うつろいutsuroi〜菊花と焙じ茶の外郎uiro | 和菓子デザイナー 諸星 みどり

和菓子デザイナー 諸星 みどり



菊花が舞う外郎で包んだ焙じ茶餡は ほろ苦く深みのある味わいで、いろいろな飲み物と合いそうです。
I was watching the evening sky that changed from Akane to indigo. Every series of moments continues into the future. They are landscapes that never return.
I made Japanese sweets that express various chrysanthemums blooming in autumn dusk. Uiro studded with chrysanthemums, sweet bean paste flavored with roasted tea, Their bittersweet and tasty flavor goes well with a variety of drinks. 
✳︎Midori Morohoshi✳︎