NEJM abstract/resident COPD | えりっき脳内議事録(えり丸)


Diary and memo written by a pathologist.

Susceptibility to Exacerbation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Background Although we know that exacerbations are key events in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), our understanding of their frequency, determinants, and effects is incomplete. In a large observational cohort, we tested the hypothesis that there is a frequent-exacerbation phenotype of COPD that is independent of disease severity.


Methods We analyzed the frequency and associations of exacerbation in 2138 patients enrolled in the Evaluation of COPD Longitudinally to Identify Predictive Surrogate Endpoints (ECLIPSE) study. Exacerbations were defined as events that led a care provider to prescribe antibiotics or corticosteroids (or both) or that led to hospitalization (severe exacerbations). Exacerbation frequency was observed over a period of 3 years.

方法: ECLIPSE研究(予測代替エンドポイントを同定するためのCOPD長期的評価研究)に登録された2138症例において,増悪の頻度と関連を解析した.増悪は抗生物質か糖質コルチコイドのいずれか(もしくはその両方)を処方するか,入院することと定義した.増悪頻度は3年以上にわたり観察した.

Results Exacerbations became more frequent (and more severe) as the severity of COPD increased; exacerbation rates in the first year of follow-up were 0.85 per person for patients with stage 2 COPD (with stage defined in accordance with Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease [GOLD] stages), 1.34 for patients with stage 3, and 2.00 for patients with stage 4. Overall, 22% of patients with stage 2 disease, 33% with stage 3, and 47% with stage 4 had frequent exacerbations (two or more in the first year of follow-up). The single best predictor of exacerbations, across all GOLD stages, was a history of exacerbations. The frequent-exacerbation phenotype appeared to be relatively stable over a period of 3 years and could be predicted on the basis of the patient's recall of previous treated events. In addition to its association with more severe disease and prior exacerbations, the phenotype was independently associated with a history of gastroesophageal reflux or heartburn, poorer quality of life, and elevated white-cell count.

結果: COPDの重症度が高まると,増悪はより頻回に起こり,より重症になった.追跡期間1年目の1人当たりの増悪発生率は,ステージⅡのCOPD患者で0.85回/人年,ステージⅢのCOPD患者で1.34回/人年,ステージⅣのCOPD患者で2.00回/人年であった(慢性拘束性肺疾患に対するグローバルステージ分類[GOLD分類]で定義した).全体でステージⅡの22%,ステージⅢの33%,ステージⅣの47%の患者が頻回に増悪を起こした(追跡期間1年目に2回以上).GOLDステージ分類の全てにおける増悪の最も良い単一予測因子は,増悪の既往であった.頻回増悪型は,3年以上に渡って比較的安定しているようであり,患者が過去の治療経験を思い出すというバイアス(偏り)により予測されるのかもしれない.頻回増悪型において,疾患重症度と増悪の既往の相関に加えて,胃食道逆流症(GERD)の既往・胸やけ・QOL不良・白血球数増加とも独立して相関がみられた.

 ・ 臨床試験登録前の1年間の増悪治療既往のオッズ比は

 ・ 他の増悪関連因子は,気管支拡張薬投与後のFEV1による肺機能低下

Conclusions Although exacerbations become more frequent and more severe as COPD progresses, the rate at which they occur appears to reflect an independent susceptibility phenotype. This has implications for the targeting of exacerbation-prevention strategies across the spectrum of disease severity. (Funded by GlaxoSmithKline; number, NCT00292552.)

結論: COPDの進行とともに,増悪はより頻回に,より重症になったが,増悪頻度は独立した感受性表現型を反映しているようであった.このことは,疾患重症度の幅を越えて増悪予防法を特定の患者に絞ることを意味している.

COPD Exacerbations COPD増悪

The natural history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is punctuated by exacerbations -- acute increases in the severity of symptoms.


What is the effect of COPD exacerbations on patients?

Exacerbations appear to accelerate the decline in lung function that characterizes COPD, resulting in reduced physical activity, poorer quality of life, and an increased risk of death. Exacerbations are also responsible for a large proportion of the health care costs attributable to this prevalent condition.


How is COPD severity associated with exacerbation frequency and severity?

As the severity increased, exacerbations were both more frequent and more severe. The severity of disease also affected hospitalization in year 1, with the proportion of patients who were hospitalized increasing with the severity of disease: moderate disease, 7%; severe disease, 18%; and very severe disease, 33%.


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