer caused by radiation. Today, he is a pacifist advocate.

Today Shoso Hirai believes he has been deceived by the prospects of peaceful nuclear energy. "I feel betrayed. We have always been told that nuclear energy was clean and safe. Until Fukushima, I had nothing against nuclear energy. Today, in light of the risks of radiation, I believe we must give it up. "

There are over 200 000 Hibakushas in Japan today, among them some 2000 suffer from illnesses caused by radioactivity.

Associations of Hibakusha fear that those who have been exposed to radiation in Fukushima may endure the same discriminations as the survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, including in terms of employment as uneducated people feared they could be contaminated by working with them.

Hirai Shoso doesn’t want to be negative: "In Hiroshima, nobody knew anything about radiation. That's why rumors spread. " He expects today's victims of radiation will receive appropriate medical treatment. "Even if they are left with long-term effects, I do not believe they will be discriminated against. I hope that those irradiated in Fukushima can count on the goodwill and kindness of the Japanese people. I hope they find the courage to continue living. "

Shoso Hirai knows what he is talking about: it took him a lot of courage on August 6, 1945, when the nuclear bomb turned Hiroshima into ruins, instantly killing 70,000 people.

On that very morning, he was heading towards the munitions plant where the government had assigned him to work. He was walking some 4 km away from the epicenter when the atomic bomb exploded. "Everything around me became dark. After a few minutes, I looked toward the city. I saw a huge black mushroom-shaped cloud. "

The then-young Shoso only had one thing in mind: find his mother who had stayed at home, in the family house located just 2km from the epicenter. But he was unable to get close to it, as the center of Hiroshima was in fire. After long hours, Shoso’s mother finally appeared, her arms and face wounded by pieces of glass. They spent the night together in a farm.

The next day, Shoso ventured into town with his mother to look for his father. In place of their family home lied their bathtube, standing in fire. He never found anything else than his father’s bike in his office. And never found the remainings of his 13 y.o. little brother either.

After the war, Hirai Shoso became an advocate for nuclear disarmament. He now works as a volunteer guide at the Hiroshima Peace Museum and gives testimonies around the world onboard Peace Boat, a Japanese NGO.

The accident at the plant in Fukushima has changed his views, extending his opposition to nuclear weapons to nuclear energy. "We must rethink the way we consume energy and move away gradually from the atom. In the past, people were more respectful of nature. They used to thank the sun for allowing them to have a good day of work. " But he is aware that changes take time. According to him, many Japanese have a hard time adjusting to their evolving lifestyle in a society obsessed with money.

Meanwhile, Shoso Hirai calls on people to remain humble: "The Fukushima incident should be read as a sign that no human technology can withstand the force of nature."
